Thread: The Grand Stage
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Old 02-17-2013, 02:53 PM   #58 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Text Cut: Ms Rae-Branxton
Originally Posted by Erndearment View Post
Cassandra listened with great interest as the candidates spoke. Some were awfully reticent and were losing her interest, but for all those who were willing to step to the front of the stage and share their passions, Cassandra could envision them as part of the Board of Governors with varying degrees of success.

All too soon, it was her turn to ask questions of the candidates, and Cassandra took a moment to finish her notes and gather her questions before rising again. "Thank you all so much for your thoughtful answers so far. I can tell we have a lot of interest in seeing our school be the best it can be in the years to come. I have some individual questions now, so please bear with me and answer only the question presented to you."

She glanced briefly at her cards before continuing. "This next question is for Ms. Schirmer. You've been very clear that one of your interests is in making broader career options, especially through higher education, available to the students at Hogwarts. Can you outline how would you make higher level Wizarding Education an option for more students?"

Thea got a nod before Cassandra turned her attention to Roxanne. "My next question is for Ms. Carter. We continue to hear that safety is a platform many candidates support. If selected as a Governor, what are some specific ways you would suggest Hogwarts is made safer?"

And now to the gentlemen. "And my question for Mr. Higareda is next. As the new Head of the Department of International Cooperation, you’ll be required to travel. What makes you certain that this won’t interfere with your active participation in the undertakings of the Board?"

She cleared her throat and shuffled her cards. "My last question is for Mr. Cope and it comes from a concerned parent. If the lives of students were endangered in any way, what steps would you put into place to balance they not only receive the education promised to them but that they returned home safely at the end of the term?"

OOC: For Erik Vinteren: Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?

Next question. Great Odin's Raven, was this thing over yet? Erik took a breath and once again moved to the front of the stage, doing his best to appear bright and cheerful as he answered this one. Unfortunately, his accent was starting to grow more pronounced the longer this thing dragged on.

He would try being brief.

"Yes," he said simply, "I vould consider it very important for a Governor to be in contact vith vhe students." As he had done already. "Students are vhe heartbeat of vhe school. Vhey're vhe ones vhe Governors vork for, to ensure vhat vhey are receiving a safe and thorough education. Students should feel able to contact the School Governors if a problem arises in vhe school or if something makes vhem wary or uncomfortable of their professors. And vice versa, vhe Governors should be able to get students' perspectives on issues vhat directly affect vhem vithout feeling vhat vhe professors are coaching vhem to respond in a vay vhat makes vhem look good. Vhank you."

He sat down again. All this getting up and sitting down...good thing he was in shape. He couldn't imagine how that old dog Cooper Cope felt.
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