Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic

 Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden Hufflepuff Second Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden Ravenclaw Second Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington Slytherin First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks Gryffindor Sixth Year Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry Minister's Office Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed Mysteries Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin Owl Post
x12 x12
| you should probably read Airey's responses to everyone ;) astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf SPOILER!!: West and ANIMANIACS! Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz 5 points off Ravenclaw for improper use of a lint roller in astronomy class? West shot a little look at Mo that translated to something like this-dude-is-dafter-in-the-head-than-the-divination-professor which was really the sort of message that could only be communicated to someone who you'd spent a huge chunk of your life around, but hey! That Peyton girl got points! For telling him-- oh a free lint roller?
And had anyone noticed he looked at a sundial inside?
So to recap, the professor was a Gryffindor, Mo had lost points while Anya and Peyton gained some, and he, West Odessa, had a lint roller of his very own. Blink.
And now he was supposed to sing a song? About astronomy.
Err okay. He put his hand up which meant waving the lint roller in the air, and then spoke up. "I'm West Odessa." Paaaaaaaaause.
And it was time to sing, so the third year did and used the Lint Roller as a makeshift microphone.
Ahem. "It's a great big universe
And we're all really puny!
We're just tiny little specks
About the size of Mickey Rooney!
It's big and black and inky!
And we are small and dinky!
It's a big universe and we're not!"
Was he done? Nooooooo: "And we're part of a vast interplanetary system
Stretching seven hundred billion miles long
With nine planets and a sun; we think the Earth's the only one
That has life on it, although we could be wrong
Across the interstellar voids are a billion asteroids
Including meteors and Halley's Comet too
And there's over fifty moons floating out there like balloons
In a panoramic trillion-mile view!
And still it's all a speck amid a hundred billion stars
In a galaxy we call the Milky *craaaack* Waaaaay!
It's sixty thousand trillion miles from one end to the other
And still that's just a fraction of the way.
'Cause there's a hundred billion galaxies that stretch across the sky
Filled with constellations, planets, moons and stars.
And still the universe extends to a place that never ends
Which is maybe just inside a little jar!"
Err. Ignore that one little voice issue. He rubbed his throat. Obviously no need to explain the connection right? Oh and FYI professor, apparently lint rollers were good for makeshift microphones too. He beamed and because he was curious to try this thing out now that he knew what it did, West busied himself delinting his already lint-free sweater.
Ah yes, Mr. Odessa was at THAT age. Once he got past puberty that would all even out. It would just be ridiculously awkward and uncomfortable for a few years less if he was lucky. Airey had hated that phase. Really put a damper on his singing career at Hogwarts, but there were potions and home remedies that one could take should they so desire.
Not that he would bring that up NOW. Poor boy was probably already feeling a bit awkward as it was.
"Thank you for that, Mr. Odessa," Airey replied with a wide grin as he gave the boy a round of applause. No need to go into how this song in particular related to astronomy, right? "Funny that you should mention jars," he smirked, nodding his head towards the pickling jars on the floor. They would be getting to those soon. After a bit of fun.
And he didn't comment about the slight improper use of a lint roller. It wasn't a microphone...but at least the boy wasn't trying to wear it as a hat. He was keeping it clean. SPOILER!!: Beezus Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora Okay. It was legit. This Professor was indeed weird, just as how most of her peers had described him. Seriously, he WAS wearing a suit (she had to admit that it was a fine piece of fabric, yes), he asked them to bring a baseball glove during that lesson (Astronomy? Baseball glove? When did that become the norm?), he also suggested that them girls wear pants instead of skirts which she so willingly promptly compelled to doing so, he had a 'usage of lint roller' rule before entering the classroom which made things a hundredfold weirder because apparently, she didn't see one when she stopped by the door before walking in.
And now he was taking points from Ravenclaw. HOLYSNITCH! Not again. BLOODYQUAFFLE! Again, under her watch. Why were they losing points sooooooo early? Marcus, WHYYYYY? She was such a failure in keeping an eye over her 'claws. Inner!wibble. Inner!wibble. Sometimes, they're really too curious for their own good.
She didn't have too much time to dwell on her own thoughts though because the man in the suit began to address the class. Professor Flamsteed. Oh, she'd go with Professor Airey. And Professor Airey enjoyed suits, science fiction....and singing?
He....was.....singing.... Twinkle twinkle little star?
Err. Beezus' palms went together and yes, she clapped. It wasn't a usual thing for a Professor to sing in a lesson, and his first lesson at that. Plus! She loved singing. Not love love love, but she loved to sing...especially when she was frustrated, depressed and bored and yeah.
So, here she was, raising her hand. First song that popped into her brain with the word 'star'. She was very much fascinated with stars. VERY. "Uhm, the song Airplanes, Professor. Although I can connect only a small part of it to Astronomy." But no connection is too small as he'd said, right? Wait, wait...she had to introduce herself! "I'm Beatrice Castell, by the way, Professor." So, back to giving a song. The brunette cleared her throat, blushing slightly before going on. "The exact verse that somehow coincides with Astronomy goes like this:
"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky
Are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now,
wish right now, wish right now."
Okay, yeah. "Star is present in the lyrics." It OBVIOUSLY had something to do with Astronomy. "And it implies the common belief that wishing on a shooting star comes true." Beaaaaaam. She did that so often. But she was too busy this term that she didn't have the time to visit the Observatory on a non-class setting. Mental note to come back here and do some star gazing. Hm. Definitely.
AHA! Shooting stars. Yes! This was on the right track with today's lesson. "Thank you, Miss Castell," he nodded, offering the Ravenclaw a round of applause as well. "We will be discussing the concept of shooting stars in more depth in a moment," he said, using air quotes around the word star. Kids these days knew what air quotes were, right? "But you bring up a valid point here. Wishing on shooting stars in hopes that that wish comes true. For centuries and centuries humankind has romanticized the stars and space as an attempt to explain astronomical phenomena."
But he was going to leave that there for now and move on to the next student who had raised their hand to share a song. SPOILER!!: Minerva Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva, who had been very quiet until now, put her hand up. "Professor there is a muggle singer who as been gone a long time, but his name was Elvis, he had a song called Flaming Star." Minerva looked around did anyone even know this singer, probably not, but she had found some of his music at her grandparents over the summer. "Some of the lyrics are
Ev’ry man, has a flaming star
A flaming star, over his shoulder
And when a man, sees his flaming star
He knows his time, his time has come
Flaming star, don’t shine on me, flaming star
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
There’s a lot of livin’ I’ve got to do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Flaming star"
Putting her hand down she hoped she had the right idea of what he was asking.
Elvis! Bless this young Hufflepuff for knowing a classic like that! She got some applause simply for knowing the name of the legen wait for it dary figure in music. "Thank you, Miss Wheatborn. We see in your example a more figurative usage of the term star, but also the concept of wishing upon stars as Miss Castell just mentioned. Very good." And several awesome points to you for knowing Elvis! Quote:
Originally Posted by vijaya Zack was actually very happy to be in the astronomy class. He was glad to be here with the new professor. He had heard some rumors about the professor being half crack or something, he just wanted to see it himself if they were true. As he was sitting at one of the corner seats, he could see all the starts giving the room a great look of a starry night.
He loved that as well. So far it was all going very good, until he heard the professor say something about singing. He didn't like singing at all. He was the worst at singing, maybe some of the students could even faint if he sang. So for the moment he would just sit tight and see if he could come up with any muggle song....but till then he would just enjoy others sing....and make fun of them later Where was this boy's Gryffindor courage?! Airey paused for a moment in front of the young man, waiting somewhat expectantly for him to jump up and sing, but did not linger too long when he didn't do so immediately. Perfectly alright to just listen as long as one was being attentive. SPOILER!!: Jory Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Singing. Jory liked singing but he had a bad voice. Well, the thought so anyway as no one had ever complimented him about it. Except his mom but that doesn't count, right? Moms' always give compliments to their kids, fake or real.
The Puff raised is hand. "Jory Stonewall, Sir. The song that comes to my mind is called Dance of the Planets.'' He nervously cleared his throat. "Good, that should be enough,'' Jory thought shutting up now and waiting for the class to burst out laughing.
Oh oh oh! Airey clapped his hands together once VERY loudly at a certain point in the boy's song and LEAPED back onto the platform and did a sort of happy dance. "Humans just part of a peaceful Galactic community," he repeated. "This! Yes! While not the topic of our lesson today, this is a very important concept that I want you all to keep in mind." And no, we were not talking about aliens. "Many wonder just why even bother to study astronomy. Why is it important and how can is possibly relate to me seeing as all those stars and planets are billions of miles away. Well, this is why." And he pointed back at the Hufflepuff. "Those words just now. Humans being part of a peaceful Galactic community. As astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once said, the atoms that comprise life on Earth are traceable to the very stars that you and I look up at every night. To quote the man, when I look up at the night sky and I know that yes, we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us. Excellent reference! Take 5 points for that one." SPOILER!!: Kanna Quote:
Originally Posted by GlassXRose After giving up a bit of applause for the Professor's lovely rendition of 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star',Kanna quickly rifled through her favorite songs. Well. That couldn't be done quickly, but she thought of songs that were space-related... Hmm... OH! She had a good one. The Ravenlcaw's hand raised to answer. "My name is Kannalynne Basthowe," she said, as per instructions, even though she knew the Professor already knew it. Some of the other students might not. "And the song I think of is called 'Cosmic Love', which actually has a reference to space in the title. Part of the song goes..."
Kanna took in a breath, licked her lips briefly, and then let herself actually sing for the class. "The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from my eyes, and then I made a map
And knew that somehow I could find my way back
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too
So I stayed in the darkness with you..."
She paused for just a second to collect her thoughts. "I thought of it because in the song, the woman singing says that after she sees a bright star, everything else is gone, just as you said happens with the sun in the daytime. And, in the verses I just sang, she talk about making a map of the stars-- Mapping out constellations."
If all classes were going to be like this, then Kanna probably had a new favorite subject.
After giving Miss Basthowe some applause, the astronomer nodded his head a little at her analysis. Yes yes, very good - although again a rather abstract use of the word star, but by no means any less relevant. "Another fine example of how stars have been romanticized by humankind, thank you Miss Basthowe. Some very nice connections you drew as well to show other aspects of astronomy, such as mapping out constellations." Very good.
Space Oddity. Heh. Sounded like a nickname that Airey would have received as a student. Heheh.
But the song's lyrics themselves brought Airey back to his astronaut training and the....accident. Stepping off of the platform with a bit of a somber undertone in his step, he nodded at the Ravenclaw boy. "Thank you, Mr. Barrington."
Sorry for not giving more insight there kid. SPOILER!!: Cle Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Hmm. Songs that had connections to Astronomy. Cle hadn't really thought about songs relating to astronomy. Because he generally just listened to songs because he wanted to listen to them. So now he kind of had to think of one. Hmm. He mused a little, chewing on his lip as he thought about a song. Well there was that one. It was a kind of girly song. One his sister listened too. He wasn't really into the band. He couldn't even remember their name. Hmm. That would do. He raised his hand before speaking. "Hmm. There's one called Star girl I think....I can't really remember who wrote it" Because he hadn't really thought about it before. "But anyway. Some of the lyrics are; So wouldn't you like to come with me
Surfin' the sun as it starts to rise
Woah, your gravity's makin' me dizzy
Fly away
Watch the night turn into day
Dance on the Milky Way"
He said the words though, not really into singing. "The lyrics kind of talk about things in out of space. So kind of connected to Astronomy.
Ah yes, here we go. "Thank you for that Mr....." Whatever this kid's last name was because he hadn't included it in his response. "Those lyrics bring up many things connected to astronomy besides the sun and stars. There is a reference to the Milky Way which is the galaxy that contains our Solar System." And was also a rather delicious muggle chocolate bar. "The Milky Way is something else that has been romanticized by humanity over the centuries and plays an important role in many myths and legends." But he would not be going into details on all that now. Perhaps a future lesson though.
These kids were giving him so many ideas! SPOILER!!: Kat Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife BLINK. BLINKBLINK.
They were going to sing? Kat kinda stared a bit. She didn't want to sing. Can she just skip the singing part and share a song. JUST the title of the song would be good. Debating with herself for a loooooong while, Kat finally raised her hand up. GULP. She was gonna sing, despite how bad she thought her voice was. In fact, she like to underestimate all of her skills besides Quidditch. Alright... alright. "The name's Katrina Hudson, Professor," she said. Take note of that.
Hem hem. Throat clearing.
"I said oh my, what a marvelous tune.
It was the best night, never would forget how we moved.
The whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing, dancing
Like we're made of starlight.
Like we're made of starlight..."
Okay, she sang the chorus already. Kat was contented. *tiny blush* "The song is entitled 'Starlight' and is sang by a Muggle singer..." What was the name again? UHM. Blink. "... Taylor Swift." That was it. She thought it was a nice song anyway. Plus it mentioned stars. That was so Astronomy-ish. "Stars are part of Astronomy, and the lyrics seem to describe stars at night... in a way." First day of Astronomy gone fail.
THIS CONCEPT AGAIN! "YES! Brilliant!" Airey man!squealed as his energy came back to him tenfold. In fact, he was SO excited that instead of leaping back up onto the platform he leaped onto the girl's desk. "Miss Hudson has an even clearer example of what I was saying earlier with Mr. Stonewall's choice of song. While not starlight but atoms, we are just that. We are all made of the same bits that stars are. Take 5 points as well." SPOILER!!: Oakey Quote:
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE Sing a song with a connection to Astronomy? Oakey sat at his desk and thought for a moment. He didn't really know very many songs about the subject he was terrible at. Hell, what made him come to this class anyways?
OH wait! No he did know a song about the sun! The song was super scientific and he didn't understand half of it, but it was overly upbeat and Oakey liked dancing to it when he was little! He sat up from his seat "Oakey Gunter." The one who said he and Daichi should blow him up in DADA yeah that Oakey Gunter. "This song is kind of fast, but it's entirely about the sun."
He coughed to let his throat clear took one huge deep breathe in before he started to sing really fast! "The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees
Yo ho, it's hot, the sun is not
A place where we could live
But here on earth thered be no life
Without the light it gives
We need it's light
We need it's heat
We need it's energy
Without the sun, without a doubt
Thered be no you and me
The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees
The sun is hot"
He took a quick breather, "The next part I don't really get it's all really scientific, something about what's in the sun, how far it is and what can fit inside of it." Breathe Oakey, Breathe! "It's called Why Does the Sunshine?" Breath, he needed to catch his breath why did he sing that so fast.
Oh! Airey liked this song and it was one that he was not familiar with. Still on the Miss Hudson's desk, Airey looked at Mr. Gunter and gave an approving nod. "A excellent choice, Mr. Gunter. Very education - much like Mr. Odessa's song. Keep that bit about hydrogen and helium in your mind, yes?" Actually EVERYONE should keep that bit in their minds because it was going to be important later. "And for the record, it is said that 1.3 million Earth volumes would fit into the Sun's volume."
Just a little fun fact for everyone since it had been brought up. SPOILER!!: Nessie Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh Astronomy, the one subject Ness didn't quite understand. What the heck did stars have to do with how people's everyday lives went on? They were million and millions of miles away. Surely nobody needed to study them. Ness understood that people possibly needed stars to survive on earth, like they needed the sun, but she didn't get how else it affected lives.
If it wasn't for the curiosity of seeing this new Professor, Nessie would have not been keen on coming to this class at all. She would have much rather caught up on some sleep, she really need too, tryouts were tiring her out. This new teacher though, he was weird, no VERY weird, but Ness was interested to see how he would teach, not that she liked his subject.
Already seated, she listened quietly as the Professor began with the class. So far it was alright, but before the lesson he went on about something to do with a lint roller?? WEEIIIRDD! Anyways..stars. She was listening, well half-listening...and then listening with a face of shock as the Professor started singing??
Tooootttaaally was normal for a Professor to just randomly sing in class like that. Mellow. The red head just stared and stared even more when he mentioned for them to sing too. She raised her hand, but she was NOT singing. "Professor, I'm Nessie." Because she preferred it over Renesmee. "I would say this muggle song called Diamonds, the words go something like 'You and I We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky', which I think could reffer to stars?....Oh and um I refuse to sing, because I'd break any glass in here if I did so." She added the last bit a little hesitantly.
"Very good, Miss Nessie," he said with a nod. Although he did know that her last name was Dixon as he had made it his business to know the first and last names of the student leaders as they were ready available. "Another fine example of how humankind views the stars. Some say that they are diamonds in the sky, like you said just now and how they are referred to in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, while other notions include dead kings of the past and there is even one Native American tribe that described the stars as being holes poked into night's canvas by a hummingbird." Did they see how humans had a tendency to use their imaginations a bit when it came to space? Not that there was anything wrong with this, per say. SPOILER!!: Sarah Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah knew loads of songs, so she thought of another song that had to do with astronomy. She raised her hand, "My name is Sarah Edwards and this is a song I know about the the Solar System. It is rather childish, my grandmother taught it to me when I was younger, yet it is very educational as well." she then began to sing to the tune of "This Old Man" SPOILER!!: da song
"Mercury, number one.
It is closest to the sun. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Venus bright, number two.
Morning and evening "star" we view. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Planet Earth, number three.
We live on it, you and me. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Planet Mars, number four.
Named for a roman god of war. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Number five, Jupiter.
Colored clouds around it stir. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Number six, big Saturn.
Many rings around it turn. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Number seven, Uranus.
It looks blue and green to us. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Number eight, stormy Neptune.
Triton is its frozen moon. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone.
Number nine, tiny Pluto.
Farthest from the sun, you know. With a round, round, go around
Planets 'round the sun
Sing about them everyone."
"Thank you, Miss Edwards," Airey grinned. Another educational song to add to his stash of music. "Nothing childish about something that is educational and helpful." OWL and NEWT students, should probably write that one down and memorize it. Could be very useful. Yep. SPOILER!!: Alyssa - sorry you had to pick this song >_________\< Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa listened intently as the Professor introduced himself and then launched into the lesson proper. Songs about stars? Alyssa thought long and hard before she remembered one that she loved to hear her mother sing to her.
Raising her hand she said. "Professor, my name is Alyssa, and I know this one." Then Alyssa began to sing.
"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true."
Well that was all she remembered. So she stopped singing.
Airey couldn't help but chuckle a little under his breath. He was wondering when someone would bring up this particular song and there was a particular quote that he had been dying to use in response. "Thank you, Miss Potter. Here we see another example of how stars have been romanticized and perhaps the clearest example thus far of the idea of wishing upon a star." He paused here and finally jumped off of Miss Hundson's desk so he could walk around a bit. "There is just one problem with wishing on a star. According to astronomy when you wish upon a star you're actually a few million years late. That star is dead, just like your dreams," he said in a rather deadpan tone laced with sarcasm.
He waited a little bit more to let that thought sink in and for any possible reactions before slooooowly moving on to the next student. SPOILER!!: n'aaaaaaaaaaw Theo Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Theo was here, and... optimistic about Astronomy. It was always interesting to see what the new professors were like. Cool or uncool, and such.. "My name's Theodore Kinsley..." He said, before clearing his throat and taking it away. He'd picked a good old muggle song, that he kinda did like... but wouldn't admit that.
PHEWW, he was getting a bit stage nervous... but...
"You light the skies up above me
A star so bright, you blind me
Don't close your eyes
Don't fade away
Don't fade away
Yeah, you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl, we can rule the world
Yeah, you and me we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side, we can rule the world.
All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you. For you.
All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you. For yoooooou"
Yeah, he was singing that for Ella.
Well, that was embarrassing. Theo cleared his throat again and ducked his head down low. What was the point in that stupid exercise?
"Very good, Mr. Kinsley!" Airey applauded. "Class, as you see in this example a star is being used as a metaphor for a girl, a girl that is so bright - or beautiful - that she is blinding. This is directly connected to the whole idea of wishing on a star. You see, in ancient times when people looked up at the night sky the planet Venus, named after the Roman goddess of love, was and is the brightest point in the sky and mistaken for an actual star by ancient peoples. The Romans built temples to Venus, and since it was the first "star" that could be seen in the sky for much of the year, and always the brightest whether seen in the morning or the evening, it was an easy way to remember it as a prayer point." He paused here to allow students to catch up with note taking. Mr. Kinsley didn't mind him going into all this detail, right? It was just a song after all. "You can probably all guess what the number one thing people prayed for was. That's right, love. The prayer evolved into a wish as people forgot completely about the Goddess of Love and her origins - as is something that humans tend to do with such things - and the wish expanded into realms well outside the cosmic sphere of love. 5 points to you as well, Mr. Kinsley. Excellent reference." SPOILER!!: Tiffany Quote:
Originally Posted by tiffyteddy Tiffany was swinging her legs back and forth while this new handsome professor was delivering his long and prepared speech. She dd not move her glance off him but she believed that he was being a little bit...talkative. But that's fine because the lioness was still going to like him and all his lessons no matter what.
He likes singing and suits. Well she had to admit that he looked really good in this suit but actually he would have looked as well in other more casual clothing. Then all of a sudden, he started to sing a lullaby which she used to hear when she was three. Her mum always sung this for her till she was asleep. Even now when he was singing the song line by line, she could still picture her mum sitting at the bedside, slowly patting her head so she could be secured. She missed all those tender touches and pats which she longed for. However she didn't forget to give him a round applause when he finished singing. She was probably the one who clapped the most loudly of all.
Anyway, back to business. Tiffany started to look for a song that she could remember in her mind but it was really hard. She barely remembered all the lyrics from a song, not even the songs that she likes very much but there's one which stuck to her mind. A song that her parents used to sing. "Tiffany Pevensie,"she exclaimed in her energetic tone. "You can call me whateve you want but please don't add a 'Miss' in front of it. It makes me spond old."she added a small chuckle at the end of the sentence. Clearing her throat, she decided to sing. "The sun goes down, the stars come out,
And all that counts, is here and now,
My universe, will never be the same, I'm glad you came,"
Did she sing well and correctly? She thought that it would be pretty obvious how that was relate to astronomy, right? "You cast a spell on me, spell on me,
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me,
And I decided you look well on me, well on me,
So lets go somewhere no one else can see you and me."
Okay that was enough, she guessed. "That's clearly about how a person's world can be changed without specific people in their lives,"she replied. That was possiblywhy itmade it as a love song right? Leaning her back to the comfy chair, she quietly hummed the tune of that song she had just sung. Hopefully no one was going to make fun of her.
Good...but not quite what he meant with his question. Her reasoning that is. And oh? He wasn't allowed to use Miss with this one? Well then... "Thank you, Lady Pevensie." Was that alright? He would soon find out. "I think you have focused on the wrong aspects of the lyrics in terms of my question - although you are correct in your reasoning about it showing just how influential a person's life can be on another. Care to venture another try? Focusing more on the lyrics and how they relate to Astronomy that is." Because she had some good examples in there about the nature of how things worked. SPOILER!!: Gary Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven SINGING?
Well, he didn't have any idea about the songs that related to astronomy. Well, he had but... did it related? Yes? No? Okay, let's try! To be honest, Gerald Rush didn't think he was good at singing even he could play guitar and harmonica. And this is the first time he sang in front of many people. Sigh..
Clearing his throat, the Head Boy raised his hand and try to speak. "I'm.. Gerald Rush, Slytherin..." and.... "Well, I think this whole song wasn't related but.. Yeah, I'll try.." Taking a very deep breath, he started to sing. "Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a, Jupiter and Mars"
Finishing his song, Gary could feel that his cheek was slightly warm and red. I didn't want to sing anymore. he spoke on his mind. Oh! "It was a song from Frank Sinatra. Fly Me to The Moon." he explained to Flamsteed.
Frank Sinatra! Another student that earned several billion awesome points for knowing such a legend. "Thank you for that, Mr. Rush. A classic song that is one of my personal favorites. Yet again showing us all the romanticized vision of astronomy, but also holds some truth. There are indeed seasons on Jupiter and Mars. Mars' spring, just to give some details, is obviously quite different from spring on Earth because Mars has not just permanent ice caps, but also seasonal polar caps of carbon dioxide. Are you familiar with dry ice? Same thing." SPOILER!!: Sky Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Yep, she did know the Beatles. But as that was not the focus of the lesson, she stopped herself from completing the rest of the song. Barely.
As Professor Airey began the class, Sky flipped open her notebook began taking notes. After all, some of this might be useful in future. She had no idea when in the future, but weird things do turn out to be important sometimes. So, as he went on, she jotted down notes, until got to one aspect of himself, that was. "You worked for NASA?!" What was a NASA trained scientist doing working at a place like Hogwarts? Shouldn't he be teaching, at, like, MIT or somewhere? In short, he was too good for Hogwarts.
Wait, singing? Sky loved singing! Though some of these people really should not have bothered. In fact, it was like watching the auditions for a singing competition. Some of her classmates were good, some passable, and others really shouldn't have bothered. Sigh. When it came to her turn, she introduced herself and her song. "I'm Sky Carter-Hope, yes, I'm related to Board of Govenors candidate Roxanne Carter," not that she was expecting anything from that, truely "and I will be singing the chorus to Supermassive Black Hole by a muggle band named Muse." She cleared her throat, took a deep breath and began singing: "Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Like a supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole"
Yep, see classmates, there were more than just songs about stars out there, because there were more than just stars up there.
Thinking cap on.
Board of Governors, right. Those people were here in the school...and some were slotted to come and visit his this lesson as well. Ug. He had completely forgotten about that until just now and the astronomy professor nearly let out a small man!wibble at the thought. First year at Hogwarts. First lesson of the year. First everything and people were coming here to judge him. SO not fair!
"Good choice, Miss Carter-Hope," he nodded. Black holes. Heh. Where all bad students went.
Just kidding.
"Black holes are another fascinating subject, but not something we will be discussing today unfortunately. Although, it is interesting to note that astronomers believe that many galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers." Something to think about. SPOILER!!: Daichi Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Say his name before they began? "You already know my name Professor~" he chuckled.
..........Sing.....they had to sing?!
Daichi looked around at his classmates, wondering what they thought of that. Some seemed to jump in to it right away but he also saw a few who just looked at the Professor like he was crazy. Slytherin's Head Boy for example~
He thought for a moment. Tapping his fingers against his desk when he finally got a song that could be linked to Astronomy. "W by JYJ is a song related to Astronomy. Because in the song, the letter W is from Cassiopeia which is a constellation" he said and began to sang a piece of the song. "The letters that the stars created in the night sky
I still believe that it is not just by chance
In the same darkness, in the same distance
We are painting the W in the same way
We will shine more and more so that you can find us
keep in mind that I love you."
When he was done he blinked. That did not rhyme at all! "Ehm..it's a Japanese song Actually so..maybe thats why it doesn't rhyme" (Daichi singing and sweating and crying cause it's a JYJ song XD and his model is part of it)
Oh! Foreign music! Airey was certainly not familiar with this song, but it had several nice connections nonetheless. "Very good, Mr. Katharos. Cassiopeia is indeed one of the 48 constellations documented by Greek astronomer Ptolemy and remains among the 88 modern constellations." He would have to ask Mr. Katharos for some more of this music later. "It doesn't have to rhyme as long as it has melody," he added with a wink. SPOILER!!: Belle Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 When Belle sat down and the professor asked if she saw a stain on his suit, Belle could only giggle. She got the reference of being a good finder. "Noo Professor i do not see a stain on your suit." she said kindly.
Then the lesson began. She heard the classic tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little star. She always loved that song. Then Professor Airy asked if they knew a song that connected to Astronomy. Belle had to think about this....She knew one of them.
Belle raised her hand and said, "Professor i know a song by Owl City called Galaxies it is related to Astronomy. The first few lines can tell a story actually. But they do connect." Belle than began to sing few parts of the song.
"Call back the cap-com,
Tick off the time-bomb,
Let felicity fly!
Armour the airlock,
Blanket the bedrock,
And kiss the planet goodbye!
Dear God, I was terribly lost,
When the galaxies crossed,
And the Sun went dark.
Dear God, You're the only North Star,
I would follow this far.
Fight back the flight deck,
Bring on the breakneck,
Cue the solar eclipse!
Summit the sunset,
Dubtail the dragnet,
And blow your backbone to bits!
Dear God, I was terribly lost,
When the galaxies crossed,
And the Sun went dark.
Dear God, You're the only North Star,
I would follow this far.
Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies!
He is the saving grace of the Galaxies"
Belle thought she did a great job. After she was done singing and was blushing a little bit, she sat down.
No stain on the suit? Hmmm? Airey raised an eyebrow at Miss Fischer and was tempted to march right over to her and take 5 points from Gryffindor for LYING and TEASING a professor about something that ought NOT to be joked around with, but he refrained.
For now. We are keeping a close EYE on you though, captain.
Oh yes, Owl City. He was familiar with this particular group and found himself humming along as the Hufflepuff prefect shared. "Thank you for that, Miss Lecium. It is nice to see other constellations referenced in songs, don't you think?" All constellations deserved some love, not just those associated with the zodiac and that rubbish subject. "Hercules is sometimes hard to spot with the naked eye due to the high magnitude of the stars included in it, but should not be overlooked as it is the fifth largest of the modern constellations." SPOILER!!: Jake Quote:
Originally Posted by Syd Oh good, the suit was new. "You're welcome, Professor," Jake said brightly, beaming at the man before his attention was caught by...Anya. And... a Ravenclaw. Who had the lint roller stuck in his hair. How did that even happen?
Jake stayed perfectly calm, watching a few students fuss over the lint roller... than Flamsteed gave West a lint roller. Jake wanted one! ...Not really. But he was sort of sucking up to Airey here and wanting a lint roller might be a good way to do it. But. Sigh. There would be other opportunit- "Euuurgh." He made a face, rubbing a hand on his arm that Anya had just wiped her hand on. Now he had sticking, hairy goo on his shirt. Grumble. Folding his arms, Jake pouted slightly, looking up at the Professor. He'd have to ask if the man knew of any dry cleaners close to Hogwarts. Because he would NOT have a gooey, hairy sleeve.
Still frowning as Airey started the lesson, Jake plucked a RAVENCLAW hair from his shirt and dropped it on the ground. His attention returned to the lesson only when the singing started. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And they had to sing their own? There was that one version of Twinkle Twinkle that Jake sang to Anya that one time... but it didn't really have anything to do with Astronomy at all and it was sort of embarrassing to remember now so... different one, yeah? How about a little Coldplay?
Sitting up straighter, Jake raised his hand. "Jake Keller." Flamsteed knew that, but... oh well.
...Cough. Singing. Okay. Look at the staaars. Look how they shiiine foooor you.
And everythiiiing youuu dooo.
Yeah, they were all... yelloooow.
...That was about it. The rest of the song wasn't about stars. It was about some girl. So... Jake wouldn't sing anymore. unless someone wanted an encore. He was totally up for that.
YELLOW! It was like this boy was a Seer or something! Airey's face lit up like a star and he grinned at the boy. "Very good, Mr. Keller. Keep in mind the color yellow as we move through the lesson, yes?" SPOILER!!: Ella Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Miss Ella? BEAM! That name reminded the blonde very much of Sir Treyen and she couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy when thinking of her older brother-ish bestie. Mhm! Sir Treyen was the coolest! And then...Professor Flamsteed knew her last name too? This made sense though, yeah? Since they'd be working together on yearbook stuff and all. The fifteen year old took a minute to decide on which name she preferred, stroking her imaginary beard. "Miss Ella is just fine, Professor." Mhm!
Singing? They were going to be singing? That was definitely an interesting way to start off class and the blonde listened intently as Mr. Snappy dresser sang Twinkle Twinkle to the class. Ella hummed along because really, this song reminded her of her Gran who had a much better singing voice. And then it was time for them to pick songs and sing which was...well a bit scary. The badger liked to sing and all but doing it in front of classmates? Well that was kind of scary.
As the other students sang, Ella smiled encouragingly because she knew not everyone was comfortable being up in front of the class. She gave an especially nice smile to Theoman because they were partners in crime fighting and all. BEAM!
When it was her turn, Ella cleared her throat before smiling a bit sheepishly. "Um I'm Ella Bishop and erm...well this is Drops of Jupiter..." SPOILER!!: The Song
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way
When she was finished the blonde tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bit her lip nervously. Yeah...that had been a bit frightening.
Oh yes! He knew this song well too. Drops of Jupiter, brought him back to his school days and the one time he had tried to serenade a girl and...well...never mind. A very tragic a beautiful song to be sure. "Thank you, Miss Ella," he smiled. Since he was allowed to call her Miss Ella and all. "Another fine example of how astronomy is used metaphorically in everyday speech." SPOILER!!: Lottie Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Lottie beamed. She did say she was always on time, yes? And she'd taken the time to figure out a way to be here sooner. Yeah, we think you're nice, Airey.
Don't mess up. BLINK. The girl immediately frowned. Way to bring her down. She was perfectly aware that those colors were awful, and she didn't like them either. We were only trying to help, Professor Flamsteed. Now we're not sure we do.
Which is why she laughed softly when both Alice and Lex made him freak out a little bit.
And then class started and... OH DEAR MERLIN IT SINGS!
...and he'd been a Gryffindor. Her eyes went to both Alice and Lex again. BOTH Gryffindors, too.
Anyway, singing, hmmm, okay. But what? "I'm Lotus Wisteria," but you already know that. "And there's a song from The Beatles that goes..." Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say...
It's alright. Hey that was totally nice. She smiled. "...that's...basically it." Yeah, it had more lyrics, but those were the relevant ones. 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds' could also work. But she preferred 'Here comes the sun'.
The Beatles! Airey knew that he like this Hufflepuff - even if she was sort of giving him weird looks right now about something. Was it the bumblebee comment? Oops. It WAS true though. "One of my personal favorites," he said with a quick wink. "Although one should technically say that the sun does not come as it is the Earth that is rotating around it and not the other way around so in fact it is we that come to it." SPOILER!!: Selina Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina could not help but smile at the fact that well-dressed man knew her name. Of course, she supposed that with the bloody badge on her chest that was sort of a given. Huh. She had always thought that when she accepted this thing it wouldn't change anything and in the most common sense it hadn't- Selina was still nutters, BUT NOW she was a crazy person who teachers actually knew the name of. Even Mr. Well-Dressed man knew her name and he had just gotten to the school. How could she forget? He showed up with cat food. Weirdo. Eh, she liked him. She REALLY hoped that he wasn't a Slytherin.
And then class started.
Merlin, he really liked to talk, didn't he? The poor chap just kept going and going and going. She was worried that he might pass out or worse keep talking. Did he have a severe case of blabber mouth or something? The only people she knew who talked THAT much were... ah... yeah, well... that made sense. HE was a Gryffindor. No wonder he talked so much. Lions were dizzying creatures who, even being one herself, Selina did not fully understand.
Well at least he was a lion. That made her inwardly bounce because she had been worried that he would be a snake because only Slytherin boys were sort of girly men about their appearances. So maybe he was just like a self conscious lion. Yes, they would go with that. O________________________O
He wanted them to WHAT now? Selina Skylar, as a rule, did not sing. It was not that she did not like singing in grand venues like her shower, but singing in public was a whole other demon on its own. Besides, the redhead had been told on numerous occasions that she could not sing or dance. In fact, the words people used most often were tone deaf and awkward fish. For those reasons and the simple fact that she actually could not sing, the whole prospect of singing in front of the class was TERRIFYING. Um, yeah could she not do that?
The seventh year felt a tad better when he said that they did not have to sing if they did not want to, but then why was EVERYONE singing? Merlin, this was not an episode of the old Muggle television show Glee. Not everyone knew the choreography... some awkward little gingers actually couldn't keep up.
Clearing her throat a little and feeling all SEVEN types of awkward- uncomfortable, self-conscious, embarrassed, inadequate, fidgety, unprepared and awkward (which was the worst type of awkward)- Selina rose her hand and said, "Um, hello. I'm Selina Skylar." She was almost waiting for the hello Selina echo to come back to her like one of those Muggle self-help groups. "And I guess you could say that the song Stars I Shall Find by David Dickau could work."
VERY out of tune and almost unlistenable, she started to sing softly, "TherUH WILLA beeee reeessT AHND SUUURE Stars ShIIINing over the ROOF tops crowned with SNOOOOOOWWWUUHHH. A reign of resth- sirene forgettinGGGG the MUUUSTICK of stillness... HOLLYYY aaaand lowwwwwuh! I willl make THIS world of MIYYYAAHH devising out of a Dreaam in my LOOOOONElyyuh minduh! I shallluh find the KRYSTAL of peace aboooove me. Stars I shall FINDDUH." Clearing her throat a little, she stopped. Yeah, that was REALLY out of tune.
Yeah...that thought earlier about how everyone can sing despite ability? It was still true...but didn't mean that everyone should sing. Miss Skylar fell into the category of shouldn't, although he still applauded her efforts and smiled through the twitching vein in his forehead. Sadly, he hadn't been able to make out single thing the young lady had said, so he stood there just smiling and nodding at the Head Girl. "Thank you very much, Miss Skylar."
And we were moving on. SPOILER!!: Violet Quote:
Originally Posted by SweetPeea Violet sat in her desk silently as class had begun and listened intently to the new Astronomy Professor...And from the moment she saw him, Violet had gotten an immediate flashback of him lying face down in another class. OH how that was really unkind to do such a thing..and scare other students..and her. For Violet was about to scream actually if Professor Romanos hadn't calmed her down.
But anyways...before she knew the Professor was suddenly singing in class? That was definitely something that caught Violet off guard, were they all really going to sing? The answer to that question was suddenly answered when she saw students getting up and going to the front of the class...and they were all singing. And most of them sounded quite lovely and were really good at singing. Then there was of course....Selina..Um...well...Violet could say that she knew she was definitely better..than when she was younger..?
Before she knew it..it was Violet's turn. She felt her heart leap in her chest a little as she stood and walked to the front of the classroom. She twirled her hair a little bit nervously as she reached the front of the classroom, but she took a deep breath and stopped herself from doing it. Violet smiled out at the classroom and then nodded politely to the Professor saying,"My name is Violet Le Veela..." she paused and went on,"And I will be singing a song from the Musical..The Light in the Piazza.." Violet then nodded again and softly coughed to clear her throat before she opened her mouth to begin: The Light in the Piazza "I don't see a miracle shining from the sky
I'm no good at statues and stories
I try
That's not what I think about
That's not what I see
I know what the sunlight can be
The Light, the Light in the Piazza
Tiny sweet
And then it grows
And then it fills the air
Who knows what you call it?
I don't care
Out of somewhere I have something I have never had
And sad is happy
That's all I see
The Light in the Piazza
The Light in the Piazza
It's rushing up
It's pouring out
It's flying through the air
All through the air
Who knows what you call it?
But it's there
It is there
All I see is
All I want is tearing from inside
I see it
Now I see it everywhere
It's everywhere
It's everything and everywhere
The Light in the Piazza
My Love"
By the end of the song, she noticed that she reeally gotten into it, because there had been a couple of tears that escaped her eyes, to which Violet hadn't anticipated happening. She quickly wiped then away and then cleared her throat again. Violet then smiled again looking back at the Professor.
MUSICALS! Another one billion awesome points to this student! Airey just adored musicals - and perhaps should have included that in his little self introduction...oh well. "Nicely done, Miss Le Veela," he applauded, noting the tears but not commenting on them. "A good example of how stars and other celestial bodies are compared to more earthly things. Very good." SPOILER!!: Melanie Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn Oh. Pebbles. She would like to see the pet too. Maybe next time though? She just smiled and nodded, waiting for class r begin. And soon enough, it did. She watched as the professor stood up and started to take out her notebook and quill. Wait... no... des-- oh. She pulled it out and placed her notebook and quill on top of it. Melanie started to scribble in her notebook, listening to the professor speak as she did so. Did she have to take notes on what the professor liked and stuff? Melanie wrote it down anyways and immediately looked up, grin on her face when the professor said the word singing.
Melanie liked singing too.
She grinned, putting her quill down and started to listen to the professor a bit more intently, nodding along when the professor spoke about singing. She agreed with him one hundred percent. Melanie resisted the urge to sing along with the professor, opting to hum quietly to herself as he did so. Were they supposed to applaud afterwards? Melanie did it, unsure. Because it was always nice to her applause after performing. Melanie loved hearing it.
Melanie resumed scribbling in her notebook, listening to the other students sing and grinning as they all did so. Oh music, how she loved it so much. She tried to think about a song relating to space and the whatnot but nothing really came to mind and then it did. Stars. When the next person had finished singing Melanie decided it was her turn. Breathe. She could do this. "Hello~ My name is Melanie Sung, and I will be singing Like A Star by Corinne Bailey Rae..." Right. She needed to start singing now and not stare at the stars. She smiled and took another deep breath before singing one of her favorite songs. "Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Honour to love you..." [[ song is here sung by Melanie's model IU :3 ]]
Melanie grinned, face flushing slightly pink before she slid into her seat. She liked this class.
"Lovely, Miss Sung!" Airey applauded. At least there was one Gryffindor who could carry a tune. No offense, Miss Skylar. "While not something I will be going into detail, your song of choice brings up another aspect of astronomy and its connection to religion and mythology. Astronomical phenomena were often described as being the acts of gods and spirits by ancient peoples. For example, thunder and lightening were said to be cause by Zeus by the ancient Greeks. Comets were considered bad omens of deaths of kings or noble men, or coming catastrophes. Sometimes they were even interpreted as attacks by heavenly beings." SPOILER!!: Sierra & the other half of wishing on stars and Disney and wee! Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Hearing her name, Sierra looked up. Hearing the professor's so-called compliment to her, she blinked. So she looked better without her Alice in Wonderland wig, hmm? Well, duh. That was a dumb costume anyway. Did he have to announce that in front of the whole class, though? "Err, thanks?" she responded, her comment coming out as more of a question.
Then there was some whole ordeal with a lint roller, which Sierra thought was just a bunch of over-rated drama. What was the professor so upset over possibly losing his lint roller anyway? It was a lint roller.
...and now they were going to SING?!
After this class, Sierra was going to just need a nap. She could feel it now. A headache, that is. With a very unamused face, she raised her hand. "A man by the name of Walt Disney created Walt Disney World," she said. "It's a theme park, but there's this song that goes along with it and all the Disney movies. It goes something like this..." "When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do"
What a Puffer of a song...
Ah yes, this song again. He should probably go back and explain things a bit more so that he didn't really look like a dream crusher - because that wasn't his intention at all! Even if his dream of becoming an astronaut had been crushed and he was still very bitter about it. "Thank you, Miss Greingoth," Airey said with a small smirk as he looked back and forth between the Slytherin prefect and Miss Potter. "As I said to Miss Potter earlier, wishing on stars is somewhat laughable from a scientific standpoint because the star you are wishing on may very well not be there anymore. While the quote says late, you should not get confused with it being a measurement of time because it is not." Just to clarify that. "It is a unit of length, the distance that light will travel in one year, and when you see a star in the night sky you are looking at its light and not literally THE star. If the star is one thousand light years away then the light has been traveling one thousand years to reach your eyes. Therefore, you are seeing the star as it appeared one thousand years ago." Were they all getting the picture here? One thousand years was a LONG time ago and Merlin knew what all could have happened between that time and the present. Black hole. Supernova. Cosmic dust. So many possibilities. "Most stars last far longer than one thousand years so it is probably still there."
So keep wishing and dreaming kids. SPOILER!!: Mo, aka the kid with the DIRTY hair Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Keep it out of his hair and give her lots of chocolate. Check and check CHECKCHECKCHECK. He could do those things. Mo nodded very solemnly at Anya's instructions. He took his seat by West again, although he snuck a few tentative smiles back at his savior. Maybe she'd even saved him from... baldness. Blindness. Lint-roller-induced-insanity!
Mo was feeling the top of his head, just in case baldness was occurring, as he best considered how to explain to West what he'd been doing with the roller. Not the actual purpose of it, although there was that to explain, but just the overwhelming curiosity he'd had when it had been in his hand. He'd rolled it on the floor to see if it picked up a spider, and he'd rolled it over a broken quill to see if it picked that up. And then he'd just extended his experimentation and rolled it on his head.
Because how could he not roll it on his head?
But he didn't have a chance to explain all this to West, although his expression probably expressed about half of it (some people were such slaves to their curiosity, and West ought to know by now), but then the Professor was there and glowering and very very intimidating. Mo's chin actually wobbled dangerously before the man backed off.
"Sorry, Professor," Mo whispered, the expression on his face communicating the deep trauma he felt at disappointing the professor, disappointing his housemates, and probably embarrassing West.
Only... no. West was making supportive faces, so that was good, at least. Something was totally awful.
And he'd been looking forward to this class too.
He didn't even perk up at the thought of singing, although Mo took down careful notes the whole time the professor was speaking. There were lots of songs with star references, although sometimes they were more metaphorical stars than anything else. Less so songs with planets and comets and other heavenly bodies, although there were a few.
But songs about the whole universe? Those were extra special, right? Could he think of one of those? Mo tapped his quill on the top of his desk thoughtfully as he tried to think of a song. What was that one about the start of the universe? Oh yeah!
"Umm. My name is Marcus Orion Branxton, and I'm a third year. And I heard this song before about how the universe began and continues to expand, only one day it will all collapse in on itself. Which is pretty dire, actually, but not happening soon, so I guess we should just keep on like we're not worried."
Because he wasn't particularly worried about that. He WAS concerned and embarrassed about house points, though.
"Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang! BANG!"
BANG. Mo sat down quickly and picked up his quill again, his eyes intent on his paper.
Branxton. Just his luck that this one was related to the PRESIDENT of the Board of Governors and he had just taken points away from the kid. Don't go crying to mommy about it, okay? He assumed that the woman was his mother at least. Older sister? Aunt? Didn't matter, they had the same last name - a rare one at that - so they had to be related. Still...it was the boy's fault for rolling the lint roller in his hair.
Oh yes! A very interesting topic as well! "Very good, Mr. Branxton!" Airey applauded. "The universe is indeed always expanding and the explanation for this is rather complicated and requires that we all reevaluate how we look at such words as space and universe. The notion of an expanding universe comes from the Big Bang cosmological model, referenced in your song as well, where, in summary, the hot and dense components that evolved to create the universe was followed by a continuous expansion, cooling, and thinning out of these same components. Cosmology, the study of the universe as a whole, is a fascinating field to study." But not what they were discussing today. Another lesson idea! SPOILER!!: Alexa Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Lex almost giggled at the Professor's reaction to the missing roller. It wasn't all that tragic but with the way the man reacted one would swear he'd just lost all his chocolate frogs! She watched, thoroughly amused as he went to check for the missing lint roller. The smile lessened a bit when she heard him scream about it but it rose when he stormed back in and gave Gryffindor 5 points....
And then the smile left again. Mo had lost points. With him being a Ravenclaw and all he probably wouldn't be very happy about that. Poor guy.
She settled into her seat and tried to pay attention while he spoke. Oooo! They had a choice when it came to his name!! Professor Airey it was! Nod.
And he was once a Gryffindor!
She knew there was something special about him! This of course made her more willing to listen to him as he continued. A song...a song? Seriously????? She hardly new any songs about stars or astronomy...this required extra thinking; something she didn't appreciate having to do. Lex racked her brain for a moment before finally coming up with something. Well...here goes... Starry, starry night.
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,
Swirling clouds in violet haze,
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.
Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,
Weathered faces lined in pain,
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.
What was with some of these Gryffindors and being nervous about singing? Oh, wait...cue a nervous glance at Miss Skylar. Never mind. "Flaming flowers, yes, very good Miss Cambridge," Airey applauded. "More good examples of how humans view the stars from a more creative angle. Thank you for that." SPOILER!!: Ellura Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Lint roller gone missing...lint roller found...in an unlikely place.
And points coming and going from various houses as the professor punished and thanked various students involved in the situation. Ellura remembered the Ravenclaw boys in question from the day at the ice cream parlor but couldn't say she had actually spent any real time with them since. Not that her thoughts could linger much there as the explaination of all things pertaining to a lint roller made things confusing of all things.
To make things more complicated, when the Professor actually began the lesson, he opted to discuss songs pertaining to stars and the universe rather then the topic of themselves. Ellura was game though, trying to think of her own example to use as various bits of music, including the very obvious "Twinkle Twinkle," was given. By the Professor himself and followed by her classmates.
Finally she came upon a random tune she probably had heard from her mum at one time or another. "I'm Ellura Hardwicke," Ellura introduced before giving her song, chosing to say it in rhythm rather than singing to avoid any awkwardness...like the poor head girl. "In the sky, shines a star, spaces,
Near and far, calling out, who you are
And smiling in the night.
Star light, star bright beam across the
Sky -- falling, calling can you tell me why --
Star light, star bright mighty light to see.
Shining, smiling down on you and me."
More nodding and another approving smile towards this Gryffinor. "Very good, Miss Hardwicke. While presented in a somewhat metaphorical way, there is still some scientific connections in this song. Stars being different distances away from us for example. The star closest to us is actually the sun," for those who didn't know. "The second closest is Alpha Centauri, which is 4.2 light years away." Some more fun facts for everyone! SPOILER!!: Peyton - and it kills me to have him say he doesn't know Sailor Moon Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles
Peyton looked over at the Ravenclaw boy the same time the West kid did. Did HE know where the roller went? 'Cause she needed it, though her uniform was spotless. She turned to West again.
Why was he asking her?
It was the funny professor's idea. " I dunno," she shrugged. "Maybe he's like this clean freak, muggle enthusiast?" Could be. Her dad was except for the clean freak part. He was too cool for that, her dad was. "You're welcome," she grinned, just as the professor walked in. Peyton was SO ready to point her finger at West when...
...the professor began distributing and taking points. Yikes!
It didn't matter though, 'cause she earned some of those said points. She beamed up at the professor, forgetting about blaming the West kid. It was his lucky day it seemed. And how awesome was it that she got points? Huh? Huuuh?
Mega awesome.
Peyton blocked out most of what the funny professor said next. Sticky roller. Takes lint off. That's all she needed to know. Instead she took out parchment and a quill. That way she was prepared when he asked them to take notes...about him? Someone was full of himself. *inner giggle*
The third year wrote some stuff down. She then went ahead a drew a miniature bunny next to Professor Airey's name. He reminded her of one. :3
Her hand stopped, though, when he mentioned singing. Was this Astronomy: A Musical or something? Don't get her wrong. Peyton enjoyed singing...when she was in the shower, or flying, or when no one was listening. But in front of an audience? Um, no. They'd have to pay at least five sickles to hear her voice. She did have a song though. A song that she loved. And the professor better be grateful of her sharing it. "I'm Peyton Baltazar." Okay. Here goes. *Ahem* "Fighting evil by moonlight,
Winning love by daylight,
Never running from a real fight,
She is the one named Sailor Moon.
She will never turn her back on a friend,
She is always there to defend,
She is the one on whom we can depend,
She is the one named Sailor...
Sailor Venus,
Sailor Mercury,
Sailor Mars,
Sailor Jupiter.
Secret powers all so new to her,
She is the one named Sailor Mooooon."
Hehehe. "It's from Sailor Moon," she said, not realizing her cheeks had gone all red. "She's my favorite superhero," she said, going all bashful all of the sudden. And she felt he needed to know that 'cause she had to sing. So there.
Sailor Moon? Airey was not familiar with...whoever that was. A superhero? Hmmm...he would have to check his superhero books back in his office and see if she was listed there. BUT, from what he gathered in the lyrics themselves...there was mythological connections. Not so much straight up astronomy, but one could not study the subject without diving into the mythology a little. Something he had planned for future lessons. "Thank you, Miss Baltazar. I am afraid I am not familiar with this particular superhero, but I gather there is some Greek and Roman mythology about the planets and the moon involved?" Was this Sailor Moon's name Selene? Quote:
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa Oichi was rather puzzled by this first question of the lesson. It took her a minute to even think of any song related to astronomy. When she finally got one she raised her hand responded, "I know a song called Airplanes by BOB and Hailey Williams, it goes, Can We pretend like airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now. I hope that will work.". "Yes yes, shooting stars! I will be getting to those in just a moment," he nodded. As for that whole wishing thing, well, he had gone into that in great and gory detail already. SPOILER!!: Dylan
QUOTE=THE Govoni;11300683]
Then the Professor was singing.
Yes, the Slytherin Captain felt he and this particular Professor were going to get alone quite well.
Raising his hand, Dylan smirked. The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss carrie nurse and susie dear
Would find themselves at Four Winds
It's the nexus of the crisis
And the origin of storms
Just the place to hopelessly
Encounter time and then came me. "The original song was by Blue Oyster Cult...but then redid by Metallica. Both are muggle bands."...and totally awesome ones, at that. Ever heard DON'T FEAR THE REAPER?!
Epic rock classics![/QUOTE]
MORE AWESOME POINTS BEING AWARDED HERE! Airey piratically beamed at the Quidditch captain and his choice in music. Very good taste. Yes yes. "Excellent choice, Mr. Montmorency," Airey nodded. "A few concepts came up in those lyrics that we have not yet discussed and ---" he glanced down at his sundial again. Merlin! He needed to get a move! SPOILER!!: Anya Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 ... Did the Professor really just ... ask her if she was alright?! Anya was completely alright. She was strutting. Duh.
And was that a nod from Bird!boy? SWEET! She expected loads of chocolates. She flashed him a brilliant smile. Then turned back to Jake. Who, apparently, did not appreciate her Gryffindor bravery in saving a fellow student. He was too concerned about his shirt.
OH!!! Did she seriously get points for saving the lint roller for her brilliant life-saving rescue of the cute little Birdie?! Because. If that was the case... Astronomy might be her favorite class ever! ...even if the Professor did recognize her as a Gryffindor right away. Oh. And weirdly enough... he was a Gryffindor, too?
AND THEY WERE SINGING! UNDER THE STARS! If it was at all proper to declare her love, she would do it on the spot.
Now... what was a good song? Of course, the first song that came to mind was Kiss Me Slowly. She cast a quick sideways glance at Jake. Nah. She couldn't choose that song. Not because it was wildly inappropriate to sing about kissing in class, because, she had no problems with that. It was... a special song in her very on-and-off relationship. ... which currently happened to be in the off mode.
So... she needed to choose another.
Her hand shot up. "Anya Phillips." she said quickly introducing herself. And it was already established that she was a Gryffindor, so she ignored that part.
She cleared her throat, and then in her best deep Italian man voice belted: "When the moon hits your eye...
Like a big pizza pie... THAT'S AMOOOOOORE.
When the stars make you drool...
Just like a pasta fazool... THAT'S AMOOOOOORE."
Yeah. She was pretty sure those were the words.
*blink blink*
Well...he had said that no reference was too obscure...but he was pretty sure that this song was more about pizza than it was the stars. However! "Interesting example Miss Phillips. For centuries humans often blamed behaviors and other things on the phases of the moon and other astronomical phenomena." Like comets as he had mentioned earlier. SPOILER!!: Alice the LIAR Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Alice found it a little funny that the Professor was that skittish about a stain on his suit. Ducking her head to hide a little smirk, she waited until the professor began to speak again to lift it back up. Airey? Like.. like air? Like an airhead? HAH. A professor. Named Aireyhead. Was she the only one who found that slightly amusing? Yes? Okay, then. She supposed she would just keep that to herself. 'Cause, judging by the looks she was getting, someone didn't find suit stain jokes very funny and already knew she was trouble.
Oh. And they were singing now? "I'm Alice Fischer. And I'm awesome." Pause.
And she.. wasn't going to SING. She didn't sing. Of course, it was for the welfare of her classmates and all, because they probably didn't want to hear something that sounded like a tone deaf, dying cat. So.. she was just going to recite lyrics. "There's this one from this Muggle guy, and he's really funny. My Gramps likes him. His name is like.. Moby Python?" Or was it Monty? Or Mort? Eh. Whatever. It was the song that mattered.
And with that, she began to recite. Not sing, RECITE. EYEING YOU SO HARD RIGHT NOW MISS FISCHER!!
"That would be Monty Python," he corrected calmly as he gave an approving nod towards the girl. "A fine wizard who I believe was a Gryffindor." As for her song, well, the connections were obvious. SPOILER!!: Rachel Quote:
Originally Posted by itsgaallopes Rachel stared at the professor as if he was crazy. Well, not really impossible. She then raised her hand.
- Rachel Fletcher! - she said, before start singing.
"Hey, I'm looking up for my star girl
I guess I'm stuck in this mad world
The things that I wanna say,
but you're a million miles away...
... Go surfing the sun as it starts to rise
Your gravity's making me dizzy...
There's nothing on earth that could save us
When I fell in love with uranus...
...Fly away, watch the night turn into day
Dance on the milky-way
Melt me with your eyes my Star Girl rules the sky..."
It was enough... RIGHT?
Giving the girl an approving nod - although wincing a little at a certain part in the song where something rather dire was mispronounced, the astronmer gave her a quick round of applause. "Thank you, Miss Fletcher. Plenty of good examples of astronomy in there." Many of which had already been discussed which is why he was going to move on now to the main topic of today's lesson. SPOILER!!: Corin Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen The first Astronomy class of the term....
Corin was rather curious of how this one will go. Not only because this man was a replacement of the sadly departed Mrs Burbage, or that the Astronomy tower was the last place the septuagenarian was seen alive hence another reason why he wanted to get up here but that the suited fellow spent an entire DADA lesson on the classroom floor.
Suffice it to say his curiosity was piqued as to how a man who would spend the entire time planking in another subject would conduct his own classes.
He slipped past the doorway oh so quietly, behind all the other students now enraptured with the discussion—and singing—and glanced around. Shouldn’t Sherman be here? He thought he read something but may have been mistaken. In any case this silver haired one waited for the Astronomy man to look his way before nodding his head in silence. Yup just observing. Carry on.
Oh, hold on there. When had this man arrived?! Had he seen him jump on a student's desk? Oops? Hopefully the man had a sense of humor. Although, he had been expecting someone else to be observing him today. A Mr. Sherman - who he had been surprised had opted to come all the way up to the Astronomy Tower given his, erm, age and all.
Airey gave the man a quick nod and awkward smiling before turning his attention back to the students. Yes. He should be moving things along.
"Very good all of you and thank you for being brave and singing." Most of them anyway and it hadn't been a requirement to sing. They had humored him though, which he appreciated. Awesome points to them all! "However, none of managed to mention the song that inspired this lesson." Shame really. There had been house points up as a reward for anyone that did."Are any of you familiar with the song Catch a Falling Star performed by Perry Como?" With a quick tap of his wand on the projector, lyrics written in bold white text appeared on the domed ceiling over the night sky for students to read. "As you may have been able to infer from all this, the theme of this term is stars and today we will be focusing on something rather special. A star that isn't really a star but has been mislabeled as one by humans. Often called shooting stars or falling stars like in the song, there is a proper name for this phenomena. Can anyone tell me what that is?"OOC: it is alright to repeat answers here. Your student character doesn't have to answer either if IC it would make more sense for them not to know which Airey is talking about. Points are not awarded for correct answers only This lesson will continue in hopefully 15 hours.
Catch up posts are allowed if you missed a question, but PLEASE put it under a spoiler tag or else you will not receive credit for your efforts.
__________________  When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 01-19-2013 at 04:59 AM.