Astronomy & Space Navigation  ⌦ Classroom Rules▸ each lesson bring your wand, textbook, parchment, and quill
▸ arrive at lessons on time
▸ respect your peers, professor, and Pebbles
▸ wear your Hogwarts uniform
▸ raise your hand before speaking
▸ no food or drink in the classroom
▸ use all equipment and materials appropriately
▸ be a free thinker - don't just recite from your textbook or I may banish it
▸ don't recite astronomy. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL it
▸ do NOT touch the suit
▸ this is Astronomy NOT Astrology. DO NOT CONFUSE THE TWO.
▸ please use the lint roller on the table outside of the classroom prior to entering
▸ if you are a Gryffindor and do NOT wear a extra careful during my lessons. No redshirts syndrome in the classroom, please  ▸ always try your best and attempt to HAVE FUN ⌦ Homework▸ homework is optional, but if you want to earn house points for your house it is highly encouraged that you do it
▸ you do NOT have to have attended a lesson to do it
▸ all homework is to be owled to (aka PMed ) Professor Flamsteed
▸ homework should be titled appropriately in the subject field. For example Astronomy Homework #1
▸Only your FIRST homework submission will be accepted, so be sure that you have read it over carefully and have included everything that you want it in. Any submitted homework after will not be accepted.
▸ please include the following at the top of your parchment (PM). Username
Character Name
Member ID Number Your Member ID Number can be found at the end of the URL to your profile page. If you look at the URL for my page ( then the my member number is 119181
Failure to include this information a FIRST time will result in points being deducted from your overall homework score. Failure to do so a SECOND time will mean your homework will not be accepted. .
. ⌦ OOC things to keep in mind▸ All SS Rules and SS RPG Rules apply at all Astronomy threads at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS
▸ Please know the difference between In-Character (IC) and Out of Character (OOC). In-Character, my character is Airey Flamsteed. Out of Character, I am Pixie. Please don't confuse his actions with mine or take IC actions personally towards you as an RPer. ⇉ In Character Offenses will be punished in character. This means your character will lose house points, receive a detention, have their mouth magically removed, however Airey feels your character should be punished shall be done.
⇉Out of Character offenses will be punished out of character. Therefore, you the member, will receive a warning or infraction in accordance with SS site rules. ▸ Please do not change your answers or add any new information AFTER you've posted in the lesson. I will know if you do! I have ways. Changing your answer won't earn any points.
▸ If the lesson has begun before you post arriving to the class please do not think this means you cannot join! YOU CAN! Just pretend like your character has been there the whole time and jump in with the lesson - no matter what stage of the lesson we are at. Posting your character walking in after the lesson has started will either result in IC consequences to be determined by Airey.
▸ DO NOT just copy paste your answer somewhere form the internet. I will be checking. Use your own words, please.
▸ Remember that your character is a student which means that they are at Hogwarts to learn. Astronomy can be a very complicated subject and there are concepts and details that an 11-year-old, for example, should not know. It is OKAY for your character NOT to answer a question and for you to simply post them listening and taking notes. Creative and incorrect answers are also encouraged. Points are NOT given to correct answers only.
▸ if you ever have ANY questions on ANYTHING please do not hesitate to PM me, sweetpinkpixie.