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The aett of Tyr. Tir, in his original form of Tyr, was the head of the Germanic pantheon. His name comes from the same source as Jupiter (originally Deus Pitar) and Zeus. He was a sky god whose worship went back at least to the Bronze Age; we have carvings which show a one-handed figure who is taken to be a god. It is possible that his ancestry is much older than this. The rough outline of the Germanic mythic universe, a column or tree holding up a skull which is the sky, seems to go back to the days of the Neanderthal. In a Neanderthal cave, a stick on which rests a skull has been found. Surrounding the stick is a ring of stones. The stick relates to Yggdrasil, the world tree; the skull is the skull that is the sky. The stones can be compared to the Midgard serpent. Teiwaz : Tyr, Creator.
Phonetic equivalent: t
Color: Green (Red) “What is higher than the self is the Self become Higher.”DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Duty, discipline, responsibility, self-sacrifice, conflict, strength, a wound, physicality, the warrior path. MAGICAL USES:
Protection, victory, strength, strengthening the will, healing a wound. ENERGY:
Sovereign order, sacrifice, right decision making. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Tyr and the Fenris Wolf, Odin's ordeals ANALYSIS:
Just as the second aett began with the cleansing destruction of hagalaz, so too does the third aett begin with a loss. However, hail is imposed by the Gods to force the sacrifice of those things which aren't really vital to our development. Teiwaz, on the other hand, represents a voluntary sacrifice, made by someone who understands exactly what they are giving up and why.
Tyr's sacrifice of his hand to allow the binding of the Fenris Wolf was a noble one, and notable in a pantheon of deities not known for their sense of duty and ethical responsibility. He is believed to be one of the oldest of the Norse Gods - a Bronze-age rock carving was found in Scandinavia depicting a one-handed warrior - and his position may well have originally superseded that of Odin. Tyr's rune is also one of the oldest in the fuþark, having survived virtually unchanged from the earliest Bronze-age carvings. It represents all those qualities associated with the God: strength, heroism, duty and responsibility. But it also represents a deeper mystery - that of the wounded God. Like þurisaz, the pain of teiwaz focuses the attention and forces discipline. However, in this case the effect is more conscious and the wound carries a greater significance. Uruz has been confronted and bound, and the lessons of teiwaz and hagalaz have been learned. This is the path of the warrior. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
Ultimately, this is an extremely positive rune signifying victory in battle and success in competition. Direct action and powerful forward motion is indicated.
Sound leadership is often characterized by selflessness. A good leader places his people and his clan before his own needs. Management and leadership skills are referenced positively here. From a spiritual perspective, Tiwaz represents a spiritual breakthrough that awakens new levels of understanding.
It should be noted, that as with the warrior "Tyr", the success indicated by this rune often carries a painful price. It can literally foretell a minor injury, and may indicate a personal loss (or injury) accompanied by a great gain one's family, company or team.
The appearance of Tiwaz generally means that the proper direction of this force, usually in business, will net the individual a victory through proper application of force and pressure. Inverted Meaning :: Progress through aggression may not be the answer in this particular situation. Find another way of achieving the desired outcome. Application of too much force will drive success away. Berkana : birch
Phonetic equivalent: b
Color: White (Blue) “The most obvious Truth is hidden deep within, and only you will ever know it.”DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Fertility, health, new beginnings, growth, conception, plenty, clearance. MAGICAL USES:
Healing (especially infections), achieving conception, making a fresh start. ENERGY:
Container/releaser, female fertility, trees and plantlife. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Frigg, Idunna ANALYSIS:
The birch is fundamentally a symbol of fertility. There are numerous instances in European folk tradition where birch twigs are used to bring prosperity and encourage conception. They were fixed above a sweetheart's door on May Day in Cheshire, England, and were placed in stables and houses to promote fertility. On the continent, young men, women and cattle were struck with birch twigs for this same purpose, and young boys would be sent out to "beat the bounds of the parish" with branches of birch to ensure prosperity in the coming year. Witches were said to ride broomsticks made from birch, an image which probably originated with fertility rituals where dancers would ride brooms through the fields, the height of their jumping indicating how high the grain should grow.
If teiwaz is the fundamental male mystery, then berkana certainly belongs to the women, for it represents the path of the mother, the healer and the midwife, bringing new life after death just as the birch puts out the first leaves after winter. While Tyr's wound is acquired through his encounter with death, berkana's wound is that of menstruation, and her ordeal is that of childbirth. The birch is abundant and all providing, and heals through nourishment, cleansing and empathy. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
Either a pregnancy or a new start in a person's life is indicated here -- or the fertility of a new business venture. Berkana indicates a fresh perspective, a good start. Aside from a physical birth, a rebirth, or a burst of creativity may be indicated.
Berkana frequently refers to domestic issues and personal relationships -- particularly those involving emotional support, nurturing and "standing by" loved ones.
Berkana can also represent a person who is a healer, whether a nurse, doctor, or other kind of medical practitioner. The energies of this rune are healing and life-giving. Inverted Meaning :: Growth is being stunted through a stubborn refusal to channel creative and healing forces. Learn to accept the rites of passage of life -- don't ignore them or they will just cause you more pain than necessary. Berkana inverted, can also signify friction within relationships -- or even betrayal. Ehwaz : horse
Phonetic equivalent: e (as in 'egg')
Color: Red (White) “The mind will trust the body, the body will trust the mind.”DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Transportation, motion, assistance, energy, power, communication, will, recklessness. MAGICAL USES:
Power, aiding in communication, transportation; to 'send' a spell. ENERGY:
Trust, cooperation, the fetch. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Sleipnir, Freya's feathered cloak ANALYSIS:
The horse has been a powerful symbol in nearly every culture and every age. They were often believed to draw the sun about the heavens. Strong, swift and loyal, their relationship with humankind is unique. They allow us to perform tasks that would normally be beyond our strength, and to travel distances that would normally be beyond our reach. The mare symbolizes fertility and fecundity, and the stallion is the epitome of virility and raw energy. It is an animal that never lost its power by being domesticated.
Like the sun which is its counterpart, ehwaz represents energy and motion. In this case, however, there is also respect for the source of the power to be considered. This is not merely an impersonal energy source - it is a living, breathing thing whose needs and desires must be taken into consideration, rather than be simply used as a slave. This is the power that was given by the God at algiz, and this rune reminds us of our oath to only use it to help, never to harm. Like the two-edged sword, the horse is a powerful tool, but must be carefully controlled to avoid harming yourself or other. It is tempting to just go barreling along recklessly, but to do so is to risk loosing that power forever. This is the balance that must be achieved on the path of pure magic. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
Most simply put, Ehwaz symbolizes 'forward energy and movement'. Ehwaz may represent general travel and steady progress-- or it may literally represent a car, plane or another method of transportation. Ehwaz also symbolizes communication over long distances, and can refer to an important message that one will give or receive. Harmonious concord and pulling together as a team is also referenced here.
When Ehwaz appears in a spread, it empowers the runes around it and augments their meanings simply by virtue of its directional energy and forward movement. Teamwork, forward-motion, communication, and consistent drive will win the day when this rune turns up. Inverted Meaning :: Blocked movement. An inability to act. The best solution at this point may be passivity, not action. A failure to communicate or act in unison. Mannaz : man, humankind
Phonetic equivalent: m
Color: Blue (Purple) --N/A--DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Significator, self, family, community, relationships, social concerns. MAGICAL USES:
To represent a specific person or group of people; to establish social relationships. ENERGY:
Psychic order of the gods reflected in humankind, projection of Self into time. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Ask and Embla, Midgard ANALYSIS:
In its broadest sense, mannaz represents all of humanity, and therefore the entire realm of Midgard. In more practical terms, though, it is those with whom we have personal connections, from our immediate circle of family and friends to the wider community around us, reminding us of our nature as social animals. It also represents our connection with the Gods and with nature, through the two Norse myths of the creation of humans; the first where they sprang from Ymir's body, and the second in which they were created from two logs by a river. It takes the raw energy of ehwaz and controls it through our social conscience, reminding us of those we affect with our deeds both magical and mundane.
The rune itself resembles gebo with its joining of masculine and feminine elements, but is much more complete. It is the entire web of human relationships, with the self at the centre, which mirrors the web of fate explored through raiðo. But while that web was more or less fixed, this one is mutable and alive. Past and present, male and female, self and other - all opposites are joined here and made whole. Mannaz is our home, and speaks for all those whose lives we touch when we use the gifts we have been given through the runes. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
Mannaz represents a group of people, most frequently the community immediately surrounding the individual -- and often references the ways in which that group perceives the individual in question. Friends are being made and a community is being formed and served. The individual is giving a part of themselves up for the greater good. If a reading deals with great tasks, the appearance of Mannaz often indicates that assistance will come from others.
This rune may also refer to a spiritual community, such as that of a church or a religious group of some kind; the individual may be interacting with this new community soon.
The appearance of Mannaz frequently signifies the intensification and betterment of the person's relationships with people and community. This often refers just to social relationships, rather than business or romantic relationships. The appearance of this rune suggests that the important factor may not necessarily be the individual doing the reading, but the people in his or her immediate sphere of contacts.
While many runes deal with the individual, Mannaz is a reminder to step back and consider a larger group -- the family or community. Mannaz also directly relates to an individual's place within a community, how he or she performs, and how he or she is perceived. Inverted Meaning :: One must make peace with oneself before turning outward to focus on friends or community. Often we will seek community to heal a problem within ourselves that cannot be fixed from an outward source -- meditation and constructive self-reflection is required. Laguz : water
Phonetic equivalent: l
Color: Black & White (Green) “Our future selves call us from infinite pasts, and each night are eroded with our dreams.”DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Emotions, fears, unconscious mind, things hidden, revelation, intuition, counseling. MAGICAL USES:
Enhancing psychic abilities, confronting fears, stabilizing mental or emotional disorders, uncovering hidden things. ENERGY:
Life energy, ocean spirit, origins of life, collective unconscious, the astral plane, love as unity, evolution. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Njord, Midgard Serpent ANALYSIS:
When most people think of water, they generally think of its more pleasant associations - peacefulness, love, compassion, intuition, and the emotions in general. However, we must remember that, to the Norse, water most often meant the sea, and the sea was a terrifying, unpredictable place, home of the Midgard serpent and the grave of many sailors. Laguz, then, should be thought of in terms of the lighter and the darker sides of the element of water. It speaks to our primal fears of the dark, the cold, and all those terrifying things hidden deep within our subconscious minds.
Like eihwaz, which forced the journeyer to confront his or her mortality, laguz makes us examine the underlying roots of our personality and behavior, and allows us to modify those aspects which are hindering our spiritual development. The understanding and wisdom gained through eihwaz and the runes which followed have prepared the journeyer to face this darker side (represented by laguz) and accept it as an integral part of their selves. Laguz also prepares the person to take on the task of helping others through this self-examination process, allowing them to empathize more strongly and share their own experiences, making it (among other things) the rune of the spiritual counselor. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
Laguz is typically a negative rune. It signifies uncertainty, and a powerlessness to act in the face of overwhelming opposition. If however, the question being asked is "Should I continue" with something, Laguz instructs very clearly to continue in the same way that water flows uninterrupted.
The appearance of Laguz suggests that something that has previously been hidden will be revealed. What was hidden may not be a pleasant thing to witness, but it will be necessary. This may allude to something like a treacherous spouse or a thieving employee -- unpleasant but necessary for the individual to uncover. Frequently this rune references how other people feel about the someone. Perception is indicated here.
i.e: It is necessary to uncover what is hidden in a person's life in order for them to move forward.
Other possible literal meanings of Laguz in a reading are: A woman (either the querent or a woman significant to the querent), the ocean or beach, social opposition. Inverted Meaning :: An obstinate need to ignore that which is hidden and needs to be uncovered. The rune Laguz may turn up inverted when a spouse knows that their partner is cheating, but is doing nothing about it to maintain the status quo. The appearance of this rune inverted means that the status quo is not worth maintaining and they should remove themselves from the situation as soon as possible. Inguz : Ing, Fertility
Phonetic equivalent: ng
Color: Brown (Black) “Only when we know our solitude to be different from our loneliness
can we be whole enough to honor another’s place.” DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Work, productivity, bounty, groundedness, balance, connection with the land. MAGICAL USES:
Fertility, farming, growth, general health, balance. ENERGY:
Stored energy, gestation process, male mysteries, subtlety, planned bursts. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Freyr / Ing, Nerthus, Thor, the Vanir ANALYSIS:
Ing is a Danish / Anglo-Saxon name for Freyr, the God of agriculture and fertility. Agriculture represents one of the first attempts by mankind to control the environment, and the fertility of crops, animals and people has always been the primary concern and religious focus of most societies. From the earliest Sumerian accounts to modern-day British folk custom, people throughout history have sought to ensure the success of their crops.
The shape of this rune can be likened to that of a field, but its real significance may lie in its balance, representing the harmonious relationship between ourselves and the four elements / four directions. Inguz reminds us of that ancient connection between the Gods and the land, and re-links us with our spiritual natures through the realm of the physical. It is quite literally a grounding rune, and by reintroducing us to the earth, it reconnects our bodies, our minds and our spirits. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
Ingwaz symbolizes the Earth and our deep relation to it. Its appearance may mean that we need to spend more time in nature, or pay more attention to the natural order of things. Outdoor activities are referenced here, including sports, hiking and the ocean.
The appearance of Ingwaz may also indicate a need to pay attention to one's body, either through the addition of an exercise regimen to one's life or a change in diet. A healthy metabolism and lifestyle are indicated here -- and may suggest a need to focus on a sound body in order to achieve a sound mind.
This is also a rune of growth: representing the actual act of growth rather than the rewards that await one at the end of the cycle. Personal growth may occur through some event in the near future.
On a grander level, Ingwaz can represent the wholeness of the Earth or of humanity. Overall human conditions, or global issues.
At a smaller scale, the appearance of Ingwaz may represent food or a meal with friends. Inverted Meaning :: None. Dagaz : day
Phonetic equivalent: d
Color: Yellow “Time is an illusion that once realized, is lovingly embraced, none the less.”DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Happiness, success, activity, a fulfilling lifestyle, satisfaction. MAGICAL USES:
To bring a positive outcome. ENERGY:
Twilight/dawn polarity, non-dual reality, unity, synthesis, transmutation. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
Sunna, Baldr, Nerthus, Yggdrasil ANALYSIS:
This rune effectively marks the end of the third aett, leaving only oþila to complete the cycle. As in the previous two aetts, ðagaz concludes the third with light and hope. However, while wunjo represented earthly glories and the sun, heavenly power, the day brings these two realms together, bringing the more abstract light and power of sowulo 'down to earth' and applying it to our everyday lives.
The shape of the rune itself denotes this kind of interconnection. It is reminiscent of gebo, with its balance of masculine, feminine and the four elements, but ðagaz makes further connections to the celestial and the realm of nature. Like inguz, it symbolizes harmony with one's environment. but again takes it a step further, implying a harmonious relationship with the spiritual environment as well. It is a bringing together of all six cardinal points - the four compass directions, the celestial realm above us where the Gods are thought to dwell; and that which is below - all the spirits of the earth and of nature. All of these things are balanced and integrated through ðagaz and brought into our daily lives. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
This very positive rune signifies a well-led life, an individual who is happy with themselves and their position in life. Balance has been achieved. Positive, good forces will be at work very shortly, because expectations have been managed and risks properly assessed.
Balance and harmony reign supreme -- events will soon take a turn for the better. One has already crossed through a place of darkness and now a new day dawns.
A major transformation either spiritual or material, is occurring as the first light of a new day breaks over the horizon. Possibilities are everywhere.
If some rare cases, if success in a matter has been at hand for a long period of time, Dagaz may indicate a change to that cycle -- a new day which brings with it fundamental shift to underlying expectations.
More literal references here can also be to a time of day (the early morning), and to new business endeavors, new relationships and new pursuits. Inverted Meaning :: May not be inverted. Othala : property, Home.
Phonetic equivalent: o
Color: Copper (Brown) “We inherit ourselves.”DIVINATORY MEANINGS:
Property, land, inheritance, home, permanence, legacy, synthesis, sense of belonging. MAGICAL USES:
For acquiring land or property, to complete a project, to strengthen family ties. ENERGY:
Ancestral spiritual power, inheritance, heaven on earth, “The gift of Ing”, paradise, utopia. ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES:
the nine worlds of Yggdrasil. ANALYSIS:
In oþila, we find ourselves back in the seemingly mundane realm of wealth and property, just like the first rune, fehu. However, while cattle represented a more movable, transitory form of wealth, the land (as Mr. O'Hara said) is the only thing that lasts. It can be passed on as a legacy, but more importantly, it defines who we are by defining where we are. It is, ultimately, our home.
This rune brings us to the seventh cardinal point, which is the centre. It is the meeting place between Midgard and Asgard; between ourselves and our Gods. It is the axis around which our lives revolve. The idea of land or property is only a symbol - we must all find our own "centre" (or, as Joseph Campbell termed it, our "bliss") to give our lives meaning, and this is really the ultimate goal of the runic journey. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we discover that after all our travels and adventures, we all eventually end up going home. But this doesn't mean that the travels and adventures are pointless. On the contrary, it is only through those explorations that our 'home' or spiritual centre can have any real meaning for us. "There's no place like home" will have no power to send us there unless we come to truly understand what and where our home is to us. Conversely, none of the lessons learned along the way can be of any real use to us unless we actively integrate them into our 'mundane' lives and find that centre point to anchor them to. Oþila not only completes the smaller cycle of the third aett, but also brings us back to the beginning of the fuþark itself, only on a higher level. We may now begin the grand cycle of the runic journey again. DIVINATORY INTERPRETATION:
The security and safety that comes with material wealth is referenced here: Richness in the sense of home and family, as well as material wealth. A favorable situation will give the individual greater security very shortly -- but hard work will always be required to maintain the fruits of this situation.
Othala may represent an individual who has overcome many obstacles and has now come home to put their feet up and enjoy their lives as they deserve to. This individual has come to a place in their lives where they have found success -- it is now time for them to recognize the importance of home and family and enjoy the fruits of both.
Wealth, property, and land are all considerations when this rune turns up, and all in a positive fashion.
Alternatively, Othala may represent an ancestral land, or the country of one's forebears.
Inheritance and history are powerfully referenced here. Inverted Meaning :: Inability to accept family as a source of happiness in one's life. Chaos on the home front. Poverty and loss of land and/or wealth.
Last edited by Magical Soul; 05-25-2013 at 05:31 PM.