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Old 06-06-2013, 04:55 AM   #131 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

DP Editor-in-chief
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Text Cut: questions, answers, and correct answers
Originally Posted by Syd View Post
...They were learning a spell that would tell them if a person died somewhere? Jake made a face. Was that like... school appropriate?

Whether it was or not, Jake knew the answer to the next question so he raised his hand. "It's a spell that tells you if there's a human around. Like in a building or something. I'd assume it only works on humans... so if there was something else around that you should know about... it probably wouldn't work? Or would it? I haven't researched it, really..."

Okay. He was done talking.
"It wouldn't. You'd haff to change vhe incantation to be specific to vhat you vere looking for. For example, you could use 'canem revelio' if you vere searching for a dog." For whatever reason.

Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
Well, would you look at that. Their discussion was moving moving to the darker side now. Beezus' insides practically knotted when the man said he will be teaching them spell that would determine if a person died in a particular area or not. This was making her, and she's sure that she wasn't alone, very uncomfortable. But supposedly this all had to fall in and provide them with a productive lesson, yeah? So she can't really complain.

Homenum Revelio. The Prefect raised her hand and offered an answer, "Homenum Revelio, or the Human-Presence-Revealing Spell from the name itself reveals human presence within a surrounding area." Gulp. "As is, it detects a person even when he is wearing an invisibility cloak."


As she talked, Beezus strained her eyes on the board....particularly on the list of those deaths with unknown locations....and then her eyebrows forked. "Oh, and....excuse me sir..." Corrections? Was he still accepting them? She had one right now. "I don't think the Fat Friar died here at Hogwarts....he was executed by churchmen and he returned to the school as a ghost afterwards." Er, yeah.
Corrections? Yes, Erik was still accepting those. "Excellent!" he replied enthusiastically (for him) to the Ravenclaw prefect. "I vas hoping someone vould notice that." Finally. He edited his list by taking the Friar's name off entirely.

Now, if only someone would wise up about Brown...

Text Cut: Corrected Deaths List
Known Locations of Deaths at Hogwarts
Astronomy Tower (Dumbledore)
Staff Room (Binns)
Great Hall (Voldemort, Lestrange)
First Floor Girls' Bathroom (Myrtle)
Underground Chambers (Quirrell)
Hogwarts Library (Avis)
Room of Requirement (Crabbe) / nearby (Weasley)
Hogwarts Grounds (Crouch)
Forbidden Forest (Potter)
Courtyard (Lupin)
Greenhouses (Burbage, Christiansen)

Known Deaths, Unknown Locations
Nymphadora Tonks
Abby Wright
Lavender Brown
Colin Creevey
Unidentified Fallen Fifty

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Lookit! More lists!

She couldn't tell if this would be helpful or detrimental to her learning just yet, all she knew was that they were there on the board and she needed to scribble them down so she did, both list of course--

You could use spells to find all that stuff out? Then why the heck was she still listening to what people said?? Merlin knew she didn't care about half their opinions in the first place and now she knew she didn't have to take their word for it because her wand could take care of that! NEAT!

Homenum revelio.

That sounded oddly familiar...OOHHHH!!!! That was that spell! The one he'd shown her when she ran into him!! "It lets you know if there's another human around if they're concealed." But that's what everyone was saying so she probably didn't need to repeat it but did anyway. "You can use it in cases where you're being spied on, like if you're trying to get something done but you can't shake the feeling you're being watch. In that way it'd be useful but seems more useful when you're just trying to find someone. If you do use the spell after getting the feeling that you're being watched then you no longer get to use the excuse that you never knew they were there and didn't mean to blow them up."

Just a thought.
....she was definitely referencing what Erik thought she was referencing. Hah. He found himself smirking just a little bit.

"Yes, vhat is a correct. Very good example, Alexa." Heh heh heh. He looked for other correct answers as well.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
He had her at investigating crimes. Did he know this? Did Ella look extra excited right now? Because honestly, she totally was. This was sort of cool. Y'know, besides the whole death aspect of things.


Another question?

"Homenum revelio tells whether or not there are other humans in an area. You could use this spell during hide and seek, though that would totally be cheating." Just saying.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Who knew one could compile history through all those means? Jory scribbled down the list. Homenum Revelio? He had remember reading a bit about that a few weeks back. The Puffer raised his hand. "It lets someone know if there is also any other human or humans around. Even if they are hidden by an Invisibility Cloak.''
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Um. That was AWESOME.

West was IMMEDIATELY interested about this spell. And sort of morbidly curious about things like... what if someone had died on every spot ever? And did it matter about how long ago the death was or the method of the death?

He put his hand up for the Homenum Revelio question though. "Homenum Revelio marks the presence of a human body, even if the eye can't see it. It feels real interesting when it happens to you too, like," West sort of swooped his free hand, "It swoops on you. So I guess you have to take that into account if you don't want the hidden person to KNOW that you know that they're there." Because you did. If you got swooped on.
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
When Kace heard this question, he heard Ella's answer. He chuckled at it. He would totally use this spell in hide and seek when he plays with Belle next time when he can use magic legally.

Then Kace raised his hand, "Professor i heard it can detect humans and humans possibly under invisibility cloaks and you can use it to detect humans if you are alone in a house and you want to know if anyone else is there." he actually was surprised that he knew the answer.

After he said his info, he copied down the notes with all the notes on the board. They seemed to be useful to know later on.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Well this sounded like an obvious question and maybe it was pretty obvious if you knew a little latin. It seemed like the spell revealed if and living humans where in the area. Yeah. That sounds good enough.

"Homenum Revelio reveals if any living humans are in the area and you can use it if you have lost anybody, during rescues, or after battles and want to see if anybody is left alive."

Nigel did want to try this dead spell though. It seemed pretty awesome and he wondered if anyone dead was near by.
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Awesome. She had gotten one that everyone had missed. Score one for Carter-Hope. Score two, actually, because not had gotten the artifacts either. Moment to feel proud, please.

And.... moment over. Now they were moving on to learning a spell. And, huh? She hadn't known a spell like existed. She wondered if her aunt had ever used it. Probably not, since she imagined that was left up to the Aurors. Like that Emily girl she'd about that one time. Anyway, time to answer the question. "Homenum revelio reveals anyone using any kind of concealment.....even an invisibility cloak." Pretty straight forward stuff, really.

"Yes, you are all correct. Vhe spell shows the caster, only vhe caster, vhere vhe humans are located in vhe room by lighting up vheir outlines and general locations in red. You can hide vhe effects of vhe spell by casting a concealment charm of some variation before you cast vhe revelio, but vhat von't be necessary today." Especially considering they were using the sister spell.

"Like homenum revelio, spiritum revelio only reveals to vhe caster the location of vhere someone died. Vhe incantation itself comes from vhe Latin vord for spirit, as though it is showing you vhere vhe spirit separated from vhe body." If they believed in that sort of thing. "Vhe incantation is a simple 'Spiritum Revelio' as you draw a counter-clockwise circle in vhe air and vhen point your wand through vhe circle. If it vorks, you vill see an outline of a body - vhe body of vhe dead - in green."

He demonstrated the wandwork for them. "Now you try." Nothing should happen for them, though, as no one had died in this room. Yet. He'd already checked.
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