There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan 68. ROAR
Little Alyssa was reading the History of Magic book when she discovered that the mascots of the Houses in Hogwarts were a lion, a snake, a badger and an eagle.
Just for her own amusement, she started mimicking the sounds of the animals. "HISSSSSS.....KEEEEEAAAAHHHH....ROAR....ROAR....ROA R..."
"Alyssa what are you doing?" her sister Claudia asked.
"I'm making the sounds of the House mascots of Hogwarts. They're a nake, an eagle, a lion and a badger."
"A hiss, a screech and a roar. Why are you stuck on the roar?"
"Because I don't know what sound a badger makes."