Removing her gloves from her pocket, Seren slipped them on as she had instructed the students to do so. She was however, surprised to see the Ravenclaw Prefect slip in... late.
SPOILER!!: Beatrice
Originally Posted by
Hugging herself through the chilly breeze, Beezus bounded over to Greenhouse seven where Professor Bentley was holding their second Herbology lesson of the term. The brunette stopped by the entrance to exhale her shivers and then she took a step inside.
"Oh." Er, sudden weather change, anyone? Yep. The breeze got left outside for inside the greenhouse was warmth. The kind that reminded her of beaches. Mhmm. The kind that made her remove her robes as she glanced around the place. Colored pots in the center table.....and the lovely Professor who looked....bigger than the last time they saw each other. They rather grow pretty quick, don't they? "Good day, Professor. " And hullo baby Bentley!
Beezus looked over the woman's shoulder and read the whole Herbology Plant Sale Preparation thing. Well, alright. They'll be doing that today. Okay then. Offering the Professor another smile, she proceeded to take a seat.
....and then they were starting.
Looks like they'll be having more Hogsmeade trips. Since they'll be selling stuff to compensate for the school's financial cutback again.
Umbrella Flowers. Mmk.
As the Professor's instructions, the brunette fished her gloves and placed them on securely. Her equipment looked kinda worn out. She'd need to buy another one. Maybe when they go to this Hogsmeade trip. Certainly she can purchase one at Dogweed and Deathcap. And then, goggles.
All set.
It really was unfortunate.
"Minus five points," she said simply, offering Beatrice a small smile. It was a good thing they hadn't started on an activity, this could be forgiven.
Now, to get started.
"Wonderful! Now let's make a start." Giving the blackboard behind her a tap with her wand, the lesson instructions were revealed.
Originally Posted by Blackboard Notes
Lesson Two
Herbology Plant Sale Preparation[*] Umbrella Flowers[*][*]
Planting Seeds
1. Prepare the pot by filling it 3/4 of the way with potting soil.
2. Add a sprinkle of fertiliser.
3. Drop in the seed.
4. Top with soil.
5. Water the soil (not to the point that it becomes muddy). Taking the tray of umbrella flower seeds off it's stand beside her, Seren waddled along the length of the table, dropping a handful of seeds between the groups of students.
"Start by grabbing a bucket and filling it with the potting soil found at the front," Seren gestured to the pile of buckets and the two sacks of soil next to the blackboard, a bucket of dragon dung beside it.
"Take one of the flower pots and fill it with fertiliser, this way you won't have to many anymore trips during the lesson...." because traffic was incredibly annoying and counter productive.
"Once you have the materials, I'd like you to jot down the notes from the board, we'll start the planting process shortly."
Stepping aside, placing the empty tray out of the way, Seren waited for the students to collect their soil and dung.
OOC: This step should be completed in TWO posts to be eligible for full marks. The lesson will continue in approx 12 hours.