DMT & DIMC Antipodean Opaleye
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Tenacius "Ace" Salander Graduated
x12 x12
| Q3, Q4 and Q5 Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Quote:
Q3 "If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?" Oh, long term plans. There were several.... BUT he has to pick one, not just to avoid confusion and sending people to sleep but for something he believes should be worked on right away, given the long range timetable for this. “You know a lot of the plans for readying Hogwarts students are the skill sets they need when they leave its hallowed halls—and I am a big supporter of that. But if there’s anything I notice in all the years I have worked with and managed fresh graduates from Hogwarts or from various Magical Universities is that they seem to be rather ill-prepared with the demands and standards of the work place.” a thoughtful frown crossed his features, recalling stressed, sometimes sobbing youngsters struggling with their first jobs “You have ambitious youngsters with absolute brilliant minds and an energy most of us here on this stage would wish we still had—but when it comes to certain basic standards of the workplace—like for example, professional conduct-- they’re either completely clueless that its something expected of them and that it IS part of being an employee or they just go about not caring and think they’re still in school, where their misdemeanors are generally tolerated, because you know... they’re kids.” “My long term plans isn’t just to ready them intellectually and physically, but also emotionally, to ingrain a sense of standard that Hogwarts graduates ought to have and that they should operate at this LEVEL--” a hand raises to level off the side of his head “That way when they join the workforce they wouldn’t feel like they’ve been tossed out into the wilderness and left to fend for themselves. They would be ready for the demands of working, they would know what to expect, and at least there would be a semblance of maturity that helps them when they realize that the working life, is pretty different from school life.” Quote:
Q4 "Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?" He almost didn’t need to think about this one. It was a sentiment that’s been knocking around his head for a long time. “I firmly believe there should be this constant flow of communication between the Faculty and the Board, after all, we are working towards a common objective.” Or at least they should “So yes I think there ought to be, at the very least, a good working relationship between us and a transparency with processes of how things are done and why things are done.” Trust, isn’t that the cornerstone of any worthwhile relationship? “Although I am not saying that the groups are ‘interchangeable’—we each have our specific functions and we should respect the boundaries of what makes the Faculty ‘a Faculty’ and what makes the Board ‘a Board’.” Pause. Board. Faculty. Two different groups right? “Now having just stated the importance of the Faculty and the Board working alongside each other, I also firmly believe that certain decisions made within the confines of a Faculty or Board meeting should stay distinctly separate.” Pause for emphasis? Yes “I know there have been many less than stellar examples where a Faculty or a Board member would unduly influence the functions and processes of the other group. And quite frankly, I don’t condone that. As much as it is our function to oversee and support the efforts of the Faculty and its students in keeping Hogwarts the best Magical school this side of the pond, we also serve as a check and balance to each other. So yes in many respects there should be a clear separation of duties, just so there isn’t any conflict of interest down the line.” Quote:
Q5 Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?" Same goes with this question. Should he be happy they're finally hitting the points he felt should be addressed. Most definitely. “Oh I think its incredibly important.” he said, shifting a little closer to the edge of his seat “If theres anything who we should hear a bit more from it’s the students, with the size of the population and the age variables, the diversity of their opinion is bound to be interesting and insightful. Besides, given that a great deal about the business of running a school is about their future I would really like to hear more from them, what their expectations are, what they think and feel about their current situation now and is it something we can address right away.” |