Hearing the call for the candidates to get to the stage,
Erik jogged up the stairs to the platform and swiftly made his way to his seat. He adjusted the knot of his Carolina blue silk tie and checked the alignment of his fancy silver name tag. Confident he looked sharp, he put on an expression of interest and ease and settled in for the debate.
Text Cut: Branxton
Originally Posted by
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Cassandra Rae-Branxton, and I am the President of the Board of Governors. I'm joined here today by several employees from the Ministry of Magic to moderate tonight's debate. Each candidate will respond to up to 9 questions at their own pace and in their own time, as we recognize that rapid fire questions don't suit everyone. Each candidate should answer the question as fully as possible; brevity is sometimes a virtue, but it can also make some look as if they don't have a sufficient answer. We ask candidates to hold off on responding to each other until they have answered all of their questions. The other moderators and I will take turns asking questions prepared by ourselves or submitted by a panel of concerned parents and community members."
The former Headmistress glanced at the cards in front of her for a long moment, gathering her thoughts before she turned a smile on the candidates gathered there. "You're all doing very well, and I can't wait to hear from you. Don't be nervous. Our first question of the evening is directed to all of you, so pleased step forward to the front of the stage to answer when you're ready and then take your seat again when finished. If you need more time, you can answer as quickly or slowly as you wish... don't be intimidated if your compatriots get ahead of you. This first question should be easy, as it's something you've been considering since you first tossed your hat in the ring so many months ago: Why do you feel you are more qualified for this position than the other candidates? We want to hear about what sets you apart from the crowd."
It was all beginning now. The former headmistress and present President was addressing them, and Erik leaned forward slightly from his chair on the end to hear. He nodded to show his understanding of the first question and then took a moment to gather his thoughts.
Well, no point in hesitating. He might as well be first to respond. The blonde man stood up and confidently made his way toward centre stage, casting the sonorous charm on himself as he moved. Erik gave a respectful nod toward President Branxton and then gave his answer.
"Good evening, everyone. My name is Erik Vinteren, and as I hope you might know, I am running for a position on the Hogwarts Board ov Governors." He paused to smile cheekily at the crowd. Hopefully they'd see the joke there. Erik took this election very seriously, but someone needed to warm them all up.
"To say I am different from the other candidates might be obvious to you. I am not from the U.K., I did not attend Hogwarts, yet I still feel a certain responsibility to see the honourable school do vell." He tucked one hand in his pocket loosely while the other would gesture every so often, creating a conversational vibe as he continued to address the audience.
"Vhile I did attend a different school ov magic, I vent to wizarding university afterwards and encountered many Hogwarts graduates vhere. I was impressed by vheir knowledge of the power we all share as wizards, but struck by their lack of...worldliness, and their seeming lack of regard for their fellow man, regardless of his place of birth or his nationality. I haff since observed many lessons and spoken to several professors at the school, and I still detect a similar note of carelessness vithin the castle."
Erik paused to allow his possibly controversial explanation time to sink in.
"Vhile I mean no offence with my observations, I do feel this is something I could change at Hogwarts. I myself speak 13 different languages and haff travelled the vorld and seen vhat it has to offer. I vould like to use vhis knowledge to help shape Hogwarts' graduates into more vell-rounded people. Vith my work background in defence contracting and international business, I also haff extensive knowledge of security and defence measures that vould be useful for the school, considering its tragedies in recent years and its history of security breaches. I cannot say vhether or not my fellow candidates haff my exact qualifications, but I can assure you vhat they vould not offer the same perspective and dedication vhat I can if you elect me to the Board of Governors."
He gave a nod toward the President and took a step back from the edge of the stage.
"Thank you." Erik raised his wand to his throat and removed the charm, then resumed his seat. His shoulders relaxed slightly once he was seated again. First question: success.