Back to boss man. "Mr. Higareda, your last question was submitted by a panel, if the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?" If he looked at Cope's shirt, he'd be doing most things blindly, so heads up Mr. Not-Quite-So-Professional.
Oh my gosh! Okay now that was a question that could easily kill his campaign! All the others had been fine, some were a bit like uhhh what? But this one? How could anyone just jump and do something without the facts just because the board said to do it. Wait did he mean as a board member if he could just follow the instructions. Or as a person outside the board itself like as a department head?
Merlin! How did he answer this question?
He wasn't even paying attention to the other candidates now that he knew his last question. He was trying to figure out how he was going to answer the question! He didn't want to sound like he'd just do what ever they would say or tell him to do but he also didn't want them to think he didn't follow orders made by the board. GAH!
Finally getting to his feet he spoke "I would love to say yes that I would be able to just take orders like that and do exactly what the board decides and tells me I need to go do without a moment's hesitation. But I can't say I would just go do something without the facts or reasoning behind what is being asked of me."
"Whether as a board member or as a department head, I wouldn't be able to just go and do something like that. I would ask for some information as to why I was needed to do that. I don't mean it as disrespect but as a human being who doesn't do things often just because it's what someone wants, but one that considers what he's doing."
Yeah that might have just destroyed the chance at being a board member.
"I'm sorry if it's not what you want to hear, but I cannot say that I would just blindly follow instructions from the board, without any reason or explanation for what I would be asked to do." Taking a deep breath his face looked a bit troubled as he sat down "Thank you."