Thread: The Grand Stage
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Old 02-16-2013, 05:59 AM   #25 (permalink)
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"Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?"
His attention was drawn to the next man that began introducing himself and then asked the next question. That was a very easy question in Gavin's eyes. To him there was no question as to his answer. Rising to his feet again, he spoke "I believe that the board should work along side the professors, the board isn't anything without them. We trust that they will teach our students what they know, and we trust that they will help them learn and be able to get out into the real world with that knowledge and ability."

"If we are to trust each of those professors, we need to know what they are and are not capable of. If we don't allow them the knowledge of what is happening and the decisions that we feel are important for the good of the school, then how are we to know that they even agree with what they are teaching?" Letting those words sink in he paused for a minute.

"I believe they should take part in at least some of the decisions that are made for the school, for instance the curriculum itself that is taught in the classes. So yes I do feel that we should be working alongside the professors and staff within the school rather than keeping the board a separate entity, and leaving the professors, staff and even headmistress in the dark." Nodding and smiling once again he thanked them and returned to his seat.