There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan 90. PRESENT
Alyssa looked around her, savoring every precious minute that she had left in Hogwarts. A year from now she would be graduating and headed off to who knows what. Hopefully training to be an Auror, or in college, studying Wizarding and Muggle Law just like her mother had done.
Alyssa climbed to the top of the hill. She was going to miss this place, but she still had time. Today was the present and Alyssa wanted to express her feelings. So opening her mouth, she yelled out her best Robin Williams impersonation,"CARPE DIEM! SIEZE THE DAY!! GOOOOODDDD MOOOOORRRNNNIIINNNGGG HOOOOGGGGWWAAARRTTTSS!!" |