There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan 94. ALLERGIC
Melissa heard Alyssa sneezing and so she went to see what was wrong.
"Alyssa are you okay? Are you coming down with a cold?"
"No Mom. I don't feel feverish or sick."
"Then why are you sneezing so much?"
"Maybe it is the dust in this room."
"Alyssa, you are supposed to dust your room everyday." Melissa admonished her daughter.
"I did...I mean I do, Mom." Alyssa told a white lie.
"Well then it isn't dust. When did it start?"
"The moment I started studying. Oh wait, I know the reason. I must be allergic to studying." Alyssa grinned.