Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
HE MADE IT. He made it to his seat before they asked the next question! Did anyone else notice this great accomplishment of Sherman's?! He beamed proudly as he made his way to the center of the stage. "It is necessary for a member of the Board to be approachable and available to students," he stated slowly, still gathering his thoughts. "As I've said before," like a MILLION times in the previous debate, wasn't anyone bored of him yet? They should have been. "I consider it the duty of School Governor to support Hogwarts and its students in every way they can, and I believe that the children can be better assisted by us if they contact us when issues arise. We should be able to get their opinions on the Board's activities and ideas. This could only work if we maintain a healthy relationships with students."
With a grin for the audience, the elderly man wheeled around and returned to his seat for the umpteenth time.