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Old 05-30-2013, 01:56 AM   #155 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

"Alright, everyone!" Botros stood up from his chair, and quickly glanced around the classroom. No one had set their desks on fire or cut it into two halves, luckily. This class was turning out to be quite normal and safe so far. He was proud of it. "Now we're going to learn about Elder Futhark's runes. But instead of staying inside, stuck in a boring classroom reciting each rune. We're going to go outside and solve puzzles!" PAUSE. "But first, we need to set down some rules." He walked to the edge of the dais and started explaining, "It's going to be a competition between houses. I'd written puzzles about each one of Elder Futhark runes, and put up several planks out in the grounds, near the forest, with those riddles carved on each one of them.

"Those planks are charmed to move aside once a rune is carved on them, carved as close to perfection as possible. And to add a little excitement and adventure, I made four separate mazes, each one has those planks within as path blockers to prevent you from ignoring them. Your job is to work with your housemates in order to go through those mazes, solving the riddles and carving your answer on the planks that block your path." It was really easy since they were working as groups and could divide responsibilities. "Don't worry about whether it was the correct answer or not, we will know later." When they were all out.

"One more thing. The mazes are not real, meaning you won't be able to touch anything if you move your hand through their walls. They're just illusions that appear to those wearing these plastic bracelets." He took one from one of the four boxes before him and waved it for them. It was the cheapest activity he could think of, apparently. "You'll each wear one of them, and obtain a map of each maze to help you through. No textbooks, though." He grinned excitedly at them all. "I'll be watching you from my guard chair, so if you want anything just send some sparks up in the air and I'll come right away." As in after he climbed down from the guard chair without breaking a hip.

NOW. He let the boxes of plastic bracelets float to the students, they should choose the color suitable to their house. Then another box followed with a couple of maps, mainly for the student leaders to handle. "The house that solves all puzzles wins ten extra points. The house that solves three wins seven points, the house that solves two or one wins three points." Pause. "If all houses solve all four puzzles then you're all winners and great rune masters and mistresses." They were his students, they should solve them all.

"Prefects. Captains. Please lead your housemates down to the grounds. You'll spot your maze quickly enough. Do not hesitate, just jump in." Figuratively jumping of course. He just needed a bit... more time to turtle!walk down there.

"Any questions?"
ooc: - There will be four separate threads for each house so that no one gets confused :: Gryffindors - Slytherins - Ravenclaws - Hufflepuffs
- Make sure to post here leaving before RPing your character in the maze.
- The instructions on how this competition will go are provided in those threads.
- This activity will last about 72 hrs & has the majority of points for this class.
- You can continue with the Intaglio practicing activity, but you won't get full credit for the posts after mine post, sorry.
- Any questions/concerns/complaints, you can reach me through PM/IM/Twitter.

Last edited by Magical Soul; 05-30-2013 at 02:04 AM.
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