Text Cut: Mr Isaacs
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It was good to see that more of them were starting to keep up. Did it mean there was now hope? Not likely. They were still the same people from just now who, to him, had that whole deer caught in the head lights thing going for them. Needless to say he was still not impressed. Although...if he was going to be honest, they weren't all hopeless cases...
There were those who were genuine and he could appreciate that. There was no point in running for a job that involved children if you weren't going to be genuine about it, because even when no one else could tell, they could. His nieces taught him that.
As he sat there, his eyes flickered from one candidate to the other. They were onto the personal questions not all...some of them and this was the part he was most interested in. General questions were fine, but they weren't meant for the person specifically.
And now it was Vinteren's time to receive a question of his own. He could think of a few things to ask but he would start with this one. "Mr. Vinteren, how would you like to see Hogwarts 'invest' in the students?" He bet he would have some kind of elaborate idea too. It would be so typical.
For the rest, well, nothing really. They all got the same look of indifference.
Hmm, this was decent question. Nice change of pace there, and Erik noted how they were appealing to the
supposed 'businessman' side of him by using the word
invest. Clever. He took his time getting to centre stage this round, as he was thinking of the many, many things he'd like to see Hogwarts do to 'invest' in the students.
"Vell," he said thoughtfully, both hands tucked loosely into his pockets,
"I vink there are a number of vhings Hogwarts and the Board of Governors could do to invest in the students." His eyes took on a sort of sparkly look as he continued speaking passionately, and honestly.
"I for one vould like to see a study abroad or student exchange option made available to vhe students, to increase their worldliness and vheir options post-graduation. How best to know vhat is out vhere vhan by exploring it yourself? I vould also like to set up a mentor program with prominent, contributing adults in the community, or even vith willing professors and Governors, who vould be able to provide career advice and general guidance and perspective vhen students need it."
The teenagers he had seen could certainly use some perspective.
"Other vays to invest in the students vould be to show them vhat we care.. .vith our time and our money. Governors should take vhe time to be present at school events like Quidditch matches, and should set up a scholarship fund to help students continue vheir educational goals beyond Hogwarts." He certainly wouldn't have been where he was today without a little financial aid.
"Finally," Erik needed to wrap up this answer, as he was getting thirsty,
"I vould like to see Hogwarts invest in the students by taking a vested interest in vhe changes the students and their parents vould like to see in the school. An open board meeting over vhe summer vould be a great way to get feedback from the community on the school. Perhaps vith a support system of people who care about Hogwarts' success as a school and as a place to grow up, Hogwarts vill once again be a safe place to learn."
He tilted his head in something of a half-shrug and, still smiling at the audience, turned his smile on the Mr. Isaacs who had asked the question.
"Vhank you sir." He resumed his seat.