So the thing was with everyone selling eggs, West figured he needed to be smart about it. He expected Dylan and Theo to maybe join him later but he said he'd set up so here he was.
... which was where? In a large tent with most everything set up as needed. And students yelling and trying to sell the eggs. West had decided a different approach was needed. For starters : research. West had checked and knew that
a single Ashwinder egg cost 1 galleon at Slug and Jiggers, so a jar with at least five Ashwinder eggs in it was reasonable at 5 galleons a pop.
He spread out a
green tablecloth over top of the work area he'd been assigned and arranged the jars of eggs on top. Just to be different and catch the eye mind you. After that West covered every single jar with a black cloth.
Finally he sat back and put his
sunglasses on and waited.
How mysterious.