Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: in my head [GMT-6]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amelia Adara Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma Montmorency (#301199) Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da) Ravenclaw Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kara Walsh (#aa1506) Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Tiffany Rose Slytherin Third Year
x12 x8
| YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers SPOILER!!: One Group Reply this time<3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Gideon didn't give another curse even when the option presented itself. Might as well let the entire class have their chance to give their own answer to the professor's question. He wrote down a few of them that were mentioned, new ones he wasn't quite familiar with, making a note to look into the subject. "Wouldn't SpeRevelio be good in this case?" he asked, supplying the spell that came to mind. It could be used to reveal the contents of a potion, couldn't be used to see if there is something out of the ordinary in an item like a cursed piece of jewelry. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva listened to all the curses, wow there were a lot. Most she had heard, but some she hadn't. Then Professor Hadley took out a bracelet, wow it was pretty, but frowning as she said it gave her a red mark when she wore it. That wasn't very nice. Minerva tried to think how they could figure out if it was cures. Putting her hand up, "Professor, if you knew what happens with each curse you might be able to pin point the curse, but if you don't you could use a reveal spell to make the bracelet show you if it was cursed or not." That was right wasn't it, she felt a little unsure if she had that correct or not. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory looked at the bracelet, it was very pretty indeed. He frowned at the Professor's red wrist. He raised his hand. "Perhaps we can use SpeRevelio?'' he asked. He really didn't have any other idea what else could be done. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
He didn't think his aunt had liked his input. But really, she should be more worried if I had named any of those OTHER curses. Mum taught me about the Unforgiveables and their illegality when I first showed signs of magic just to scare me into not using it before I was trained. So if he had known anything else at this stage... well... that would mean he was in with the wrong crowd. At least I didn't say what they did. Not that I actually know...
He was pulled out of his mental argument with himself when he noticed she was about to reveal what was in the box... "Oh..." he said, clearly disappointed. Then he clapped his hands over his mouth, realizing he'd said that aloud. He gave an apologetic look. But I mean... I've seen that thing so many times before... I was expecting some cool magical artifact or side effects of a curse!
But he was determined to make up for his previous two faux pas. He quickly riffed through his parchment with the notes from last lesson. He spotted what he as looking for. Pao's hand shot into the air. "Professor, is it--," he slowly and carefully pronounced the unfamiliar sounds, "--A-rith-mos Re-vel-io?" That had better be right... Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra eyed the box with a suspicious-looking expression. What was it with professors and cursed jewelry? Sierra thought they all just needed to start shopping somewhere a little safer...
Sierra looked around the room as her classmates suggested spells. She chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about the spells they'd learned. She raised her hand. "What about...Arithmos Revelio?" she asked, remembering the spell she'd taught them earlier in the year. If she remembered correctly, using the spell would reveal a set of numbers, but only if the object was indeed charmed. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Addie listened carefully as curses were mentioned, but she couldn't think of any that weren't already mentioned so she just waited patiently for the next question. Spell to show if object was cursed. Addie heard Arithmos and SpeRevelio. Which one was correct? She felt that both could work right. Addie decided to raise her hand. "Professor can't Arithmos Revelio and SpeRevelio both work?" she asked as she thought out her argument. "Wouldn't Spereveal if it is indeed cursed, but Arithmos reveal the arithmancy behind the curse?" Hopefully she was somewhat correct and didn't make a big fool out of herself trying to sound smart. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo She was actually right? Well half right anyway seeing as the hair loss wasn't considered a curse--she still wanted to learn it though...no matter what it was.
Lex eyed the object, deep in thought. It didn't look cursed...but then, she didn't know what things under a curse were supposed to look like so she decided not to question it--
No way! There was a spell you could use to tell that kind of stuff?! Neat! She sat back and waited once again for the answer to start pouring in from different people and smiled a little when she heard the consistency in the responses...this meant it was right; either that or they were all wrong in which case they were all idiots. After scribbling both answers down she raised her hand and gave the woman a smile; she wanted her participating right? Well she would; using everyone else's answer. "Professor I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you could use either Arithmos Revelio or SpeRevelio." But only 'cause that's what everyone else was saying.
See? She could be productive and participate. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty She had been right this time. Awesome! And now they were moving on. Emmanuelle had smile a bit as she noticed what the charms on the bracelet were. Kind of like a unity bracelet for Hogwarts, which really she guessed she shouldn't be so surprised by. This was one of their professors after all, they had to be for house unity. But it gave her a red mark when she wore it? Not good. That meant that the jewelry was cursed or that she was allergic to the material. So, how to tell if it was cursed? "Wouldn't you use SpeRevelio to see if the object was cursed, then Arithmos Revelio to reveal the curse?" Made sense to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight She smiled they were moving on good caused she didn't know any other curses that she could of said all the ones she had thought of had been said already. She peered over at the bracelet it had the four animals that represent the house on the bracelet how cool..She had expected something cooler but it was still pretty awesome.... How to tell if it was cursed?? "Could you use Arithmo Revelio on it to reveal the curse?" or had she got her spells mixed up again.... Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah wanted to find out how to remove the curse from the book
Sarah was going to say, SpeRevelio, yet last lesson they had learnt Arithmos Revelio, so perhaps last lesson was hint. She raised her hand "Arithmos Revelio" she said Quote:
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 Elise looked up from her frantic note-writing, blinknig a few times before she registered that Professor Hadley had asked another question. Elise's been so out of this this class, and she wasn't even sure why. Perhaps something to do with the fact that OWL year was drawing ever closer, and Elise was still incredibly weak at Ancient Runes.
Anyway. Question. How would we figure out if the object was cursed in the first place. Raising her hand, Elise smiled. "SpeRevelio would be useful to determine if it was cursed in the first place and would show the type of curse, I think?" she said, but it came out as more of a question.
Shaking her head, Elise continued to write down her classmates answers. Some of them were really good. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and sighed, she didn't know what she meant either, all her choices had been taken up so she just made up a random name, but she wasn't going to tell her Head of House that, there wasn't any point.
Laura smiled at the Professor as she went on to the next question. "Professor wouldn't you use SpeRevelio, as it will show you if the thing is indeed cursed." Laura was sure that spell was the best way to show if the object was cursed. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi sat back and thought for a moment about the two spells mentioned. More specifically she wished that she had her notes on the Arithmos Revelio spell...but she had left those from that term in her dorm - rather foolishly too. Still, her hand went up just to clarify thing. Who knows, maybe this stuff would be on her NEWT and it was best to be sure. "Unless Arithmos Revelio can be used on objects that have been charmed as well, not just cursed ones, and you specifically are wanting to just see if an object is cursed or not, then you would use SpeRevelio. However, if Arithmos Revelio is used solely on cursed objects, then you are sort of killing two fwoopers with one stone because you are not only revealing whether or not the object is cursed, but also showing exactly what that curse is by means of spell numerization."
And then she realized how morbid her wizarding turn of phrase was in that answer and sunk into her seat. Poor jobberknolls....which weren't fwoopers, but they had had a homework assignment on fwoopers which reminded her of Care of Magical Creatures which reminded her of Professor Newlin which reminded her of the tshirts which reminded her how awful it had been that all the jobberknolls had died so suddenly. Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon Eliza knew that before you went about trying to break curses, you needed to know what item you were looking for and if it was really cursed. She agreed with the students who said so when the professor had asked her first question. More curses? They've already named so many! She tried to think hard of one that hadn't been named but was struggling. "Is there a curse that could make people fall asleep instantly?" That would be sort of handy...
She had heard something about revealing curses before. What was that again...Revealio...Revelio? "I think they must be right about Speand Arithmos Revelio. I know Revelio reveals things so...those other combinations sound right." She had never needed to use either of them before however, so she wasn't sure. Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife A spell to know if something is cursed. But it had to be related to their last lesson, Professor Hadley had said. Kat knew this one, but the answer was always at the tip of her tongue. Kat shut her eyes tight, trying to remember what was the spell... or the incantation. Ugh. This is why Kat hated trying to remember too much things. She either forgets them or she knew them but can't spit it out.
OH RIGHT! "I think it's Arithmos Revelio, Professor," Kat answered. FINALLY she managed to spit the answer out. She hated it when it dwelled on the tip of her tongue. "I believe we mentioned that spell during the last lesson." Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Hmmmm, what were the two that were brought up last class? "Is one of them Arithmos Revelio, Professor?" Oakey said raising his hand. "The other one Specan be used, but It doesn't seem like that's Arithmancy based" Oakey had a really good feeling that the professor was meaning for the class to use Arithmos Revelio today in class. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Scribble. Scribble. Scribble.
Ella had been taking down notes like it was her job which okay, technically it was. She was a student after all...She was kind of caught off guard by the amount of curses that were listed, though. Squirm. That was a lot of stuff to be careful of. At least there was a way for them to figure out what they were dealing with rather than them having to guess and check. Imagine? That would be quite dangerous business.
The third year listened carefully as her classmates seemed to debate between Arithmos Revelio and SpeRevelio . Personally, the third year was going with the Arithmos option. This was Arithmancy and it would show the numbers that related to the curse, right? Blink. Raising her hand, she offered her opinion. "Professor, I also think you would use Arithmos Revelio." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Oh! Alex knew the answer to this one! Alex actually knowing an answer to an Arithmancy question? The world must be coming to an end. Haha.
He raised his hand. "I believe that's Arithmos Revelio, which we talked about earlier in the semester," he explained with a grin. Boy, he felt so smart right now! Hadley just listened as the students seem to either be in a consensus over speor arithmos. Well at least they were all thinking along the right lines. "Yes. But as Adelaide and Kurumi both pointed out, SpeRevelio is more for general magic or charms. However, using Arithmos Revelio would be efficient in that if the object is indeed cursed, it would tell you what curse is on it." "So when you discover that an object or person is indeed cursed, by casting Arithmos Revelio, a string of numbers will materialize in the air. The more complicated the spell, however, would mean the less likely you will be able to decipher the spell." She paused, writing four words on the board; Basis: what the spell affects
Kernel/Core: what the spell does
Range: how the spell is activated
Cline/Type: what kind of spell it is "So we know that this piece of jewelry has been giving me red irritating marks when worn. Almost like its burning my flesh. Having said that, what numbers do you think might indicate such a spell? And what spell do you think it is?"
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |