There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan 69. SLAP
Alyssa came running into the living room holding her finger. "Merlin this hurts!"
"What happened to your hand?" her brother, Sirius, asked.
"I slammed it in the drawer." Alyssa sucked on her finger.
"Oh stop being a baby. It can't hurt that much. You just slammed it. You didn't break it."
"Well it still hurts. You must know a spell to take away the pain?"
"Yes I do." Sirius slapped her hard on the cheek.
"Ow! why did you slap my cheek? Now that hurts." Alyssa rubbed her cheek.
"Well at least you've forgotten about your finger now. Problem solved."