½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf 03.07.2069
Ahoj Finnick!
Je to už nějaký čas. I'm loving Praha... it's the same as I remember. The káva is amazing, and it feels so good to be back. Like I belong here. Mum and Dad have been out, working, so I haven't seen much of them which is good or bad, depending on the perspective. Mum says she has a lot of planning to do for the coming term, I don't see why she can't do her work from home though? I mean, how many teachers stay at school during the holidays? Dad, well... he's protecting the world from darkness... he has a legitimate excuse for not being here...
My room hasn't changed. It needs a bit of a makeover actually.. so I'm thinking of going down to a hardware store thing, and buying paint. A bit of elbow grease never hurt anyone, and certainly not me.
What do you think? A nice rudý feature wall?
Anyways, I best be getting on.
Sbohem OOC: Czech to English Translations Ahoj = Hello
Je to už nějaký čas = It's been a while
Káva = Coffee
Rudý = Red
Sbohem = Goodbye
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