Thread: The Grand Stage
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Old 02-18-2013, 03:46 AM   #66 (permalink)
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Default #8

His indifferent gaze fell next on Mr. Higareda. This man was either really good or really fake. "Mr. Higareda, how do you feel you will bring change to the school?" Other than being Mother Theresa, of course, because that position was taken.
Wow, okay talk about a loaded question. Letting others take a chance and answer their questions, Gavin sat back thinking on his answer. What could he do that the others hadn't already brought up. Maybe he should go back to encouraging students about his department and learning to work with other's not just people, but creatures as well, and learning languages. Revert to some of the things he'd said back at the Hogsmeade debate. There was so much he could say about this but he didn't want to put it across wrong either. He wanted to be accurate and make sense all at the same time. This question could very well sway a person between wanting to vote for him or not!

Taking a deep breath he rose to his feet when it was his turn to answer his question. "The first thing that I would ensure if I'm elected as a governor will be to ensure the safety within the school. I don't want to see the safety breached again and want to ensure that that safety is no longer compromised. The safety of the students and staff within the school is the most important thing that any of us could do as a governor. Making that a priority I believe is where we need to start."

"The next thing I would do is to go over every evaluation that has been done this term by the candidates as well as the current board of governors on each class and staff that is in the school. To see how the current staff are teaching the students. Go over it and ensure that the students are getting the best education that we can currently provide. From there I would go over the curriculum and classes and see what we can do to improve them. There is no class that can't be improved upon, even with the best professor in the world, there can always be an improvement put upon them."

Last I would look into what additional classes and seminars we can add to the current class list. These students as I've said a few times are our future, we need to ensure that each of them will become witches and wizards that will do well outside Hogwarts. That they can move on and become healers, ambassadors, law enforcement, and so much else. There is no reason a single student shouldn't leave the school without the knowledge that they can go forward and reach for that goal that they want to acquire. I want to make sure that those goals are not impossible for the students to reach, but to help them reach those goals."

Taking a deep breath he nodded to Gavin and those in the seats "Thank you."