Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Quote:
Originally Posted by Becky For Atticus Aldredge, Corineus Vanderbilt: If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why? Corin angled his head thoughtfully. It was a very valid question. He had a short answer to that—but was rather limiting in scope to just relate to his duties as Director and his abilities as a Wizard, so he continued to mull the question over...
When it was his turn he stood “You know, there actually was a time when a situation happening at Hogwarts demanded my attention…. it was trickier than usual for me because it was at the same time my nephew was there.” It was Vickers’ second term at Hogwarts, his second year away from home for that long “I am very close to my nephew, and naturally as one who raised him my first instinct was to check on him.” Specially the reason he was brought in was due to circumstances any concerned parent would pull their children out had they known “But I had to remind myself of the reason why I was at Hogwarts in the first place—that although I am concerned for the safety and welfare of my nephew, the reason why I was there involved everybody that lived in Hogwarts—other students, the Faculty and other staff that keeps the school running. So yes… I had to set my priorities—and attended to Hogwarts matters first.”
He paused. “Before anyone would deem my actions callous for the welfare of my family, I had to make quick decisions on weighing the pros and cons of the situation. Clearly, taking care of the Hogwarts issue would benefit everybody, including my nephew.” So you know, he wasn’t some workaholic, irresponsible guardian. “But to bring this discussion to the present, my nephew has since graduated, and much to my pleasant surprise and a credit to Hogwarts’ training, he is now living independently. My mother is a hardy woman…” heck she's even healthier than him in all truthfulness “… there really isn’t anything I have to worry about her. So in manner of speaking I seem to find myself at the stage of my life where my familial duty doesn’t take up too much of my time anymore.” A second wind to continue his life's pursuits as it were. |