Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?"
Merlin's beard....... Where had this question come from?! One of the students, no doubt. But really?! Still, Roxanne stepped up to the front with the same demeanor and conversational tone as she had for all the other questions. "I do believe it is important to keep in contact with the students as far as how they're liking their professors, how well they are able to keep up with both their classes and homework and what activities they would like to see implemented in the school. Because if the students are unhappy with one of those aspects, than they are less likely to be happy overall and that's when their grades start dropping." She added a pointed look at Althea when she mentioned activities. Adding all that educational stuff was all well and good, but kids also needed time to just be kids. There needed to be a balance there somewhere.
"In that way, School Governors do need to be in contact with the students. But, when it comes to their safety, the Board needs to have the freedom to implement whatever policies it can to keep the children safe, regardless of rather it's popular or not. This would require the governors to disengage from the students. What I'm trying to say is that there needs to a balance of listening and not listening." And finished again. As she walked back to her seat, Roxanne mentally calculated how many questions were left. Four. Awesome, then maybe she could get back to the party. Unless it was time for that to be over, in which case, it would be back home and getting ready for work the next morning. Which she was oddly eager for.....