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Old 06-05-2013, 02:23 PM   #98 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

DP Editor-in-chief
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Well that list was interesting, but West eyed one particular part of it.

West stuck his hand up, since he knew about that particular one... "Forrester didn't die at Hogwarts, he died at The Leaky Cauldron. But he was a professor at the time." Which was why West had seen to it that his name was added to the fountain in the tower patch. It felt right to do so.
Aha, here was a correction he'd been expecting. "Very good," Erik acknowledged the boy with a nod, flicking his wand at the board so Forrester was removed from the list. He didn't even know how the child knew where Forrester had died, but...maybe he was a voracious reader.

Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
No corrections? Yeah....West Odessa had one. She didn't. So......

As for where Quirinus Quirrell died, the brunette's eyebrows forked together as she thought hard. She read all about this in Hogwarts, A History, it was the recalling that required effort. Meeerlin. She silently drummed her fingers on her desk for a few moments. Quirrell....Quirrell.....he died..... Oh! There! ...She raised her hand and answered, "I believe Professor Quirinus Quirrell died in.....a chamber deep inside a trapdoor in one classroom located at the Third Floor which used to be a forbidden area." It was also the chamber where the Mirror of Erised was apparently kept secure and it protected the Sorcerer's Stone while it was at the school. See? Reading always helps.

Any other locations she knew? Let's see.....Beezus raised her hand again. "Remus Lupin....didn't he die at the Courtyard? He was killed by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov." His story was a real tragic one. So sad..
"Correct," he acknowledged the Ravenclaw prefect next. "On both accounts. Quirrell died in vhe chambers beneath Hogwarts and Lupin died outside Hogwarts in vhe courtyard. Excellent."

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva sat and listened to all the names. Wow so many people were killed at this school. It kind of freaked her out a bit knowing this. She even felt a little on edge thinking about it. As he made the list of people, Minerva knew there was more, but she just couldn't put her mind to think of the names.

Putting up her hand she couldn't think of the exact name of the place Quirrel died, but she could at least try "[Professor, I can't think of the name of the place he died in, but it was a secret hide away for a stone that Hogwarts was hiding at the time." for some reason her memory was not helping her think of how he died either.
"That's right," Erik encouraged the Hufflepuffs, "as your classmate said, it vas in an underground chamber vhere they were hiding vhe Philosopher's Stone at vhe time." Crazy Hogwartians.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Wow! That was quite a list of deaths at Hogwarts! Jory had not realised that there were so many people. Who knew how many others they might have missed. Professor Quirrell? Jory wasn't sure but he raised his hand, anyway. "Professor Quirrell died in a chamber possibly somewhere under the school where Mr Flamel's Stone was hidden.'' Also the Mirror of Erised.
"Yes, correct." Erik wondered what was with the Hufflepuffs and Quirrell.

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post

Why was the topic 'death'? Like, she's had enough of it already. Almost as much as Milton, who would've made the list, you know. But the black hole thing, Airey telling them that they were all dying, the thestral at Ancient Runes, boggarts going on at DADA. And now THIS, Vinteren.

Granted, there had to be more 'death' connections, but Lottie could think of none.

Her eyes narrowed at the man. We're definitely suspicious of you, Mister. Was he the dark wizard in disguise that would make her win a 5-galleon bet? Who was he planning on killing, though?

Deaths at Hogwarts. Many Hufflepuffs, you know? Cedric Diggory didn't die AT Hogwarts, so he didn't count. Yay for Hufflepuff.

Hey, way a minute, Christiansen died? When did this happen? Didn't he have an accent like Mr. Vinteren here? See, suspicious. Hand raised. "I think there was a man-eating plant loose on the grounds. And they say the Herbology Professor at the time went missing." The portraits say so. She wasn't making this up. And they had Milton to prove it, anyway. "But I don't know if anyone died back then." Just interesting information, yes, Vinteren? Does anyone know where the Herbology Professor went? Because she'd like to know.
...he wasn't sure if Wisteria was joking or not. "Are you talking about vhe deaths of vhe Astronomy and Ancient Runes professors two years ago?" he asked, rather point-blank. "Because vhat did happen." At least one very important person had died back then. He shouldn't be forgotten like that.

Originally Posted by Mell View Post
Seeing what the Professor had written on the board, Michael couldn't help but frown.

Unknown location?

But he had just said...

Oh did Professor man do that on purpose so that Michael could raise his hand and correct him? Okay he could do that. He raised his hand in the air. "Uh yes Sir, I have a correction." Maybe with all the students saying their answers that the man hadn't heard what Mikey had said before. "Set Avis died in the library." This time he emphasised it just so the Professor wouldn't miss it again.
Oh, a correction. "Vhank you," Erik murmured, turning around again to fix his list on the board.

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
What a lovely topic of discussion.

The only person he could think of was his grandma, who died about 5 years ago. Which was sad at the time because it made his grandad sad. But he came to stay with Theo and his family a lot so he was pretty much okay now. He didn't raise his hand, though.

At Hogwarts?

He knew of those two professors but other students had already mentioned those. It was a little creepy actually, to start naming loads of deaths from THEIR school. Why was it so dangerous here? Obviously, the battle of Hogwarts took lots of lives. Theo had read all about that since it was kinda interesting. "There was a Slytherin..." Because it was cool to read about historic Slytherins. But what was his naaaaaame? "Crabbe." His first name had completely vanished from his mind. "I can't remember WHERE he died, but it was caused by Fiendfyre." True story.

Errrr who was Professor Quirrell?
"Vincent Crabbe died in vhe Room of Requirement, as a result of vhe Fiendfyre he set himself in an attempt to stop Harry Potter from destroying Lord Voldemort's horcrux." Erik replied to the boy in one long, matter-of-fact sentence. He knew his history. And he added that to the board.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel was not sure how the Quirrell was. But hopefully somebody else did and would answer the question. But he did did have some additions to his list.

"There is the unidentified fallen fifty at the Battle of Hogwarts"

It did seem that a lot of people died here at Hogwarts.
"Vhat is also true," Erik added the fifty to the list. "A lot of people haff died at your school, it seems."

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Whoa...that was a nifty list.

She kinda wanted to know how some of the rest of 'em died but knew that would require reading and consequently knew that that wasn't happening. Eh, maybe she'd get someone to tell her about them later. These people all seemed to have the right answer.

Lex looked over the list, they all seemed right, mostly because she'd never heard of a number of them but she figured she'd stick her hand up because two of those that she did know about technically weren't right. Technically. "Neither the location for Professor Burbage or Mr. Runes Guy are correct. Runes guy was yanked from the classroom--heard him screaming and everything so he was still alive there and probably alive while he was pulled down several flights of stairs. Same for Professor Burbage. She left the room kicking and screaming but still very much alive so she couldn't have died in the Astronomy Tower. Not sure if she made it down all the flights of stairs though, that could be taxing for someone at her age. With both cases they were most likely digested by the plant and we found the plant in the Greenhouse so for all we know they probably died there. I'm almost sure they weren't eaten or killed before then though because a Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain was also taken but we got there in time so he lived." YOU ARE VERY WELCOME MILTON!

But yeah, point was, neither died at the location they were attacked at.
And then there was Alexa Cambridge. Erik winced at the way she described Tristan as 'Runes guy' - it was so disrespectful. So painful to hear how he was being described as 'screaming' down 'several flights of stairs.' Erik took a breath and reminded himself that she had no idea. She didn't know who Tristan Christiansen really was. She had been...what, a first year at the time?

Patience, Vinteren, patience.

"You haff a point there, Miss Cambridge," he said instead, quietly adjusting his notes on the board to fit along with her theory. "Better?"

Known Locations of Deaths at Hogwarts
Astronomy Tower (Dumbledore)
Staff Room (Binns)
Great Hall (Voldemort, Lestrange)
First Floor Girls' Bathroom (Myrtle)
Underground Chambers (Quirrell)
Hogwarts Library (Avis)
Room of Requirement (Crabbe) / nearby (Weasley)
Hogwarts Grounds (Crouch)
Courtyard (Lupin)
Greenhouses (Burbage, Christiansen)

Known Deaths, Unknown Locations
Nymphadora Tonks
Abby Wright
Fat Friar
Lavender Brown
Colin Creevey
Unidentified Fallen Fifty
And on the topic of his notes...Erik glanced to the board and made another correction. "Fred Weasley actually died outside the Room of Requirement, as he vas killed in an explosion vhile fighting alongside his brother." He adjusted that note and looked at the class.

"I realise vhis is a difficult topic for many of you, but I assure you I haff a point in reviewing vhis vith you." He paused. "It has been more vhan 80 years since vhe Battle of Hogwarts, yet we still know and recognise as fact the locations of all vhese peoples' deaths." He gestured toward the board. "How is vhat possible? How do we know for certain, for example, vhat Remus Lupin vas killed in vhe Courtyard? And even though she didn't die in vhe battle of Hogwarts," he gestured toward Burbage's name, "how do ve know how and vhere she died?"

He was looking for a few different answers here...
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