There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan 22. KNEAZLE
Alyssa watched as her mother carried in something furry and placed it on the floor. Alyssa ran to look at it. It had speckled fur, large ears and a tail that looked like a lion's. The creature purred and rubbed its body against her legs.
"Mom, what kind of cat is this?" Alyssa asked her mother.
"It's a Kneazle. It's special." her mother replied.
Alyssa sat down next to it. "Kneel cat...Kneel." Alyssa tried to adjust its legs coaxing it to kneel.
"What are you doing, Alyssa?"
"You said it's a Kneezle. So it must know how to kneel."