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Old 06-01-2013, 08:14 PM   #74 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Princesspower + The wannabe investigator is mentioned
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Snapping the bracelets off his hand as well and finally, Botros waited for a moment for everyone to gather around. "Yes, over here." He said every once in a while, leaving a good distance between them and the unicorn. Then Odessa mentioned Thestrals. Ab's furrowed his bow thoughtfully and nodded slowly. Unicorns and Thestrals showing up at the same time was not common.. or a good omen, if you ask him. "We should wrap up here quickly." And yes, it did interest him that some students were able to see Thestrals. Heartbreakingly cute.

When the Gryffindors came along, and the curious one wanted to learn how to do illusions, Botros laughed, "Aw, I'm afraid we'll have to wait for you to take all your classes at school before we can talk about making an illusion this big. Not far though! Just a few more years." He smiled and nodded, he would've patted her shoulder if she wasn't standing a bit in the back.

At least the students seemed pretty excited about the unicorn... Botros frowned a bit at the Hufflepuff kid who wanted to investigate, "Yeah, sure. We need to investigate." He nodded, half-mocking half-serious, "'We' being those who know enough spells to fill an entire book, not a few pages." Geddit? He was being subtle and politely superior.

"Quiet down, everyone, and let's say a few words before you're dismissed." He moved to the head of the crowd and waved his can toward the Hufflepuff's puzzle corner where two of the plank woods shattered. He gave the Badgers an 'aw' sympathetic look, "The boards shatter when it has the wrong rune. The first puzzle of yours was, 'My place in the Futhark alphabet is the same as the Death card in Tarot cards. Who am I?' And the correct answer was Eihwaz. The thirteenth rune." He expected some to mistake it as the other one. Pity. "The next puzzle was, 'I give you health, I give you power, I open new doors filled with wealth, And I let you devour, Your fears, and your obstacles, With me will be as gentle as a flower'" Botros tried to say it as normally as he could without sounding too dramatic, but a few stressful tones here and there wouldn't hurt. "This is a description of the rune we studied last term. Uruz. The rune of ultimate strength and power, which can open you doors of wealth and close the doors of your fears by making them as insignificant with the strength it gives you as possible." So. Yeah. Another one wrong.

"Hufflepuff house gets three points for this competition, and I thank them gladly for a great teamwork!" He clapped, urging the others to clap for them as well, maybe a bit exaggeratedly.

He waved his cane, but the other Houses' boards stayed intact. No wrong answer and it made Botros' smile widen proudly. "Excellent job everyone. I did see the Ravenclaws being an excellent team, though." He glanced at the Ravenclaws. "All three houses get ten points for solving the puzzles. Ravenclaw gets extra two for their great teamwork."


"Now Prefects and Captains, please lead your housemates back to the classroom to gather their things. Class is dismissed. And no, you cannot stay around for more unicorn quality time." What if it had family joining later, hmm? And Thestrals? That was out of the question. "Any questions, you'll find me in my office later." Clapping urgently for them to move. He shouldn't have made the illusion this close to the forest.
ooc: - class is dismissed, you can post your character gathering their possessions and leaving in the main lesson thread as well as in here.
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