Nolan hadn't expected that one to come up in the debate. For the first time all day, he was nervous. He had always tried to think of his extensive resume as being an ADVANTAGE, not a disadvantage, as some were sure to see it as. Well, now it was here. The time to address it. Gulp.
He cleared his throat, prepared his answer and walked to the podium. Just like that, his confidence was back. He chuckled a bit to kind of play off the smug attitude the debate...guy, what was his name? He hadn't paid attention...had given him while asking the question.
From your job history, it seems you get bored with jobs quickly. Would being a Governor just be another passing thing to get involved in or would you stay longer than a year or two?
"Well, if one were to take a look at my job history, you'd see that the majority of the time, I did not leave simply because I was BORED." Take that Mr. Commentator...man!
"Most of the time, I was working my way up and bettering my own position. So it was not a matter of me being fed up or bored with my job. On the contrary, I was making moves that would benefit me and my family," he explained. There. Explanation created and delivered!
"As for the board--this certainly is not hobby of mine. It is a passion. Teaching was by far my favorite position and I'm deeply saddened that I had to step down so shortly after taking my position. However, the Board of Governors position allows me to have an impact on student's lives and make a difference, and since I have a steady side job and a stable home life, there is no reason I would have to leave this post. This is what I WANT to do. Those other positions--they were just a way to get by until I found my passion, and ladies and gentleman, I have found it. My passion is helping the future generations of our community, making an impact on their lives and helping them realize their full potential. As I said before, this is even BETTER than a professor position," he explained.
"I can make more of an impact than I could as a professor. That was a good starting place, and now that I have more experience in leadership positions under my belt, I'm thrilled to take on this position and have a greater, more powerful impact on the school community. I'm in this for the long haul, if you're willing to vote for me and give me a chance. Thank you."
There, he'd dodged that question perfectly! Merlin he was good.