Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
Posts: 25,070
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Brooms Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn Oh, so she had been right? Melanie smiled happily to herself, playing with her gloves slightly as she listened to the professor speak. She tried to see what the professor was talking about, tilting her head all the way back and trying to spot it. Squinting her eyes a little, she could see some fuzzy looking stuff. Melanie wondered if the 'fibrous coat' around the black seeds were used to stuff pillows or whatever. It seemed like it was possible but not particularly comfortable.
Height. She hadn't thought of that. Would they all be wearing tall shoes for it? "Professor, are we all going to fly on our brooms to get the pods?" she asked after raising her hand. Because that was possible. Or they could use a ladder. Ladders would be nice too. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva listened as Bentley said that the flower was indeed an umbrella flower. They were pretty flowers, very pretty and of course it helped that they weren't out to kill them, but how would they get up there. "Professor if we are using magic I would say brooms could work, but maybe a ladder as well." Did wizards use ladders? She still even at 16 found herself mixing up the two worlds, but a ladder could work.
Then she put her hand up again, "Once we get up their do we use a spell to get the seeds out." She knew at times they pulled out the seeds, dropped the flower to get the seeds, and then used magic at times, so there could be any response. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Umbrella Flower.
Well Lexi wasn't surprised that she didn't know what that was even though she liked gardening. She was pretty sure she hadn't seen one of those in her families garden ever. And the seeds were way up there. Super high and far away from where Lexi could ever reach in her lifetime.
So how to get up there indeed. They could use magic carpets, but those weren't allowed. But they would be so much easier to float in the middle of the air and sit and take the seeds out. So Lexi raised her hand. "Professor we could fly up there using brooms...or magic carpets even though those are illegal I think. And Lexi wasn't about to break any laws, but she had valid reasoning so she would explain it to the class. [b]"Because wouldn't it be easier to float on a flying carpet in front of the Umbrella Plant thingy and collect its seeds because you can sit more easily on a flying carpet. A broom would work also, but it would be easier with a carpet I think."[b] So there was her valid reasoning. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kitten Umbrella flowers? Well that was different. Kahlan made a mental note to keep that in mind in case they ever had to work with these things again... though she still wasn't exactly sure what they were. A name didn't really give that much away about it anyway...
How to beat the height issue? Well the first year only really had one idea, mostly because of the fact that all of her immediate family had gone to a Quidditch Academy. "We could use brooms to fly up and pick the seeds?" the pure blood offered, though it sounded a lot more like a question.
And she didn't realize that some people in this class might be muggleborn or not be able to fly.
Brooms.. well that was fairly practical, for a proficient flyer, which was maybe a quarter of them... "Good, brooms can definitely be useful in situations such as these, though considering the space restrictions, flying isn't the safest method." Solo or in groups... SPOILER!!: Levitation Stuffs Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz West stuck his gloved hand up. "We could levitate them down, or levitate each other up to get them, or use some other kind of movement spell, maybe one to make the umbrella plants lower themselves to us?" West suggested. He was eyeing up the pods with interest, definitely keen to get a closer look. Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty Mika just stood there and glanced up at the opening seed pods. They looked kind of fuzzy and creepy - seriously what did people want with a nut thingy that had fuzzy stuff on the inside? She had no idea the importance of these umbrella pods or why they were called Umbrella pods...It would be different if they grew umbrellas.
She just shrugged and glanced up to the plants again.
Raising her hand she asked, "Would a levitation spell on ourselves work? Or possible catapulting students then using impedimenta and wingardium leviosa as a way to control their trajectory and levitation levels work?" She asked careful not to sound too strange. Even if she was going to sound bonkers no matter what she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Okay, so not food. Nope, instead they would be selling flowers in Hogsmeade. Sky couldn't decide if she thought this was a good idea or a bad one. Because on one hand, if they grew their own food, they would be saving money. On the other, if they sold these, they might could make the Hogwarts money back in one fell swoop? Either way, they would have to figure out how to get them down. "A well placed Wingardum Leviosia? Float someone up there?" Sounded like a good idea to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Why was the professor giggling? Alice was serious. It WASN'T a snargaluff, was it? No, no, it was not. She grinned proudly at Bentley when she got a nod and tossed her gloved hand up in the air again when her next question was asked. "What he said." She gestured over to the general vicinity of West's voice and kept speaking, trying not to look because she'd probably get distracted again. "The Locomotion Charm, maybe? It could move people up there, or get the non-snargaluffs down here."
Non-snargaluffs. Or umbrella flowers. Same difference. Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon Eliza tried to think hard about how they could get the pods down from the vines. Glancing upwards she noticed just how far up they really were. She agreed with the ideas of getting the vines to bend downwards somehow, to to levitate everyone up higher, so she raised her hand and said so. "Professor, I think we could levitate ourselves up into the air to get them, or," trying to think outside of the box a little bit, "We could stand on our chairs and cast engorgio on them to make them bigger and therefore raise us up higher and higher." She was pretty sure that would work, even though it might not be the best way. And having giant chairs in the room would be sort of...cumbersome. Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife So her memory totally didn't bail on her, then. Awesome.
Umbrella flowers. Her grandmother totally had those planted in her indoor plant sanctuary. No wonder why they were really familiar right? The name itself already had a ring to her. It did look pretty you know, because it was gigantic and had nice colours. Totally made Kat forget how awfully dirty the dungeons were. Even if the greenhouse had soil and stuff, it was way more cleaner here than her common room. Like... waaaay tidier.
So... how do they take them done? Kat wasn't too sure. Maybe give it a try. It wouldn't hurt, right? She might even be right and stuff. The prefect raised her hand. "A simple levitation charm could work," she said. "Or maybe the plant itself would just lower itself." Cause that would be cool. Quote:
Originally Posted by THE Govoni
If it was a question of getting up to a certain height and feeling comfortable enough to extract seeds, Dylan's answer was obvious. Obvious to anyone that knew him and knew his skills.
Hand-raising. "I don't know about everyone else...but I'd like to accomplish this on my broom." Blink. "I can balance better on it than on the ground, honestly. Surely it'd work for something like this." Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea
Sonea looked offended at the teacher now that she had no permission to take some seeds with her, but she would not give up easy, she would show the teacher during this term that she was more than a simply and ordinary student, no she was a Slytherin and she WOULD get what she wanted! The young girl smiled a fake smile to the teacher and nodded, her time would come eventually...
The young girl made quick a mental note what the name of the plant was and listened to what the teacher was telling, she wanted to prove that she would be good at this lesson so that she could get what she wanted, even if she needed to get her hands dirty and that was something she REALLY hated! Sonea looked around her and shivered, she knew that if she wanted to be good at this lesson she needed to touch some of the dirty things she saw here, there was sand everywhere and she shivered now that she realized that there were also probably worms in the ground, worms, spiders and all the things she hated were here in this greenhouse and if she wanted to prove herself then she needed to ignore her fears and... Sonea sighed, this was hopeless...
The young girl shivered for one last time and started to listen to the teacher and thought about the question she had asked. She stared at the plants who were hanging high above them and narrowed her eyes. “We can maybe” Sonea paused and frowned, thinking of a way to come closer to the plants. “Someone can use a Flying Charm on a chair and sit on it while the chair would fly toward the plants… It’s easy and you can sit while you’re working!” Sonea was proud now that she had spoken, she had read in a book about the spell and she thought that it would be handy sometime!
AND JustAlice
Levitation, it had its merits. "Again, great ideas, in theory... but remember we need to consider hazards and safe or appropriate methods." At any rate, she wouldn't trust a single one of them to levitate her up... let alone allow them to levitate each other. They'd end up falling out of the sky and breaking their legs... or plants... or something. SPOILER!!: Tobias Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie Ooooh! Tobias knew this one for sure!
He thrust his hand up into the air. "Human ladder! Or like a pyramid of people. It could totally work," he beamed.
Sure Tobias, not like you're at a wizarding school or anything.
A wizarding school.
Which teaches, you know, magic.
A human ladder? "Oh Merlin no... there are far better ways." Far more comfortable ways. SPOILER!!: Ella Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Umbrella flowers, eh? Ella listened carefully to Professor Bentley as she eyed them, noting the pods that were starting to open. She couldn't help but wonder if the fibrous coat kept the little seeds warm as she continued to eye them carefully. Hm. As for how they'd get the pod from the vine, Ella chanced a guess. "The severing charm, Professor?" That would allow you to cut the pod off accurately, yeah? As for how they were meant to get up to the pods, Ella wasn't sure. "The stretching jinx is meant to make you taller so...maybe that."
Stretching Jinx, now that was out-of-the-box thinking. "Stretching could ahve its merits, but you would still need to consider the hazards and potential consequences should the jinx go wrong." SPOILER!!: Zeke Quote:
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Welcome back was definitely the word. Zeke was back. Yes, I guess he was, huh?
He just watched as others began to go scavenger hunting for their gloves inside their bags. Thankfully, he'd already worn his before entering because, y'know, gotta be extra good in this subject. Head of House, Zeke-y. Once the question was asked, tada, he absolutely DID NOT know the answer. Err, looking up he just stared at the flowers. The only flowers he knew were roses and sunflowers. Hm.
Listening to the answers of the others, which consisted mainly of Puffapods and Umbrella flowers. Mehehe, Puffapods. Sounds like the house flower for the Hufflepuffs. Just as he did in about every first question of every lesson he's taken so far, the brown haired boy kept quiet and observed from his seat. No answer here.
As for the height issue....errr, "Drink some potion to grow? "Yes, that's a good idea... though this isn't a potions class, so we won't be using that method." Still, it was a good idea. SPOILER!!: Laura Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and smiled as she raised her hand. "How about a simple growing spell that doesn't last forever?" Laura thought she'd give an answer even if it was wrong, but hopefully it wasn't because surely there was a growing spell around somewhere. "Growing spell, stretching jinx... yes they're not bad options, but we do need to consider the potential hazards with those." Particularly with a room full of students... who may or may not ave used the spell previously. SPOILER!!: Theo Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Did someone say profit?
Theo was momentarily distracted by that word as he popped his gloves on. It did at least spark some interest in Herbology this term, but as soon as she started rambling on about planting and harvesting and stuff... Theo just wanted to fake!pass out.
He did look up at the plant, though, which was quite gross looking. Why on Earth would they want to grow that? He didn't know the answer anyway, so Theo just narrowed his eyes to look right up and inside it. Weird and fluffy. Hmmmmmmmmmm....
Theo silently agreed with the mention of a ladder. Despite that being a little scary, it would get the job done quicker. Since he was quiet for the last question, he decided to take a go at this one. "You could use the severing charm." Had no one said that yet? Did that mean it was the wrong answer?
BLAH. Oh well. "Yes, we will be using the severing charm, though not from such a great distance." Distance was not wise, it meant there was a greater opportunity for error. SPOILER!!: Summoning Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Seeing as professor Bentley had arrived not long after she’d replied to the young Gryffie, Kendall had merely given Amara another smile to show she’d at least heard the introduction. When people were already losing points for being tardy, she wasn’t about to respond just now. The return introduction would just have to wait, and she’d closed her sketchbook as the lesson had begun. Honestly, the puffapod/umbrella flower debate was fascinating, even though she knew it was going to end eventually, and she kind of wanted to just get to sketch the big flowers over their heads. It was either that or go back to thinking about her little biome from last term, as she hadn’t been about to speak and just repeat everyone else.
Before long, the debate was over, and she’d gone back to wanting to draw the umbrella flowers. She’d returned her attention to the lesson as it had continued, however, and raised her hand after some thought. “Could we use either a version of a Summoning Charm or Locomotor to get the vines to come down to us, so we aren’t worrying about levitation or anything else that might mean risk of falling?,” she suggested. Not that she had anything against levitating up there, or even trying to scale the plant like it was a tree, especially since she was free of the cast from the summer finally. She was just figuring that it was school, and a lesson, and maybe that meant they had to be more careful. If Hogwarts was low on funding, they probably wouldn’t want to deal with angry parents wanting repayment for risking their children’s lives. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles Height issues. Hasn't Peyton dealt with that all her life. She was still POSITIVE she'd one day reach at LEAST six feet in height. Or something close to that.
Peyton stared up at the umbrella flowers. Huh. It almost looked as if a fluffy bear was stuffed inside those seeds. Huh, huh, HUH. After staring for quite sometime, Peyton raised her gloved hand to answer the question. "Teamwork. One can magically lower the plant while the other one extracts the seed from the vine," she said, then lowered her gaze to Professor Bentley. "The Summoning Charm wouldn't work, would it?" Just curious.
Summoning charms.. not bad, not bad at all. "Great thinking, though summoning the pods or the seeds had the potential to cause harm to the plant." And that was something they wanted to avoid. SPOILER!!: Ladders Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was just guessing on the last question. He wondered if they could just use a ladder and that would take care of the problem. But the solution was probably a spell or something. Well It worth a shot . Nigel raises his hand. "Couldn't you use a ladder?
It seemed like an honest question. But maybe Bentley did not have any ladders. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 They were going to selling them? Was it to raise funds for the School? If it was, this was only even more bad news.
Jory raised his hand to answer the question. "We could use a ladder, Professor,'' he said. That was much simpler than brooms. There was probably less chances of accidents happening. But levitating them down or using another spell to do the trick sounded good as well. AND RandomRaven
Practical, sturdy, fool proof... unless you were completely uncoordinated and/or cursed. "Yes, absolutely. Ladders, particularly when secured with protective charms, are often the best and safest methods of gaining access to hard to reach places."
Withdrawing her wand from her robe pocket, Seren gave it a quick flick toward the other end of the greenhouse and waited for the slow moving enchanted ladder to join them. "Now unfortunately, we only have one ladder," because the school was broke, and even this one was only on loan/borrowed/stolen from her mother, "... so I'm going to need one volunteer to reach the pods."
So... any volunteers? OOC: The lesson will continue once we have our volunteer (;
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