DP Editor-in-chief Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2012 Location: London
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Erik Odin Vinteren Graduated | Vinteren, Erik Vinteren Text Cut: answers Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory scribbled some notes as Professor Vinteren spoke then raised his hand. "Albus Dumbledore, Sir,'' he said. "He died at the hands of Severus Snape 30 June 1997 on the Astronomy Tower.'' Dumbledore was certainly a historical figure. Headmaster of Hogwarts, defeated Grindelwald, discovered the twelve uses of dragon blood. And those were just a few of the things he had done. Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Daichi grinned when the professor agreed with him that experiencing something was far better than reading about it in a boring book. This was exactly why he didn't like this year. You know, seventh year, studying, books, bleh.
At the subject of death, his grin faded and he sighed. He was afraid that the Professor was going to ask about personal things, like who has seen someone die and to be honest, Daichi did not want to answer those questions to anyone. But , this was luckily not the case and he relaxed in his seat a bit more before raising his hand.
"Cuthbert Binns was a Professor at Hogwarts who is said to have died in the staff room and his ghost just got up the next morning to start classes. I guess it was old age..." he lowered his hand before throwing it back up in the air. "Oh! Wasn't he a History of Magic Professor?" he added.
There were alot more *cooler* answers than that ghost professor because, battle of hogwarts anyone? So why he said that answer, he didn't know... Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was pretty sure he wanted a longer answer. But Nigel was not in the mood and it was a correct answer. But this question was pretty easy. Nigel raised his hand and answered. "Lord Voldemort died from his spell rebounding off Harry Potter and hitting him instead at the Battle of Hogwarts. I think it was in the Great Hall. But i am not sure"
Nigel read that in a very interesting textbook his uncle bought him. It was a little darker than most normal books. But that was what made it awesome. Quote:
Originally Posted by THE Govoni The Professor wanted them to behave like historians...Hmph. How very interesting. Not very challenging, though...as he was simply asking about people who had died at the school...
...And he got that stuff from before. Kinda like with Ancient Runes, yea? One had to master Runes from historical study...because the runes themselves were so old and dated. Sure, they learned about them...but not on a mastery level.
The Slytherin made a mental note to speak with Professor Botros about it.
As for an answer to the present question..."Bellatrix LeStrange, Professor...I think that was the right pronounciation. She was the Dark Lord's right hand..." That's what he'd read, anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Ascanius wasn't one for answering questions... in class... ever... well, if a guy was teaching, but this was a special case. They got to talk about death and stuff. Interesting parts. You know, not the whole this plant was discovered in this day and age. No stuff of importance. Of course, he had to admit his knowledge on magical history was pathetic. 'Cause magic was yeah....
Although he DID remember that one person that his girlfriend mentioned. It wasn't exactly history, but it was someone who HAD died at Hogwarts. And that was TECHNICALLY what Ascanius was going to say. It just wasn't a famous person or anything. Famous enough that Pen told him all about it though.
He rose his hand lazily, 'cause he wasn't going to put EFFORT into this, and said, "Professor, didn't a Professor here die not too long ago. Um, the Astronomy one. Uh, Marion Burbage. And she bit the dust via plant, right?" Ascanius hadn't been there then, but some of the people in here would remember that, no? Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Penelope kept silent on the how to study history question since the others covered that pretty well and then some, even adding things that Scabior had done. She'd mentioned the train lesson in her first answer anyway, and she didn't feel like repeating herself or the others. So her hand stayed down then.
But then they were moving on to who had died... Okay... Yeah, she knew people who had died. But who at Hogwarts? A couple came to mind instantly. Were they historically important though if it had only happened a couple years ago? Eh, she was gonna answer anyway. Up went her hand. "A couple terms ago a few professors died from this possessed plant. The Ancient Runes and Astronomy professors. The plant ate them..." And that was all she was gonna say about that, so her hand went back down. Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty How does one learn history of magic? How haff…wait, she was thinking it in his accent. No! This was going to be confusing. She listened to some of the people answer his question. Groan. Some of those answers really didn’t help cause, obviously he was trying to ask about that one specific lesson. With the adorable kiddie teaching; which was rather a fun lesson. Raising her hand Mika finally spoke, “Well, generally we are assigned readings and…asked our opinions on things, discussions and the like really” she paused a moment.
“As Sophie said we have had some recent practical lessons that were really quite fun.” She smiled. “In the future though I would love to go on fieldtrips or to have…a, well…ghost – not a creepy ghost but say the Bloody Barron come in and teach use about the founding of Hogwarts and even about students of the past like everyone connected to the ‘Dumbledores Army thing” she nodded. Because that would be awesome. She blinked at the next question. "Well - um, Myrtle Professor, Moaning Myrtle she's a ghost here and died by seeing a basalic that was later killed by Harry Potter...um...and well, Tom Riddle? Or as most people call him Voldemort died here." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Deaths at Hogwarts. Well this was a cheery subject, huh? Ella frowned slightly and wracked her brain, trying not to repeat any of the previous answers. "Nymphadora Tonks, Sir. She died during the battle of Hogwarts while dueling." Sad really. From what Ella had read about the woman, she seemed like a really interesting person. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Mo was glad the professor clarified, because it went entirely against his nature to speak about people when they weren't around. He'd enjoyed the last professor, even if he wasn't sure he'd learned much in the way of history. The classes were ENGAGING, and that was something.
But death. Oh, why? Mo gave a cautious look in West's direction to make sure his mate person-thing was okay. Did Mo know anyone who had died? Not really, which made him a rarity in this class apparently.
But stories about people who had died at Hogwarts were practically ghost stories, and he knew about those. Long dead, though, 'cause his mother was overprotective sometimes. He raised his hand, perhaps a bit eagerly. "Barty Crouch, Sr was a Ministry official who was murdered by his son on the grounds of Hogwarts, sir. I heard that his son turned his body into a bone and buried it in the garden, and I ALSO heard that they never found it because they sucked out his son's soul before he could tell where it was buried." Mo paused. "Oh, yeah. That was in May of 1995 during the Triwizard Tournament." Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz West saw the look from Mo and sort of... partially acknowledged it, serious eyes now, unlike earlier in the lesson. West's hand was not up at the question about who knew someone who had died... because... well... he did but did he really KNOW her? He remembered how she smelled... and that there was this lullaby... and...
... it didn't matter.
He tackled the question part instead, raising his hand and recalling what he'd read in Hogwarts, A History. "Abby Wright was a Hufflepuff Student murdered at Hogwarts a little over ten years ago. Hogwarts, A History doesn't say who or how she died, only that she was one of three Hufflepuffs that was murdered that year." It was an interesting term to read about considering their Headmistress was a professor back then and there was something in there about her now-husband getting tossed out a window. Weird. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ivana R Frowned upon? How so? What a pity! At least the professor had given her a thin smile in response to her hopeful grin. She would take it as a small sample that he couldn't be that stone-person-without-feelings she had supposed him to be.
He asked about dead people... she knows lot of people who had died. At Hogwarts? She didn't know much about Hogwarts's History.... But, yeah! A idea popped in her mind and quickly she raised her hand and waved: "Professor! The Fat Friar! The ghost of my house! It seemed that he was one of the firsts students of Hogwarts! Oh!" She covered her mouth with her hands: "I don't know when he died and I'm not sure if he died at Hogwarts, but... He knows everything about Hogwarts or much more about History of Magic, I guess" , she had a gleam in her eyes as she said it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Team ronmione Oh what a wonderful subject. Death. When the Professor asked if the students knew of someone who had died Tag slowly raised his hands and tried to discreetly look around the classroom.
Afterwards the professor wanted to know of anyone who had died of Hogwarts. "What about Fred Weasley? He died during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, by some sort of explosion." An that was as much as Tag knew about Fred Weasley. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nimmiii Skipping the part about knowing people who had died, on a personal level he assumed, Ryan raised his hand. "Remus Lupin. I believe he died during the Battle of Hogwarts, right next to Nymphadora Tonks." He looked over at Ella and gave a small smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora A sombre subject. Beezus sighed. Deaths, they were going to talk about deaths. Such an uncomfortable topic but she stayed listening as the discussion went on.
But she knew she won't be able to get through this topic without wibbling. See there. They brought up the deaths of the two Professors. "Professor Christiansen......and Professor Burbage...." She muttered silently to herself. They were good mentors, those two. Even if one was a complete puzzle to all of them and the other was a complete nutter. Still, they were good and it was most unfortunate that they died under the worst of circumstances.
More sighing.
Anyway, she had an answer...at least one that she haven't heard her peers had mentioned so Beezus raised her hand. "Professor, there's also the death of Myrtle, commonly known to everyone as Moaning Myrtle. She was a Ravenclaw student." ...Ah. A fellow eagle. "She was killed by Founder Salazar Slytherin's basilisk under Lord Voldemort's orders on June 13, 1943. But she still haunts the Girl's Bathroom at the First Floor." And she also heard that the ghost had been flirting with her boyfriend. Pssh. But....Myrtle was of historical significance, wasn't she? She had witnessed A LOT of events at Hogswarts since she died, even helped in the quest to defeat Isfret. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell Michael finished writing down some notes about how they learn past history and he had just finished up when the Professor asked his next question. He paused for a moment and listened to the other students, of course he knew about the famous battle of Hogwarts and those that died there, but that was an obvious answer.
He raised his hand in the air. "I remember my mum telling me about this student from her house that died in the library and no one could figure out how he died." Pause. "I think his name was Set Avis and it was either the year 2067 or 2068, I can't remember the exact date. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo This was the part of the class where she typically went quiet. Recollection wasn't her thing, she had a selective memory and it never took quite well to things of the historical kind. Not her fault, nothing she could do about it either. Sure she knew some but everyone she knew was being said and she didn't think the Professor would appreciate repetition--
Oh wait!
Wasn't there that one guy...um...slowly her hand rose while she tried getting it together in her head. Her grandparents had told her about him, poor chap, pity what happened to him. Now if only she could remember his name. "Um...there was that Professor, that DADA Professor who was possessed by the Dark Lord. He died after Lord Voldemort's soul left his body."
Real shame, if only they could have gotten him another body first, guy probably might have lived. "....Professor...Quir...rell I think. Yeah, that was it. Professor Quirrell." Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva smiled as the professor gave her more praise, wow she really did like this professor. Now for his next question, Minerva listened and thought of many different names that she had read about. Trying to think of one that might stand out that others weren't saying.
Her first thoughts went to fourth term with that dreaded plant *wibbles* and the professors that they lost over it. Oh and don't forget poor Millie the wombat, no Minerva would never forget watching that happen, but someone said about those professors.
Next her thoughts went to the people she read about, back at that war that was here. Many of the names were already being said. She thought about the name Snape, but then he didn't die in Hogwarts so she threw that out, finally she put her hand up, "Professor, there was one name that stuck out in the list of student names that died in that battle, her name was Lavender Brown." Min didn't know why that name stuck out to her.. Which made her second guess herself that maybe just maybe she got the name wrong. Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay So they were going to discuss death? Or more specifically people who died at Hogwarts? That was a bit of a morbid topic, was it not? Ethan eyed the new professor a bit curiously as he listened to his classmates rattle off the more familiar names from his history books.
Not wanting to repeat an answer the boy tried to think a bit deeper until he remembered something he had heard just last summer. Raising his hand, he said, "Mr. Vinteren, my aunt told me that when she was a student here a few years ago, one of her favorite professors was murdered. Forrester, I believe his name was.. and he was, I think, professor of Astronomy." Huh. Weird how two Astronomy teachers had been killed within a decade or so. Though now that he thought about it, Ethan wasn't completely sure if Forrester was actually killed at Hogwarts. That detail he didn't quite remember. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Lexi was pleased with the nod that accent man gave her. It made her feel successful.
Now she had to figure out a good answer for someone who had died at Hogwarts. There were a lot of famous people who had died, but she wanted someone that hadn't already been said. Then she remembered her granny talking about a boy who had died. What were the names? Crelly? Cranie? Creevey? That was it, Colin Creevey. Raising her hand she spoke. "My granny told me about a boy named Colin Creevey who died. He apparently idolized Harry Potter and when he was told to leave with the other underage wizards he snuck back in to fight with Dumbledore's Army and then died. It was in the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2, 1998."
As the students started volunteering answers, Erik pointed his wand at the board so it flipped over to the other clean side. A list began forming there as more and more deaths were....unfortunately...recalled by the students. Hogwarts was looking like quite the popular place to die, no? Known Locations of Deaths at Hogwarts
Astronomy Tower (Dumbledore, Burbage)
Staff Room (Binns)
Great Hall (Voldemort, Lestrange)
First Floor Girls' Bathroom (Myrtle)
Ancient Runes Classroom (Christiansen)
Hogwarts Grounds (Crouch) Known Deaths, Unknown Locations
Nymphadora Tonks
Abby Wright
Fat Friar
Fred Weasley
Remus Lupin
Set Avis
Quirinus Quirrell
Lavender Brown
Edward Forrester
Colin Creevey
When it seemed the answers had stopped coming in so much, Erik cleared his throat. "Does anyvone have any corrections or additions to make to vhese lists? For example, does anyvone recall vhere Professor Quirrell died?"
Believe it or not, Erik actually knew the locations of several of these peoples' deaths. He liked reading about this topic.