DP Editor-in-chief Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2012 Location: London
Posts: 1,580
Hogwarts RPG Name: Erik Odin Vinteren Graduated | Vinteren, Erik Vinteren Text Cut: answers and responses Quote:
Originally Posted by THE Govoni After hearing the Professor's responses to answers given, Dylan gave a genuine look of curiosity. Why...was he asking about a former Professor's teaching style? Was it to better understand how they'd been taught as a group...so they could move forward in a productive way? Or was there other meanings...?
Suspicious Slytherin was forever suspicious.
Either way, Dylan had a response. "I remember last term when Ministry people came in to give lectures." Dylan had been so utterly bored out of his mind that he'd fell asleep in the lesson...which was something he NEVER did. Could they be honest? "I wasn't a fan." Erik hadn't been expecting such...personal answers to his question. He had really been looking for a vague generality about how History of Magic is studied, but now that he was getting an entirely different set of responses...he supposed he had to reply. "Thank you for sharing vhat," he replied dryly to the Slytherin Captain/"inferi slayer." Mhm. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty "Not to mention the time he took us down into the Chamber of Secrets. Plus, he didn't really appreciate long, drawn out answers. But he did crack down on straight-from-the-textbook stuff so that's something, I guess." Sky added to Dylan's response, with raised brow to his name tag. WAS HE TRYING TO TAKE HER AUNT'S CROWN?! Unacceptable! Ahem. Anyway, back to the lesson. "To be completely honest, he was kind a wild card. Never quite knew what to expect. And he was really sarcastic." Well, Vinteren had asked, right? Maybe not for quite that much information, but she was just in that kind of mood. So...more discussion about Scabior. Ah okay. "Good to know, I guess," he mused. Quote:
Originally Posted by THE Govoni Dylan was giving his newest quidditch player cray eyes. He had not said anything bad about Professor Scabior. What was she doing?
SQUINT. "Professor Scabior was simply a realist, sir." As the Slytherin said this, Carter-Hope was getting more looks. Scabior had been his role model...Bad-mouthing the man would not go over well. And the Captain was adding on. Lovely, Erik had always wanted two children to argue in the public forum of his classroom one day. Not. "Thank you, Mister Montmorency, vhat vill do." Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory raised his hand. "Professor Scabior thought the subject in a more practical aspect,'' he said.Like that one time when they had that activity about ghosts or ghouls or whatever it was about. He couldn't exactly remember but it had been fun with the riddles and all. Professor Scabor was okay and certainly knew his stuff but he wasn't one of Jory's best Professors. "Practical application of knowledge is very important, I can see vhy he vould do vhat," he replied politely to the Hufflepuff. That wasn't really what he was looking for as a response, though. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and smiled, duh this was an easy question. "You simple just talk about stuff from the past, because that is the History of it and the magic part is that all the people are wizard and wizard even if they were born of magic." Next question please, she hoped that the Professor would make it a little bit harder. This had been more along the lines of the general how-to Erik was looking for. "Not all people are wizards, Miss Hyde," Erik corrected. "But yes, discussion is a crucial part ov a history lesson." Or it should be, anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah had been listening, yet still very much on the alert when the lesson started. The reading told her to trust her intuition and all. This guy had something fishy about him and Sarah could not put her finger on it.
Sarah raised her hand cautiously, "one can learn in many different ways, as each student is different. i prefer teh interactive classes though. Once we took a field trip to Atlantis, it was really cool. A real hands on experience" Sarah's voice had been stitled and she was speaking in fragments yet she was still feeling pretty nervous. She was too nervous to draw anymore attention to herself so she decided to leave teh matter of the Hogwarts express silent. Was this Gryffindor feeling all right? Erik side-eyed her and then gave her a nod. "Yes, I also prefer hands-on learning. Thank you." She seemed strangely nervous around him, so he made certain to stay up by his desk and not come any closer to the girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF When class began, Daichi's eyes went to the front of the class to see the new Professor whom he had seen around the castle since last year...or was it the year before that? Mweh, he couldn't remember. He quickly scribbled his name on the name-tag.
The first question and the Slytherin looked around when students gave their answers. His eyes landed on Sonea and he hoped that she would catch him silently gesturing to her that she should pay attention instead of looking around the classroom. "Well, our previous Professor usually let us re-life some of the events that had happened in the past. Like some had already answered we saw Atlantis, the chamber of secrets and the bottom of the Great Lake with our own eyes. But i guess you can also learn it by reading about it, but thats boring" He was more of a practical guy than a theory one. His blue eyes twinkled at the honesty coming from the male Slytherin prefect. Heh, yes reading could be boring. "Vhy read vhen you could explore something firsthand? I happen to agree." Although Erik did also enjoy reading on his own. Not for classes. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Theo suppressed a yawn when the new professor introduced himself and stuff. He kinda missed Scabior in a really weird way. He pulled out a piece of parchment and a pen to write with, and scribbled his name rather untidily over it.
Now, hmmm... both good questions.
Theo didn't have the answer so he hoped that the new professor would enlighten them.
Why DID they study history of magic? What was the point?
Okay, okay, he took a guess on the next question, only because it was apparently going nowhere. Was this some sort of dig at professor Scabior? Theo raised an eyebrow at the other students who were mentioning stuff. "We learned through practical things... this lesson always used to be kinda fun." He said with a nod. Yeah, his and Ella's rocket that they made WAS super fun. Fun. Was school supposed to be fun? Was listening to a little boy child rave about comic books fun for this Slytherin? Erik raised an eyebrow back at the boy and gave him a nod anyway. "Okay...vhat is noted...thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 So the professor wanted to know about how they study HOM. Kace had no idea. He listened to the other student's answers and they seemed pretty legit. But then had one answer he couldn't pass up.
"Professor i know we learn History of Magic by taking diligent notes." Heh, leave it to the little kid, the first year, to remember to mention notetaking. "And vhat is a useful skill to have, Mr. Lecium, not just for learning in class but for reviewing after class as vell. Good answer." He was glad at least a few of the students were thinking broadly about his question... Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva sat and listened to everyone's answers and then gave a small smile when professor Vinteren acknowledge her answer. That was something she never really got in this class before. Sitting up a bit straighter she waited for his next questions. She was really liking him already.
When he asked how they learned, Minerva's mind went into the memories of this class, the maze, the chamber, the apple throwing activity from her first term, but what in those lessons could she really say. "Professor Scaibors taught in many different ways about many different topics. Many of his lessons were lecture based, but we did learn a few spells such as ones that helped fix the Hogwart express to learn about the times it had broke down and the reasons why it did. We also had a joint lesson with Care of Magical creatures to learn the history of the lake." taking a quick breath she continued, "I feel like some of these ways were valuable, but to learn the history of magic we need to know about the history not just certain topics at certain times. Maybe more of one lesson discuss one step and then the next go on to the next step, not jump from the chamber, the express with no real relationship as to why." That was something she always felt was odd about the lessons.
Sitting back she listened to the others and couldn't help but chuckle to herself at the slytherins answer. Good to know she wasn't the only one that had certain thoughts about Scabiors. Here was another good Hufflepuff answer. "Vhat a thoughtful response," Erik gave Miss Wheatborn some well-earned praise. "Thank you, I vill take this under consideration." Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was wondering why he was asking such vague questions. But he is think about how you study and the only thing he could think of is reading textbooks and visiting historical sites. Nigel raised his hand and gave the obvious answer. "By Reading Textbooks"
The only other way was to travel through time and witness the events. But there are so many things that can go wrong with that. Surprisingly, it was the Ravenclaws who were giving the most point-blank boring answers. "Yes, you can learn many vhings by reading," he replied dully to the unoriginal Barrington boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Snicker.
She probably shouldn't have found it funny but that last question nearly had her in a giggling fit. How does one learn History of Magic? How haff you learned vhis subject in vhe past? Hahahahahahahaha!!!
Control Lex. She managed to keep her amusement to a snicker here and there. It was funny how he assumed she'd actually been learning in this class. Absolutely hilarious. He'd have had better luck asking how they'd been taught. Alexa Cambridge, learning in History of Magic? Good one dude. Hehehe, how did she learn this subject? She didn't. The stuff they did in class was epic--not counting those boring BoG people who nearly had her skipping the lessons--and she'd gotten those bits of information into her head but the outside reading and stuff kinda killed it for her.
She did NOT make a habit of reading. Oh but were they sharing things about past lessons? She could do that part. "I once 'learned' it while glued to a wall!" BEAM. It was good up until Peeves came and took her wand. "And I can tell you how I don't learn this subject." Tedious. Reading. "Sitting still to lose myself in a 'good history book' is not my thing but I suppose that's how some learn it." Alexa had once learned this glass while glued to a wall....? Erik wasn't sure what to think of that. Was she joking? His brows definitely went up but he did treat the girl's answer as though she were being serious. Which, quite possibly, she could be being. "Vhat is...useful to know, Alexa, thank you for sharing..." he replied slowly. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nimmiii How to study History of Magic? Did this professor not know how to teach his own subject? Ryan eyed Professor Vinteren with renewed interest. If he didn't know any better, he'd say the prof was trying to get the lesson out of the students. Clever.
He raised his hand and offered the following: "You can use Veritaserum to force the truth about the past from people. Unless they're willing to offer it up themselves. I mean, old people, of course. Because we all know history is always biased." Odin, that was a drastic answer but Erik secretly approved of it. "I vould hope you vouldn't have to resort to vhat method of learning, Mr. Myles, at least at Hogwarts," he replied to the boy in a drawl. "But vhat is an interesting idea. Thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Ivana R Annabeth raised her hand: "I had never studied History of Magic before, Sir. I'm muggle born, first year here in Hogwarts." She grinned. "I had replied your first question based on what I had studied on History, muggle History. So I don't know how is supposed to be the best way of teaching History of Magic. I think if you have means of lead us travelling through time, it would be a nice way of teach us." She thoughtful replied. Okay then...at least this one was honest. Not that Erik had asked how he should teach this subject, but rather how they thought they should learn it. No matter. "Vhat vould be a nice way of teaching history, unfortunately, time travel is frowned upon." Not illegal, exactly, just frowned upon. He gave the Hufflepuff a thin smile. "Good try." Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju Even though Sophie was not a big fan of History of Magic, she had to admit professor Scabior had done a good job in keeping them rather entertained in his lessons in the past years.
She put her hand up. "Well, the common way... or the expected way to learn any kind of History would be reading textbooks," The fifth years started, putting her hand down. "but in the last years we have had very practical lessons too, which were quite fun!" So she guessed learning History wasn't restricted to theory and all that boring stuff, even though it was what most people did. Oh and one more Hufflepuff guess then. "Good, vhat is more along the lines of vhat I vas asking," Erik gave the girl a nod. "Thank you." Maybe the class needed an explanation before he carried on with this line of questioning. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Why were Mr. accent man's questions so simple?
Lexi always thought that HOM would be a difficult class. But so far it was easy. So how could they study HOM? Everyone seemed to be saying textbooks and things like that, but Lexi wanted to be out of the ordinary. So that was what she would be. Out of the ordinary and unique.
Raising her hand Lexi began to formulate an answer in her head. "Professor. Can't you talk to old people to find out all sorts of historical stuff. I'm guessing that old people know have experienced some of the things that we read about in textbooks. And if we question old people can't you find out way more than what we read in textbooks. There are different sides to stories right." Because Lexi knew that old people like Granny Thorne knew a lot and went through a lot of things that people read about in textbooks. "You can, yes, and vhat is a method I prefer over simply reading. Reading a textbook can only take you so far; vhe best method of forming your own opinion of an event is to be vhere, to witness vhe event yourself; but if you cannot do vhat, vhen eyewitness accounts are your second-best option. Good." He gave the girl a pleasant nod and then addressed the class as a whole. "Class, I vas not trying to ask vhat your previous professor had taught you, nor trying to gauge your feelings toward him," he gave a few students particular looks as he said that, "but I vas more trying to get at vhe gist of how historians study history. Because today, I vant you all to think like a historian."
Erik pointed his wand at the board and more notes popped up in tidy cursive. "History can be studied by reading about key events, witnessing historical events yourself, and researching historical events vhrough a combination of efforts." So far, it seemed the students had had a combination course in history, which was more than Erik had expected but which was good anyway. "Today ve are going to discuss a sombre subject, but an important one I feel, as history is all around us and impacts us continuously." He adjusted his cuffs and continued. "How many of you know someone who has died?" Vinteren waited for a silent show of hands. "And how many of you personally know or know ov someone who has died at Hogwarts? Name someone of historical significance whom you think died at vhis school, and if you can tell us, how, vhen, and vhere they died." ooc: one death per person please, and try not to repeat. |