There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan 43. HEADMASTER
Alyssa had only known three headmasters in her school life. Her first was the Headmaster of Salem's Institute of Magic. The second was Headmaster Tate and the third was Headmistress Truebridge. As she looked at the portraits of the Headmasters of Hogwarts, Alyssa smiled at Headmaster Tate's. He was someone that she would always remember and respect.
During the scariest period of her time in Hogwarts when she had to serve detention, it was Headmaster Tate who supervised hers. Alyssa would always remember how kind he was. "Headmaster Tate. I'll always remember you. Thank you." Alyssa whispered to the portrait.