Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?
Sherman had just wheeled back to his seat when yet another question was tossed at him. Merlin, were these people talking extremely fast or did he just have the slowest system of movement in the world? He almost immediately tuned his chair back around, though, and headed for the center of the stage again. "I think it is necessary for the Board and the staff to maintain a good relationship and communicate effectively," he started as he stopped the rolling wheels of his chair with his hands. "But I think the Board should still keep itself a separate body from the faculty of Hogwarts, in order to remain uninfluenced." Uninfluenced by.. like their.. their.. somethings. WHATWASHEEVENSAYING? It made no sense. Whatsoever.
"I agree with Ms. Schirmer when I say that the staff should be kept 'in the know' and be informed or aware of some things. I also agree that it is more important to be discreet in certain situations." In fact, he always agreed with everything that Althea said, so could he just repeat her answer word for word? Please? No? "Teamwork and collaboration is important between all prominent figures in Hogwarts, I think, but some topics may need to be kept strictly inside the Board." He beamed at the audience once again and turned to make his way back to the seats, hoping he arrived there before the next question was asked.