If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Please, why didn't they try and give Nolan a HARD question?
He cleared his throat and took the podium again. He smiled out at the crowd and prepared to begin his answer.
"The answer to this one is obvious," he told them.
"I would, of coures, choose Hogwarts over the personal situation. I am not saying this just because I think it's what I want you to hear," he paused for dramatic emphasis,
"But it's a no-brainer when you look at the logistics. A problem at the school is going to have an impact on hundreds of students as well as the staff members. A personal problem can always be held aside until the major problem at the school is taken care of. It'd be simply selfish to do otherwise," he explained.
"No matter what the situation, as a member of the Board, it is my obligation to serve the students first. And, as I said, the consequences are much more severe if a problem at the school does not go unchecked. I simply would not be able to live with myself if something horrible happened and I didn't step up to help," he told the crowd. He was practically dancing right into the top spot with his awesome answers!
And this time, he was A LOT MORE CONFIDENT than before. Yup.
"Personal problems must be set aside in this job. We all knew this when we accepted our candidacy. It's a promise that I make to you and the future generations of Hogwarts students that, as board member, I will always put the students and the school first," he finished strong with another smile before turning back to his seat.