Alright, this had certainly been enough floating and flailing for THIS astronomer so surely the students were growing a bit tired as well. Yes? He needed to check his sundial to be sure though. First though, he needed to wait to collide with the wall so he could orientate himself and perhaps finnaly cast that Gripping Cha---
Oh, hello wall. We finally meet," the Astronomy professor said with a little twinkle in his blue eyes. Alright, so now that he was on the wall... Airey quickly performed the Gripping Charm on his hands and feet and began to crawl his way down the wall and over the floor like a
space monkey until he reached the projector. "
Well done all of you," he grinned to those hanging on there. "
You can let go now."
Turning his head slightly, and with his wand out again, Airey gave a knowing smirk. "
Everyone! Prepare yourselves! I'm restoring gravity!" Which meant that everyone was going to come crashing down! Or so he was going to let them think. He wasn't cruel or insane like that - even if students were all wearing protective gear. With a flick of his wand, gravity returned to the room and the space-age floor returned to the planetarium's usual grey carpet lined with rows and rows of chairs. Waiting just a moment to let the weight, hehe get it?!, of the situation sink in, he gave another wave of his wand. "
Aresto Momentum!"
There. Now no one was going to face plant into the floor or chair or anywhere.
Standing upright - and wheeling the wheelchair over to Mr. Clark - Airey turned his attention back to the class. "
Well done all of you! If you will please take your two meteors and return to your seats there is just one more miiiiiiiiiinor detail we need to discuss before I dismiss you all." He gave the box beside him a quick kick to open it up. "
Those of you who put your things in this box can please come and retrieve them and you can return your protective gear and gloves as well."
He paused a moment to allow students to do just that before continuing.
By now you all have two meteors in your hand, so they look just like colored rocks. One yellow and one blue. With your wands please give them a small tap like so," he said while demonstrating on his own. Instanding the rocky cover vanished in a poof of yellow smoke (on the yellow meteor of course) and revealed a
star shaped box labeled hydrogen. He did the same on the blue meteor, only this time a star shaped boxed labeled helium appeared. Grinning from ear to ear, he looked to the class. "
You are going to need to keep and utilize these two boxes safe for your long term project. Do NOT open these boxes until I have instructed you to do so." Seriously. Don't. "
Now, I know what some of you are probably thinking, how can gases be kept in boxes like this? Well, with some snazzy spell work these two gases have been turned into powder form."
Could any of them guess what this long term project was? Yes? No? If they had been paying attention to what he had said to Miss Potter earlier in the lesson perhaps they could put two and two together
and make four.
You will all be making and caring for your own stars this term," he BEAMED. "
Today you have learned the difference between a meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite - along with some other things - and how a meteor is different from a star despite it being labeled as a shooting or falling star by those not in the know." Which they all were now, so they could say 'Oh! Look at that dazzling meteor!' instead of 'Oh! Look at that shooting star! "
I will be opening up the astrophysics laboratory for you to accomplish this assignment, but before I do that there are several spells I would like you to practice before you leave. Just the incantations and wand movements for now. I will provide you with more details on these spells and what they do when I post your long term assignment on the Astronomy announcement board. You can practice the real thing in the laboratory." Because there was no way they could perform the spells now without the pickling jars that were beside him.
With another wave of his wand, Airey made several diagrams appear on the domed screen overhead. "
The first spell you see is Fingere Elementi, and the wand movement is just a simple jab movement. This spell will convert your powdered hydrogen and helium into gases in your pickling jars, which I will give to you as you leave the planetarium. The helium & hydrogen will compress on their own inside the jar to make your star," he explained. "
The second is Dextrini Potitus, is a spell which will control the temperature of the core of your star once it is in the jar. The wand movement is also a jab followed by an upward flick to increase the temperature and a downwards flick to decrease it." And another little demonstration for them all to look at. "
The following two spells require two flicks of your wand and the incantations are Cumugasalis and Deminugasalis. Cumugasalis will increase the helium content of your star while Deminugasalis will decrease it. You may NOT simply add more of your powdered helium to the jar and expect it to work." Nope. Once it was in the jar there was no adding anything. Opening the jar would just ruin their project. "
Finally, Crescere Hydrogenenii will increase the hydrogen content of your star. The wand movement is a tight circle drawn in the air followed by a jab. Circle movement on the Crescere and jab on Hydrogenenii."
[ list of spells as they appear over head ]
⌦spell to cause phase shift (solid, liquid, gas)
▸incantation :: Fingere Elementi
▸wand movement :: jab
⌦spell to control temperature
▸incantation :: Dextrini Potitus
▸wand movement :: jab with a flick upwards to increase and flick downward to decrease
⌦spell to increase helium
▸incantation :: Cumugasalis
▸wand movement :: two flicks
⌦spell to decrease helium
▸incantation :: Deminugasalis
▸wand movement :: two flicks
⌦spell to increase hydrogen
▸incantation :: Crescere Hydrogenenii
▸wand movement :: tight circle drawn in the air followed by a jab. Circle movement on the Crescere and jab on Hydrogenenii
Sorry kids, it was a lot to process at once but the sundial didn't lie - they were almost out of time.
"Practice these as much or as little as you wish here now and then come get yourself a
pickling jar," he said with a nod towards the box. "
Once you have your jar you are dismissed to enjoy the rest of your afternoon! Homework and more details on your long term assignment will be posted on the Sky News board later. Oh, and prefects, I will not be posting homework on your house boards, so make sure you do so, yes?"
OOC: once again, sorry for the delay and for SO much being in one post
wasn't my intention to jam so much in, but the show must go on! There is no required post count for practice, so just do whatever your character feels like doing. Any questions can be directed IC to Airey or OOC to me via PM.