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Old 01-11-2013, 04:23 PM   #128 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

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½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf

SPOILER!!: Responses

Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Oh THIS one shew knew!

Bouncing on her toes, Breigh thrust her hand up and waved it a little. She TOTALLY knew the answer to this one. It might not have been the MAIN function of swamps, but it was one of the most IMPORTANT.

"Its where the WISEST witches and wizards who don't wish to be disturbed by young people or treasure and thrill seekers, live. They live in the heart of the swamp so as to live in peace." And ONLY the wisest: not just any ol' witch or wizard was skilled or knowledgeable enough to be allowed the honor of living in a swamp. Because really, it WAS an honor: so many neat and interesting things lived there.
Well that was certainly... interesting. And no doubt there was some truth to it.
"That's one way of looking at it, though I wouldn't of it as a function in herbological terms."

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
So Ella hadn't been completely off with her toadstool answer? That was good. She smiled a little at the Professor before continuing to scribble down notes based off her classmates' suggestions. Boy there sure was a lot to take down.

Oh...the function of swamps? Ella thought about this for a moment before raising her hand. "Professor, swamps serve as homes to many different species of animals so if swamps were to be erm...filled in or wiped out...the animals would be forced out as well."
"They do indeed, very good."

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory scribbled down some of the students responses as Professor Bentley approved them. He raised his hand to answer the next question. "Swamps can serve as a filter to get rid of stuff that pollute the water,'' he said.
Seren nodded, "Very good."

Originally Posted by jujune29th View Post
Althought that glowing stuff back in the GReenhouse was way more beuatiful, the Weasley Swamp was pretty awesome as well, Sophie had to admit. She had grown used to walking by every week, so now that she had to stay there and look at it, she decided to eye as many little details as she could.

Those Weasleys had done a brilliant job with that swamp thing, yep! There were even SO MANY details that Sophie didn't answer the first question professor Bentley had asked. But she was in a class and had to participate, right? Right!

The function of the swamp ecosystem? "Well, if swamps stop existing... if they dry off or something, that would affect many living things, including plants." The HUfflepuff said after raising her hand. "A lot of them could even become extinct." That was what ecosystems were all about, wasn't it? "I mean, the main function of any ecosystem is to maintain a... balance in nature." Uurgh, Sophie hated how she could'nt word her thoughts very well sometimes. Most of times, actually. But that did make sense, didn't it?

Professor Bentley was probably looking for a more specific reply, though... But Sophie couldn't answer it specificaly... nope... she hadn't done her reading. Woops.
"Mmmhhmm.. yes, that's more of generic function as opposed to a specialised function." They were talking about swamps after all.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post

Function of an ecosystem. Well, she wasn't really quite sure. If she could hazard a guess she would say that the Weasley twins would have said that the function of a swamp was for a good prank. Although, Selina assumed that Bentley would NOT have appreciated that comment. So she kept it to herself.

Instead she went for a more appropriate, academic response, "Well Professor, I think that the function of a swamp is to be the home to the creatures whose niche coincide in it." The organisms in there were very specific. They had to be there to survive.
A good, and safe answer.
"Of course, naturally," she replied, nodding.

Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post

...Although, Dylan hadn't realized others had offered that as an answer. Hmph, he needed to pay better attention...

Then a new question was being asked...and the Slytherin Captain blinked. "They help to prevent flooding...because swamps are shallow and run-off across larger areas."

Shallow...meaning he could push someone into this one...and they'd survive...
Seren nodded, "Control... more than prevent... they can't exactly go out of their way to ensure a influx of water doesn't occur."

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Picking up her quill, Alyssa quickly added the names of the magical plants that lived in swamps into her journal.

Text Cut: Alyssa's Herbology Journal

Characteristics of a Saltwater Swamp:
1. Found in tidal zones, often on tropical coastline where there is more torrential rainfall and tidal flooding.
2. Wildlife are specific to region due their adaptation to salinity e.g. mangroves, fish, crocodiles and sea bird.
3. The bird drops fertilize and deliver nutrients to the swamp water, which is great for spawning.

Characteristics of fresh water swamps:
1. Are usually found inland where they form around lakes and rivers and are usually the product of heavy rain and seasonal flooding.
2. They have low levels of salinity.

Characteristics that both swamps have in common:
1. Insects thrive in conditions with high moisture.
2. Water is more often than not slow moving.
3. Moisture supports the growth of algae and lichens.
4. Swamps are characterized with the presence of large or thick growth of trees, shrubs or high grasses. These plants help trap the sediments so that the water doesn't wash them away and erode the swamps geography.

Types of magical plants that live in swamps:
1. Pounce stink...I was going to say that.
2. Swampy Sycamore
3. Agua Chomps
4. Blaze again buttons
5. Devil's Snare - in fresh water in dense wood
6. Blue Lace - salt water regions of the Mediterranean
7. Toad eating plants
8. Flesh eating plants
9. Bubotubers
10. Lightning Mystic - flesh eating plant
11. Victoria Amazonica
12. Gillyweed

Now for the question. Alyssa listened as the other students gave their answers. They all made sense too. She raised her hand to give her answer. She just hoped that it didn't sound like the rest.

"Professor, without swamps many types of plant and animals may not exist. There are a few species of Cypress and Nyess trees that only grow in swamps because their seeds require flooding in order to germinate."
"Yes, good good."

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
What were swamps good for? She thought for a moment.

She listened to some of the answers and just bit her lip. She didn't want to sound like everyone else and be a boring drone of a drone of a drone - yeah? See she wanted the best answer possible.

Or maybe the funnest?

"Err, swamps are good for growing plants that need loads of merky water to gillyweed...and sometimes far more foul smelling things...and forggies" yep. She really wasn't going to be an herbologist.
0____o "Sure." She supposed the girl meant that it supported life...

Originally Posted by Mystic Melody View Post
Melody raised her hand again, "I do know in swampy areas that are clean and fresh they grow rice, a muggle food... so in some ways a swamp is used to proved different food like rice, other plants, algae for fish, so on and so forth can be endless also with proper care fresh water from a swamp can be used to drink."
"Yes, absolutely... very good," she approved, nodding.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Yeahhhh Flesh-eaters! West, as usual, perked up at that. He thrust his hand up at the next question too.

"Well like, swamps prevent erosion, don't they? Like all the trees and whatnot that grow in swamps along rivers and lakeshores, they keep the sediment from washing away on account of the water in swamps is slow-moving like Dylan said before, so it doesn't hit the shoreline and mess it all up."
Seren was nodding, encouraging, approving. "Absolutely!"

Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
The function of a swamp? Was there only one?

He pondered this for a moment. Clearly they were a habitat for many species, but he wasn't sure that was what Professor Bentley was after. That seemed...too obvious. Two other good points were raised: water storage, and water filtering - which left Spike wondering if his idea was really on the right track. Afterall, it wasn't necessarily totally Herbology-related. However, he raised his hand anyway. Spike liked to be original, and think for himself, rather than just copy what others had said.

"Shelter," he said. "In particular for breeding grounds. All the detritus that falls into the water provides good nutrients for many small feeders, so they use swamps for laying eggs and to get food. The still waters are often better for eggs too, as they're less likely to wash away."
"Absolutely, a very thoughtful answer."

Originally Posted by pinkphoenix View Post
Orr raised her hand, "Well, an economic and important function is that a lot of sea food such as fishes and craps and the like are dependent on the swampy areas since they lay their eggs there."
Seren nodded, only half agreeing with the girls answer. She didn't correct her however. If she were paying attention she'd pick up on the details soon enough.

Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
Nodding at the Professor at the comment she gave on her answer, Beezus' eyes went back to the genuinely curious as to what other living creatures could be found in there.

She looked back at the woman when another question was raised. Hand up. "In addition to what Spike had said, Professor Seren..." She glanced at her co-Prefect and gave him a quick smile. "..Since swamps are considered breeding grounds, it is where some amphibians, reptiles, other animals, plants, and microbes reside. With the existence of this body of water, certain species of living organisms....with emphasis on rare and close to extinct ones are maintained." So, thank Merlin for their existence. "Simply, swamps serve to provide ecological functions and operates as a refuge of protection to its inhabitants."
Well, would you look at that. Seren was impressed with all the fancy pants words Beatrice was using. But being a Ravenclaw, that wasn't all that surprising. She nodded, and smiled, in response. Correct, of course.

Originally Posted by ForeverYours View Post
Oh, so her answer of gillyweed had been RIGHT. This was a proud moment, normally Bliss just got questions 'almost right' or just plain wrong. Nice to know that that wouldn't always be the case. She quickly jotted down a couple of other answers that were right in her notebook and looked back up at Professor Bentley and listened to her.

Function of the swamp ecosystem?

Right then. "Um. I believe that many upland creatures are dependant on the abundance of food that can be found in the swamps." Yes? Maybe. Possibly. It sounded like it could be right, but was it necessarily the answer that the Professor had been looking for? Well, she'd find out soon enough, wouldn't she?
"Mmmm... to a extent.."

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at the Professor and raised her hand as she smiled. "It's where Shrek lives isn't it, he stays there so people don't hate him or things like that." Laura was sure that was the reason why he stayed in the swam. "And sometime old folks live in swaps for peace and quiet." Laura wasn't sure if she was right but she thought she'd guess again.
Shrek? "I don't know what a Shrek is, but I recommend some light reading... each night..." This girl needed to get her act together.

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
BLINK. Swamps had functions... besides places for plants.

Kat kept adding things to her notes. Swamps... more plants. And now, they were going to take up its functions. Not that is was impossible. Nothing seemed impossible if you try hard enough. Once she caught up with all the answers, she finally raised her hand.

"Some plants, both Muggle and magical, prefer to use swamps as their habitats." Not just animals. Plants had feelings too... maybe.
Generic response. "Naturally," she replied.

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah raised her hand, "it provides a habitat for animals and is good for biodiversity and the ecosystem. Muggles did not realize the importance of swamps, thinking they were only good for breeding mallaria until just about a century ago when they realized the muggle wildlife was dying out due tot he fact that people were building and abusing the land so the animals had not place to breed. Insects and amphibians are essential in the food web and they like swamps" she said
And cue: wow. She hadn't expected that to come out of her pint sized Lion. "Very good, Sarah," she replied, nodding.

Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE View Post
Oakey stayed quite as the other students answered the Professor's Questions. Shivers were sent down his spine as West mentioned that Flesh-Eater's thrived in swampy ecosystems, and Even more went through him when Professor Bentley Confirmed it. He whipped out a notepad and quill and began to scribble down as many notes as he could.

He was happy to be out of the Greenhouse, but to move the class here where a Man-Eating plants could have easliy found a way to thrive. The Weasley Twin's swamp may have a few new occupents.
He hated this lesson more and more. Hadn't Bentley said he would be safe?
Perhaps... she would be having a word with Hadley in the near future.. this was not normal behaviour.

Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa View Post
Oichi was a bit puzzled by the current question but decided to give her best guess anyway. She raised her hand, "I believe a swamp ecosystems function is to provide the living organisms in the swamp the best enviroment to live and work together in harmony and make the best home possible. The nutrients from the swamp may also seep onto land, which can can help the plant there, or oceans and rivers which could help even more organisms." That was Oichi's best guess, she just hoped she was right.
"Very good," Seren nodded, pleased with the girls answer.

So the lesson... had been a rather productive one, and now there was only one thing left for them to do. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many moans and groans, and if there were... too bad.

"Good, so I think we've identified most of a swamps functions, however I will just reiterate the six key points, for those of you taking notes." And they were all taking notes, weren't they.. mmhhmm.
"The swamp is a haven for numerous organisms and is part of natures processes and cycles." Always remember the cycles. "It assists in controlling flooding, it preserves water, it's a source of food for humans and creatures alike. Swamps inhibit land erosion from rivers and oceans and it filters out pollutants." So all in all... it was an important ecosystem, yes? Yes.

"For the final part of our lesson, and to wrap up our case study... I would like you all to draw or sketch a diagram of the Weasley swamp and then annotate the parts that you deem to be significant in providing any one of the functions we've just discussed."

Pulling out a folded piece of parchment from her pocket, she held it up, tapped it with her wand and left it hovering in midair.
"It should, resemble something like this... though really, yours should possess more detail." Hers was just an example, to model what annotating should look like and all...

OOC: LINK to the image, do NOT post it. You may use paint, photoshop or any other graphics program, you may hand draw and scan but do not under any circumstances google an image. Stick figures are cool with me, so long as they're original. The lesson will continue in 12 hours where I will dismiss you all, but you have 24 hours to complete the activity.
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