If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Listening as Althea spoke, Gavin kept his face neutral. He agreed so far with most of Althea's comments and suggestions up til now. Being a fellow department head he'd felt he should stand by her as well. There were a few that he felt would be good to have on the board but many of the others he still wasn't sure on.
He noted when Charles found his seat and gave him a smile. It was good to see one of his own employees involving themselves in this debate. Listening as Cooper also spoke and nodded to him as well when he finished, his attention was drawn back to Charles as he finally spoke.
Rising again Gavin took a deep breath and began speaking "Neither situation would take precedence over being on the board for me. If it were a work situation, I feel confident that those in my department would be able to care for the situation without my help. Each of them are excellent at what they do, and I've worked with many of them in an extreme situation and saw what they are capable of. I have full confidence in my team."
Swallowing he bit back a sigh that wanted to escape "Personal reasons will not come first whether it be for work or for the board. If one does arise I will explain that I am needed and I will return as soon as I can."
"What I am saying is that I would put the board first. The school's students and professor's well being will come first, and regardless of the situation I will make it my priority."