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Old 05-29-2013, 01:02 PM   #121 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura smiled, she was sure she had this down, she practiced the wand movement quickly and smiled, she knew how to do that as well, who knew learning Ancient Runes could actually be so much fun, she was actually starting to enjoy herself.

Laura smiled as she pointed her wand at the desk, she made sure her goggles and gloves were on properly before she start. "Intaglio wunjō!" Laura said and smiled as the rune started to be calved into the desk, would it stay there for ever or disappear that was the question, she continued to do the spell as the rune got calved in once it was finished she looked at it.

"Professor how long does this last?" Laura looked at her desk, she had done it she had actually done something right in Ancient Runes.
Botros was still pacing between desks, looking for those hogging the goggles and the gloved giving them a quick nudge with his cane. Most of the students seemed to get the hang of the spell which pleased him greatly. Then another kid had asked a question, Botros walked over to her and looked down at her desk. "Good job. The carving lasts as long as no one sabotages it. The energy, however, depends on how focused you were when you carved the rune. I wouldn't say it dies completely, but it fades away." Like everything good in this world, Botros thought.
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
So West decided a bindrune was in order. Because he felt like it. Because.... well, he knew what he was doing so really practice was no thing. BUT THEN a thought came to him: if he was gonna do one, should he do each bit separate, and trace the individual runes and invoke them, or carve the whole thing and invoke them all at once? West mused on this for a moment, eyeing up the wood and then he put his hand up.

"Professor Botros, if I wanted to carve a bindrune with the Intaglio spell, say one that was Kenaz, Sowilo, and Isa, just to name three at random, would I do each component separately like Intaglio Kenaz Kenaz Kenaz, then Intaglio Sowilo Sowilo Sowilo, and Intaglio Isa Isa Isa, or would I do them all together like Intaglio Kenaz Sowilo Isa and repeat until I'm done?"
Moving between desks again, leaning a bit on the shoulders on his way, Ab looked down at Odessa's desk first and let his hand rest on the boy's shoulder. Perfect work. Like father, like son, eh? He wanted to meet the boy's father, you rarely came across someone who enjoyed runes and passed on this affection to a younger kin. Ignoring that Isa was a contradiction to the other two runes (mostly Kenaz), Botros responded, "If you can focus on the binding power of all three runes, shaping it into one unite of magic energy, then you do them all together. I do not approve of separately invoking each rune, especially with this method, it's highly unreliable and could cause significant loss in energy of one of the runes. However, to make it easier for you to concentrate and summon the concept and energy of the bindrune, I suggest you use a quill and a parchment to draw it, stare at it for as long as you need to feel it, then start carving it." It wasn't easy, but not impossible either.

"I do not recommend binding opposite runes, though." He grinned, "It could be either useless or destructive." No good came from it. The boy probably knew that but it was for those who were listening and trying to learn more. "And there are some other measures to keep in mind when binding runes, so let's keep it one rune today." Again, he didn't want the overexcited students mimicking each other and... dying.
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