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"I voulnteer..." as tribute. Derry raised her hand. Sure, she was really shy in social situations, but she wanted to earn points and stuff... so surely putting herself forwards in lessons was a good idea, right? Also she'd always wanted to say that...
Fantastic! A newbie as well... that was brave, how come she wasn't a Lion then? Huh?
"Wonderful.. Miss Ferrier is it?" she asked for confirmation.
"Right, your task, will be to navigate the ladder by pointing your wand in the direction you want to go.... then once you are beside one of the pods, you will need to cut it off its stem by casting diffindo... it's alright if you don't get it straight away, it's good practice. Just use a slicing wand movement and utter the word diffindo very clearly, this should sever it clear off," she whispered the last part to the girl.
"Everyone else, you will be working in teams to ensure the pods don't hit the floor and break... most of you should have learnt aresto momentum in your second years... use this, and we'll need people catching the pods as they slow down."
Or was all of this a bit ambitious?
"Derryth, once you cut three you may disembark and we'll let someone else have a go."
Now... to make some space for a game of catch.
"Everyone, could you please start by moving your stools to the side, out of the way please, then take your positions!" OOC: Alright, now, I'm trying something different with this, so we'll see how we go XD. Here are some guidelines to follow:
The pods are approximately the size of a quaffle, some perhaps a little bigger, but they are feather-light.
You are all welcome to interact with each other, discussing game plans, etc.
Once JustAlice has severed her 3 pods, I will ask for another volunteer to cut 3 more, when this happens will largely depend on when I will be online and wen SS will be working. Please do not volunteer yourself until I have posted. I will aim for either in 4 hours time OR 12 hours time.