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Old 06-03-2013, 11:12 PM   #18 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Default Class has now started; please do not announce your late arrival. Thank you.
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Kat gave the man a nod when she arrived. "Hello..." Mister? Sir? Nah. "Professor." Yep, that was it. Professor seemed, you know, better since he was teaching. They called that other BoG woman Professor too, right? Right. Then she went over to take a seat.
And here came the students. The first one was a Slytherin prefect. Erik took note of her badge and returned her nod. "Good day." She didn't have to address him as professor, but he appreciated the title as a sign of respect regardless.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"Hello Mr. Vinteren--er...I mean...hello Professor!" Professor Vinteren...? Somehow it didn't have the same ring to it. She plopped down in a seat riiiiiiight there at the front, got out her things and WAITED TO BE AMAZED.
Erik almost cracked a smile at the next student to enter, simply because she was one of his favourites the most enthusiastic-looking, so far.

"Alexa," he gave her a nod, and, "you may call me Mister Vinteren, if you vish. Professor's just a title." And one he wasn't sure he had a right to, at that.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"Oh, Good day, er, Professor,'' Jory greeted the man who was sitting on the desk. Well, he was teaching them, right? So it would be okay to call him Professor. The Puffer went off to get himself settled before class began.
"Hello again," Erik recognised the boy whom he had spoken to during the goblin raid. He didn't know his name though. He'd work on that.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
"Hello, Professor"

Now to find a nice desk to take notes on.
"Hello," Erik returned the Ravenclaw's greeting, watching the boy as he picked out a desk.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
"Hello Sir," She greeted with a small smile as she entered the room. The blonde then took a seat towards the middle like she had in years past and waited quietly for class to begin.
This girl had also been in the hallway during the goblin thing. Erik gave her a nod no smile as she took a seat. "Hello." Ah, so she was a quidditch captain? He must have missed seeing her badge before, but it was duly noted now.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Anyway, she greeted the BOG guy-turned-professor with a "Hello, Professor Vinteren," and found herself a seat near the front, placing her bag by her feet after pulling out her textbook, notebook and pen. Ready.....
Erik recalled this girl as looking familiar from his numerous observations over the last year. She was related to Roxanne Carter, if he wasn't mistaken. Heh. Heh.

"Hello Miss." He returned her greeting politely. Shame Carter hadn't made it on the Board, despite all her efforts.

Originally Posted by ForeverYours View Post
BEAM. She walked in, much perkier than she had been before and aimed her grin at the man sat at the very front of the classroom. "Good day, sir," she said, unsure whether 'Professor' was the correct term, because he wasn't exactly a teacher at all, was her? Maybe he was .. that would explain why he was here. Logic, Bliss. Use it.
"Good day," Erik almost returned the smile given to him by the next Hufflepuff to arrive, but didn't really. He didn't have anything in particular to smile about...yet.

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
It felt weird to not have Scabior here, and even though he was a little scary, Theo kinda liked him. He strolled into the classroom and was very pleased to see how clean and tidy the place was. Props to the new guy already. "Hi, sir." He said with a nod, then took a seat near the middle of the room next to Ella.
"Hello," Erik returned yet another Slytherin's greeting. There were a lot of the green-clad students in here, hmm.

Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
As he made his way to his desk, he noticed the professor in his suit. "Hello Professor, nice suit." he said and nodded towards the suit.
Everyone was being so quiet and polite. Erik wasn't sure he had been expecting that out of the Hogwarts students. They had all seemed so...difficult....last year when he had been running for the Board of Governors. No matter, here was a badger complimenting him now.

"Thank you," he replied to the boy, with just a touch of surprise in his tone. He glanced down at his own suit and then to his watch. Nearly time to begin, then.

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Hmm.. Wade had known this Governor, well, now Professor, for outbidding him during last year's auction.. Well, he wasn't going to hold that against him any longer. "Hello," Mr. Vinteren was a Professor to him now, and not a greedy rich man. "Professor." Wade gave him a respectable smile, before he went to claim a seat before letting his bag fall to the floor by his feet.
Another badger who looked familiar...something reminded him of the auction of last year. Had Erik outbid this boy for his hammer? Heh, yes, yes he had. He wouldn't mention that now though, since the boy was being polite and well-mannered. So far.

"Good day."

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
As she walked into the room she noticed the new professor and smiled, "Hello Sir" Then she turned, there were a few students already there, but she made her way to a front desk.
Erik wondered if this one liked sitting up front in all her classes. He returned her greeting with a polite nod and a, "Hello" back.

Originally Posted by Mell View Post
He stepped inside the classroom and his gaze immediately fell on the man who was going to be teaching this class and Michael's immediate thought was that this man looked totally cool. "Hello Sir." He said giving the man a nod before turning on his heel and finding a seat near the front.
Another young student, sitting near the front. Good. "Hello," Erik returned his cool nod.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
So with a bored expression, he walked into the room and nodded, "Professor." Yeah, he was going to his seat.
The attitude exuding from this older Slytherin caused one of Erik's eyebrows to rise ever so slightly as the boy strutted waltzed into his classroom.

"Student." Erik returned his greeting, not at all mocking him. On purpose.

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Still, she managed a small polite smile as she entered the classroom and greeted Mr. Vinteren. "Hi, Professor." Then she sat down at a random desk and waited for the lesson to start.
"Hi," Erik returned the greeting of another Gryffindor. Good, there were Gryffindors in attendance. He approved of that house. Nearly time to begin now, since the desks were filling up...

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Mo took a seat before nodding at the professor. "Hullo, Professor. I like your tie. D'you know how to do any other knots?" Because Flamsteed DID. Maybe they could have lessons.
But not before the son of the Board's President arrive. Aha, Erik had been hoping he would make it. And already he had questions. Naturally.

"Hello. Thank you," he replied politely to the first two questions, his hand absentmindedly adjusting said tie when Branxton brought it up. "I do. I know many knots, most used in sailing." And that was all he had to say about that. "Thank you for coming to class," Erik added, as a way of cutting that conversation short.

Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Ohh, look at that! A sparkling clean classroom! Sophie smiled as she entered and eyed their new professor. "Hello!" She greeted him and went to take a seat.
"Hello," Erik greeted the last student to come in, giving her a nod before glancing at his watch again. And....perfect, she would be the last one. It was time to begin.

He pushed off from the desk and waved his wand at the doors, removing it from his holster and stowing it away in one very smooth motion, and then coming forward toward the desks while the doors closed with an ominous thud.

"Hello and velcome to History of Magic," Erik started promptly. "Before we begin, I vould like to introduce myself." He gave the students a thin smile. "My name is Vinteren, Erik Vinteren. I am not a professor, but you may address me as either 'Mister Vinteren,' or 'Professor Vinteren,' out ov respect. I am currently serving vhe Hogwarts Board of Governors and took vhis post as a favour to your Headmistress." Who was rather short-staffed and frantic at the time, though he didn't add that bit aloud.

"Since I am still new to vhe castle," Erik continued, "if you vould kindly take out a sheet of parchment and fold it in halv to make a nametag for yourself, I vould be most grateful." And it would certainly help him to address them all by the proper names. "While you are doing vhat, you may also raise your hand and answer vhe question, Vhat is History of Magic? Vhat do ve study in vhis class, and vhy?"

As soon as he said that, the questions appeared on the board beside him so that students who might have been better at reading than listening could remember what had been asked. And Erik started looking for hands, to call on people, because he was most interested in their responses.
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