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Old 05-28-2013, 02:03 AM   #57 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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SPOILER!!: Dalecarlian Runes
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
West, who had sat down and written a name tag (which... why? Botros totally knew him now but oh well), put his hand up.

"There's the dalrunes. Also called the Dalecarlian runes. They were used in Dalarna which is a historical Swedish province. They were used until kinda recently really, like from the 16th to 20th centuries." Pretty recent yep. West thought they were interesting on account of they were based on Medieval ones, but over time more and more Latin Alphabet characters started replacing them and being combined with them. It was cool seeing how they'd changed and stuff, and given how recent they were there was a bunch of stuff you could look at to actually see the differences.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva's eyes snapped up right as Ethan had said hello with the door shutting. Well if she wasn't fully awake yet, she best get there. Listening to the professor greet everyone and then talk about something things from last term, Minerva rested her head on her hand trying to stay focused.

When she asked the first question Minerva listened a bit to the other answers and put up her hand, " Sir, there is the Dalecarlian runes, I read that these runes were used in the 16th through 19th century. It was used in the isolated province of Dalarna." Resting her head back on her hand she tried to wake herself up without much notice. At least for now the information was just what was in books. Good thing she liked to read and read a lot.
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Kace was excited to start Ancient Runes. Once the professor said his greeting, Kace felt confident that he would do well in this class. He seemed like a pretty chill professor. Then he heard the professor ask his question to the class.

SPOILER!!: Le Prof's Question

Question. What's the name of a runic alphabet, any alphabet, and in which era was it used or discovered? Please raise your hand before giving an answer.

Kace flipped through his textbook and he found some that maybe wasn't mentioned. He thought the Dalecarlian Runes were pretty cool. He raised his hand and said, "Professor there is the Dalecarlian Runes. They were discovered in the early 16th century and developed from Young Futhork."

That was all he knew so far for a first year that is. He read more about them in his textbook.
Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
Mika BEAMED at Professor Botros and just sat there listening to what he had to say at first. Really she liked this class, his class was fun. And it was runes and runes were just cool right? She listened to the question and just sat there for a minute trying to think one up.

Raising her hand the eager claw practically squealed out her answer. "The youngest of the runic alphabets is the Dalecarlian runes - they were from about the sixteen-to-nineteenth century." She beamed. "A really interesting thing is that they were still in use in the twentieth century" she beamed at this fact. Really. Runes in the twentieth century sounded so cool.[/COLOR]

"Ah, yes, yes. The Dalecarlian runes continued to be used until the early years of the twentieth century in the suburbs of Sweden. The province, which Mr. Odessa mentioned, was called, "last stronghold of the Germanic script"." The blackboard was writing. "The Dalecarlian is derived from medieval runes, but during the following centuries more and more individual runes were replaced with Latin characters. Until its last stage almost every rune had been replaced with a Latin letter, or influenced by Latin characters."
SPOILER!!: Medieval Runes
Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
Now, she had at least did some review over the summer for all her subjects...especially those whom she had quite a bit of a hard time during her OWLs. So, fairly, she had something to offer up to Professor Botros' question.

She put her hand up and answered. "I think there's also the Medieval Runes, Professor. Also known as the futhork. It is composed of 27 Scandinavian letters and it has evolved from the Younger Futhark. " It was fully formed during the 13th Century, right? What else could she remember about this one. Hmm. Oh...."And it also provided the basis for the appearance of runology in the 16th century." Pretty much.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

Was he in the wrong class? NOPE.

... Oh? At the mention of the Gandrs, Alec tilted his head slightly to look under his table. And... sure enough, there were no Gandrs there. Weird. He had gotten used to the chanting and holding the Gandr and his wand in the same hand and watching the runes glow. It had been awesome!

But the awesomest? THOR. HAMMER. GRIN.

... Botros was talking. About the subject and then runic alphabets. And whether they knew the names of any? ... Hmm... flick... flick... flick through the textbook... "Erm... Professor?" he said, raising his hand, "Like Beezus said, there's the Medieval Runes which evolved from the Younger Futhark," And... was there anything that the older Ravenclaw hadn't mentioned? Because he didn't want to repeat what the girl had said. "It was in the 13th century that the short twig and long branch runes were combined which... I guess... made them fully formed? And since they have a child system that's sort of different, I guess the Medieval Runes started dying out in the 16th or 17th Century when some of the runes were starting to get replaced by Latin characters."

... Okay, he was starting to ramble so... he'd just stop talking now?

Speaking of medieval runes before! The professor nodded enthusiastically at the prefect and the snitch-catcher. "Yes! Correct. Basically the medieval runes, introduced after the end of the Viking Age, are the basis on which runology appeared in the 16th century." He then gestured to Summers who completed Castell's idea, "Despite being the fundamental ground for this science and other runic alphabets -that we mentioned before-, the medieval runes began to be threatened by the Latin letters by the beginning of the 13th century. However, this alphabet was revived once again when the medieval Scandinavian laws were written completely in runic."
SPOILER!!: Elder Futhark - Anglo-Saxon Futhorc - Younger Futhark
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
See, she knew they wouldn't be cleaning in this class! Nope, they were actually learning something that was useful for things other than cleaning. Like, their term project. Which she totally needed to get started on, but whatever. Now they were being asked what runes they knew of. Sky stopped in her note taking and thought for a second. "There's the Younger or Scandinavian Futhurk which was used from the 9th to the 11th centuries. It's a reduced form of the Elder Futhurk and was used mostly by the Vikings." Yep, she said Vikings. Don't everyone run at the same time now.
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Alice's hand went up next. "There's Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabet. It was used from the second to eighth centuries, and then in the late eighth century, it was simplified into Younger Futhark." Which that one Slytherin girl had gone on about, yeah? She tapped her quill against her chin thoughtfully, keeping her eyes on the dais and watching the professor wave his cane about.

If he let go of that thing now, could it take out an eye? Hmm.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Needless to say she was more than just a little disappointed by the fact that they wouldn't be using grandrs and consequently probably wouldn't be smashing anything. Ah well, she'd just find something to break later. Something big and loud sounding. With this decided, the smile easily stayed on her face.

Hardly able to keep still, she swung her feet about, listening to the Professor the entire time, of course. That's how she heard him say all the things he did and that question he asked. Lex was pleasantly surprized to note that he didn't ask what a rune was even for the sake of the Firsties. She didn't know the answer last year and she didn't know it now. Besides, he'd kinda crushed her when he told her that squibbly wasn't a word.

Pfffft, it so was.

But onto the question. She flipped open her textbook, because this was allowed, and went looking for one that hadn't already been said then stuck her hand up. "You also have, like Alice mentioned, the Younger Futhark. It's called the Scandinavian runes too and it' reduced form of the Elder Futhark, having only 16 letters, created some time around the 9th century." Ages ago but she wouldn't say that part aloud in case the Professor was sensitive about age. Now wasn't she the considerate one??
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Daichi was so happy that the room was clean. Not because he liked a clean room but because that meant that they were FINALLY not going to clean up~! This was why the Slytherin sat up straighter in his chair and listened carefully to the first question.

After a moment of thinking, he raised his hand in the air slowly. "Theres a uhm..Anglo-Frisian runes! " he answered. "And it was used in from 5th to 11th centuries Professor"
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel was surprised that he was serious about walking out if you did not want to be here. But at least the question was simple and he remembered it from his first term here.

"There is Elder Futhark. It was used by Germanic tribes from the 2nd to 8th century"

Though Nigel had the impression that Botros could be as menacing as Lafay if he tired. He had this evil butler looking. When he was serious about something. Which is totally awesome.
Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
The answer, though. He had an answer. "I'm actually going to expand on something Alice said...Anglo-Saxon forms of the alphabet are extensions of the Elder Futhark...and include 26 to 33 letters. It was most likely developed in the 5 century AD...and unfortunately started to die out around the seventh century...I don't think it ever really recovered from the Norman conquest..."

The Captain loved this subject. It wasn't weird at all that he knew things. SMIRK.
Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
"There's the Anglo Saxon. Its been said, I think, that they've been used between the 5th centuary until AD till the 10th centuary? And then they were being replaced by latin?" Tag wasn't even sure if that was right, but that's as much as he would say. Besides, he didn't want to say a lot and not be sure of his answer and be entirely wrong and then 'looked' at or something. So he simply stopped there. If he had said something wrong, or the professor wanted to elaborate Tag was sure the professor would.
Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah raised her hand, "there is the elder fart alphabet" she began, "I mean the old Norse one, whats it called again? The Futfart or something. It was use between the second and eighth centuries." then she had a lightbulb moment "oh yeah its real name was the Elder Futhark, I just remebred it now" She said. She knew that her cousin could burp the ABCS (which was really discusting) yet maybe one could fart them as well? Like a fart alphabet or something. The poor teachers of the Fart Alphabet would probably have to use nosepegs or something.

"The three most used runic alphabets, yes." He smiled at everyone who gave an answer, even those who tried saying it. "The Elder Futhark being, as its name suggests, the oldest of them all. The general agreement dates the creation of the first runic alphabet to roughly the 1st century. Early estimates include the 1st century BC, and late estimates push the date into the 2nd century." He waved his cane for the blackboard to write down the key words he was saying. "There are 24 runes in Elder Futhark, and we're going to be focusing on this particular alphabet in our study." As usual.

"The Anglo-Saxon runes were used probably from the 5th century AD until about the 10th century, it's a child system of the Elder Futhark. It contains all 24 runes from the parent alphabet in addition to 5 more. But as Captain Montmorency mentioned, the Anglo-Saxon disappeared after the Norman conquest.

"Younger Futhork or "Normal Runes" gradually evolved the Elder Futhark over a period of many years and stabilized by about 800 A.D., the beginning of the Viking Age, and contained only 16 runes." He knocked on his desk a couple of times to wake those who dozed off before moving on, "Mr. Summers mentioned something about Medieval Runes previously. Pay attention, we're making connections between them now." Yes? Did he have to knock more? "The younger Futhark has three variants. The Danish long-branch runes, the Swedish-Norwegian short-twig runes, and lastly the staveless runes." Pause. "The use of this alphabet has significantly declined by 12th century."
SPOILER!!: Hungarian runes & Turkic alphabet
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Types of Runic Alphabets? Ella tapped her chin and as she flipped with her other hand through her text book. Many examples had already been given but she figured she could offer something up. Ah-ha, the Orkhon alphabet! She could share about that, yeah?

Raising her hand, Ella waited for her turn to speak. "Sir, the Orkhon alphabet dates back to the 8th century AD and is also known as the Old Turkic script."
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Kat was listening to Professor Botros. She was right about not using the Gandrs. Well there actually were no Gandrs in the classroom right now which explained why. She wanted to use the Gandrs though and do awesome stuff with it even if, well, Runes made her brain pop occasionally. Yes, Kat still had a lot of things to learn about Ancient Runes to avoid any sort of confusion.

Runic alphabets. Okay. Kat raised her hand to answer. "There's the Hungarian runes," the Slytherin said. "They were used by the Székler Magyars in Hungary until the 11th century." Guess that was enough information so Kat stopped and waited for someone else to speak. Also... Kat thought it was Anglo-Saxon. She never heard of a Anglo-Frisian alphabet, or maybe she'll just find out later.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory referred to his textbook as the students started giving their answers. He then raised his hand. "There is the Orkhon or the Old Turkic Alphabet,'' he said and then glancing back at his book. "They were found in the Orkhon River in Mongolia sometime in the 19th Century.However, they date back all the way to the Eight Century A.D.''

That was so long. Ancient, more like it.

Ooh. Hmm. "Yes, there is Hungarian runes. They're derived from the Old Turkic script, the one that miss Bishop and Mr. Jory mentioned, and it's usually written on sticks, alternating direction right to left then left to right, although the right to left direction was most common." It wasn't, however, as involved with evoking magic and energy.
SPOILER!!: Gothic runes
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Ethan's eyes snapped to the front as the abruptly slamming door quickly caught his attention. He listened for a moment as he introduced himself, the class, blah blah blah.. and his eyes wandered towards where the baskets had been last term at the mention of the runic wands. Sad.. they were pretty interesting last term, but he assumed that to be because of the budget cuts, which seemed to affect every class. Of course, he assumed there were other things they could learn..

Runic alphabets. Of course he knew of the two most common ones.. the Elder and Younger Futhark. Probably everyone in the class knew those.. and he raised his hand to answer with one of those, quickly putting it down as others were called on and answered first. He had heard of others, not really committing them to memory, and flipped through the textbook to provide another answer. Thinking he found an answer, the 7th year raised a hand. "Gothic runes..? Though I think they have their origins in the Elder Futhark.." They very much looked the same. "Not sure when they were used, but they were replaced with a Gothic Alphabet in the 4th century AD.. so before that?" Yeah.. putting hand down and shutting up now. If it wasn't the Elder Futhark, or even the Younger, he probably didn't know what he was talking about..
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
With his name tag that had been neatly written, was facing forward before the first question was asked. Well, someone already mentioned the Dalecarlian Runes. So Wade rose his hand to offer another, "There's also the Gothic runes, that were in east-Germany." It was an extinct language though, "It was used until the 17th century." He hoped that one qualified.

Botros laughed lightly when the Ravenclaw prefect trailed away, "It is quite hard to follow all those dates and alphabets, huh? Well like Mr. Potter and Mr. McCarty said. There is the Gothic runes. The scholars have confirmed very few about it, what we know is that it's an extinct east Germanic language. They were invented by the Goths, but this is impossible to prove as very few inscriptions of writing in Gothic runes survive." He shrugged and held his cane closer to him. They should've picked an easier alphabet? He did appreciate the challenge-lovers though. Kudos to them both.
SPOILER!!: Not runes but interesting
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon View Post
Eliza was excited for another Ancient Runes class. With her name tag on her desk, just in case he wasn't sure who she was, she flipped through her pages about runes and ancient alphabets, and raised her hand.
SPOILER!!: name tag
Eliza Dawnsel
Third Year
"Well, there's the Celestial Alphabet which people used to try and communicate with angels n the sixteenth century. That derived from the Hebrew and Greek alphabets which ultimately derived from the Etruscan Alphabet which dates all the way back to the sixth century. And...maybe they're not runes exactly, but some of the symbols are really similar looking to the Elder Futhark runes." She was a little fuzzy on what made an alphabet and a rune language different, but she'd get there.

Hmm. Botros listened interestedly to the girl, nodding his head and knocking on the side of the desk as more snoring echoed from the last rows. "That is interesting, but it's not a runic alphabet as you have mentioned Ms. Dawnsel." See? He remembered her name!
SPOILER!!: Old Italic
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
It was a BIG shame if they weren't going to be doing Galdr again this term, and Mo kind of gave the floor around the professor's desk a glum look, like maybe a basket would spring up for him if he was sulky enough. No luck. Instead, there was an interesting sort of question. Mo listened to the answers, impressed that people weren't all wrapped up in Elder and Younger Futhark answers. Lots of good answers.

"Professor," Mo raised his hand finally. "Do you consider Old Italic scripts to be runes? I'm thinking specifically of Etruscan, but I think loads of runic scripts are derivations of the older Old Italic ones. So... it seems like they should qualify too."

"I do consider it a runic alphabet, yes. In fact, in a moment you'll see how the Old Italics is the father of all those runic alphabets we're talking about. One way or another." Botros was excited! Most of the students mentioned exactly what he wanted them to pay attention to!
SPOILER!!: Coelbren y Beirdd
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

Well with the more famous runic alphabets already mentioned, Aquila raised her hand slowly offering to mention something a bit more obscure “In Wales, there is something we call Coelbren y Beirdd – The Bardic Alphabet or the Barddas Runes. Its got 20 basic letters plus another 20 for longer vowels and stuffs.”

Oh, wow. It was always the quiet ones that surprise you. Botros grinned widely at the little girl and nodded, "Correct. Very insightful input, indeed!" He was not going to get into details about that, mainly because it was very uncommon and required higher level teaching.
SPOILER!!: Silent kids
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Garrick did as he was he was told and made his name tag then smiled slightly as he turned it out to be seen (from his seat as far from Lotus as he could get. Sigh). Tap. Done, yo. And then he listened to as many of the other answers and opted to keep his hand down this time around. Besides, it seemed everyone in the room, including the younger ones, were all experts on Runes. Snort.
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
The young girl sat still and listened to the teacher, but… She had really no idea what she needed to answer, she had heard about the Runic Alphabets but she never had really liked this subject so she had trouble to remember what she had heard. The only thing she knew was that it were some strange symbols with a meaning, but that was all she knew!

And because she didn’t knew the right answer, she stayed quiet and listened to what the others were saying and made a few notes. It didn't mattered that she was not so interested in this lesson, she needed to follow all the lessons if she wanted to go to the next year. She needed to do her best and this lesson was no exception!

As long as they were not snoring, Botros gave them small smiles and encouraging nods to write down what they could understand so far.

"All you need to focus on from everything we've discussed is the following." He gave them a minute to write whatever they wanted from the blackboard before waving his cane, the words disappearing, and moving it again so that a new simpler tablet is drawn.

Originally Posted by Blackboard
"Another question. What were runes used for? And which uses still live till today?" THAT should be an easier question. Guesses were accepted too.

ooc: - Try to talk about ONE particular use, please, to give the others a chance to participate.
- Class will resume in 12-17 hrs. Hang in there, the theoretical part is almost over!
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