Thread: The Grand Stage
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Old 02-19-2013, 01:18 AM   #82 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Text Cut: Mr Charles
Originally Posted by Becky View Post
Charles gave Gavin a nod at his response. He'd hoped to give Gavin a chance to say a little more than he'd been able to so far and he'd chosen to put across that he could learn quickly, which was a good thing for people to know. It meant he'd learn from his mistakes, which was most definitely what people would want. A fool was a person who made the same mistake over and over and expected a different outcome.

He'd noticed Vinteren's accent becoming more pronounced and also that he'd attempted to hide it to an extent by keeping his answer short and sweet. Now why would Vinteren be trying to hide his accent? Everyone knew he wasn't from the UK and English wasn't his first language. In Charles' experience, the people who attempted to hide who they really were were should be watched carefully. The answers from other people also gained more subtle reactions from him, but he said nothing until it was obvious that people were waiting for questions once again. Maybe not all of them, though. The old man looked like he needed a rest from all of this. Maybe he was just too tired to be doing this.

The question about the old man's age brought a smirk to Charles' face that he could not hide, no matter how hard he tried. The man's response was just as amusing and pleasing. He didn't even know if he was out of touch or not and that made Charles want to congratulate the man who'd asked the question. Reynold's enthusiastic response to his personal question meant that he really did believe in what he was saying.

Now, it was ladies first, so he started with a question for the most lady-like lady in the room. Yes, eyeing you, Ivy Knox. "Ms. Black, how committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?"

Okay, now for Ms. Law Enforcement. "Ms. Carter, what are your feelings on the lack of a term limit for Governors?" She was probably pretty pleased with that, because it meant she wouldn't have to do this all over again.

He then turned to the other supposed woman in the room and asked her next question. Straight to business for Ms. Cold, right here. "Ms. Knox, due to your already existing commitments at the Athens Wizarding Institute, how would you respond to an impromptu meeting being called?"

Maybe he should ask the old man his question next, you know, so he'd have an opportunity to think about it and catch his breath before going up to answer. "Mr Clark, what wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?" Yeah, definitely steering away from calling him old, wouldn't want to remind him of that point. Surely the man got that reminder every time he looked in a mirror.

Okay, painful shirt guy now. "Mr. Cope, do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?" Though from what he could gather, the man's profession was talking to a microphone.

Back to boss man. "Mr. Higareda, your last question was submitted by a panel, if the situation called for it, would you be able to follow blindly the instructions of the Board without a moment's hesitation? Why?" If he looked at Cope's shirt, he'd be doing most things blindly, so heads up Mr. Not-Quite-So-Professional.

"Mr. Phillips, what are two current things that you've seen in the school that you believe need changing and why?" It was a strange question if he said so himself, but hey, he was just here to ask them!

Now for the man who had the inner eye. He should see this coming then, right? "Mr. Reynolds, from your job history, it seems you get bored with jobs quickly." There was a smug undertone there. Yes, they knew. "Would being a Governor just be another passing thing to get involved in or would you stay longer than a year or two?" He gave the man a questioning stare, but then turned to Vinteren to ask the next question.

"Mr. Vinteren, you've stated that you didn’t attend Hogwarts during your school years, so what would you say is your motivation for wanting to have a say in how the school will be run?" To make it more like the 'worldly' school he supposedly went to? Because his school had been so perfect, right?

He finally turned to the American man who'd caught up well and directed his very first personal question at him. "Mr. Vanderbilt, you currently reside in the United States, are you planning on moving to the UK if selected to be a part of the board? If not, how will that affect your ability to attend meetings that are called last minute?" Bearing in mind that inter-continental apparition was mostly illegal.

[SIZE="1"]OOC: Remember, you're allowed to post multiple responses. It would be greatly appreciated if you would label them in the post and also put the number to the questions you are responding to at the top of your post. Thank you.


- For Erik Vinteren: You didn’t attend Hogwarts during your school years, what would you say is your motivation for wanting to have a say in how the school will be run?

He had already answered this question, hadn't he? Erik didn't like having to repeat himself. He also didn't like the cold way this Mr. Charles was addressing everyone. There can only be so many ice kings and queens in one room at a time before one becomes frostbitten.

Erik approached centre stage once more and amplified his voice with the sonorous charm, as usual. "I vent to school in Norway, that is no secret," Erik began, "however I think it is very clear by now vhy I vould like to have an impact on Hogwarts. As I said earlier, I haff studied alongside of and vorked closely vith Hogwarts graduates and even vith former staff members. I now reside and vork in Scotland, not too far from the school itself. I'm a concerned member of the community, to put it simply. Vhy shouldn't I vant a say in how the school is run?" He had just as much a right as anyone else!

The blue eyed man paused to allow those words to sink in. "My motivation for running for vhe board is purely intrinsic. As a concerned member of vhe community and a businessman who has in vhe past hired Hogwarts graduates, I vould like to help the most well-known school of magic in the vorld also become the best school of magic in the vorld. I feel I haff a number of things to offer to you," he made eye contact with some in the audience, "the people whose family members attend vhis noble institution, and to your children, if you elect me to vhe Board. If you do not, vell, at least I tried to help. It is better to try and fail vhan to haff never tried at all."

He looked back at Mr. Charles as if to ask whether his very serious, and very emphatic, answer was sufficient, then half-turned back to the crowd. "And for vhe record, vhere vere no openings on vhe school boards in Norway." He winked, hoping they would see it as a charming way to handle such a specific question, and then confidently headed back to his seat.
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