If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Hm... Atticus took a few moments to think about this question as well. There were a number of factors to consider about such situations, and there was hardly a single right answer no matter what because of all the different possibilities and aspects of personal, professional, and Hogwarts-related situations. Again, though, the wording caught his attention.
Equally important.
"While each situation often varies, making it difficult to give a one-time, always-guaranteed answer, I can honestly say that I will endeavor to attend to a Hogwarts matter first before other important matters if possible. Events that affect Hogwarts in turn affect a greater number of people than most personal and even professional matters do, and particularly if the event or situation is a negative one, it can cause an extreme amount of damage if not attended to as soon as possible."
Hm...short answer this time, he decided, but that was fine. There wasn't anything wrong with a straight and to the point answer, no? Much better than long rambling answers like the ones he'd given at the Hogsmeade debate.