Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?"
Next question. Alright, yep he needed to think on that. In some ways he believed that would be a great idea, but in others not so much. The parents might be very against that, and even concerned. But in other ways the students might want themselves known and their opinions!
"This is a good question and there are sides that I agree with on both parts of this. In many ways I think that this would benefit the board a lot. To get the input from the students, on how they feel about how the school is run as well as the curriculum. We would be able to see how much they are learning, if they feel they are getting enough out of what they are being taught or if they could benefit from other books, and even the professors that might be on staff."
"However, this could also be ineffective or the students could try and make trouble amongst the staff in the school as well as the board. The parents might feel that the board is overstepping and or even not wish for us to have contact with their children." Okay he'd explained how he felt about both sides of it. Now which side did he choose even? GAH this was not an easy decision to make.
"If it were me that had a student in the school, I personally would request that the board not have direct contact with my child. I trust the board in its decisions and to do what is best for the school, and I hope to make the board better with my experience. To include the professors and staff I believe would be beneficial but to include the students I believe would possibly bring on more problems than it would do to benefit the decisions the boards makes. Thank you."