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Old 11-24-2012, 02:21 PM   #24 (permalink)

PhoenixRising's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: in my head [GMT-6]
Posts: 58,905

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by hpluvr037 View Post
Pao entered the classroom. WITH HIS WAND. He was completely STOKED for this lesson. He was pretty sure what was coming--a practical demonstration of curse breaking. He'd been trying to get his Aunt Fina to show him this his entire life. And now the time had finally come.

"Morning, Auntie Faith!" he said brightly as he came in. Since no one else was there, he didn't think it could hurt to not call her Professor this time.
"Morning Logan," Fina said automatically, without even looking up. She didn't need to look up to recognize the innocent voice of her nephew. And if she was being totally honest with herself, then she probably momentarily forgot she was even in her classroom. At least for another moment until other students entered....

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Besides Potions, Arithmancy was another subject where Kurumi had been taught by the same professor all seven terms. It was sort of a rare thing - at least it seemed that way - with professors coming and going and being eaten by plants. So this was going to be another lesson that was a little difficult to get through. Not to mention it was one of her favorite subjects. It made SENSE. Numbers just MADE SENSE!

There was still enough spring in her step to keep the Gryffindor's spirits up because they had been asked to be sure to bring their wands and THAT meant that they were going to be doing something practical. FINALLY! Kurumi had been hoping and praying for this ALL term and it seemed like now was finally the time. Wand already out and twirling between her fingers, Kurumi entered the classroom and made her way to her usual seat. "Good morning, Professor Hadley," she said with a smile before taking her seat. Yes, there was an undertone of sadness there...somewhere...but she was too eager for what could be happening this lesson to linger on the sad for now.


Kurumi's head snapped around to her favorite little first year and she sort of just gawked at him for a moment. He had just said Auntie, right? RIGHT?

"Logan, I didn't know you were related," she whispered, leaning over a bit to get his attention.
Can she cry now? She thought it was bad when she saw Eliana graduate last year, but now .... this... Kurumi ... graduating.... her last lesson with the Gryffindor and yet the seventh year seemed so joyous and carefree, something for which Hadley HAD to smile for. "Good morning, Kurumi." Yes. She used the girl's first name. The last lesson called for a note of informality....

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella walked into the Arithmancy classroom with her wand in hand, a curious smile on her face. She didn't know what type of math required wands but she was okay with whatever it was as she'd never done calculations using a wand before. Hmm...Perhaps this lesson would be a bit more hands on?

The third year stopped in front of Professor Hadley and BEAMED at the woman, watching as she twirled her wand between her fingers. "Hello Professor." She greeted cheerfully before heading over to a seat in the middle of the classroom. Plopping down, she got out some parchment and her quill and placed it neatly in front of her before waiting quietly for class to begin.
"Hello Ella," Fina said, greeting the blond with a pleasant enough smile.

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Gideon headed down to the arithmacy classroom with his sachel of books slung over his shoulder and his required wand in his pocket as if it would really be anywhere else other than when he was sleeping and rested on his bedside table. He wasn't sure why it would be needed for this class in particular but he wasn't about to argue or forget it. Then he would likely just be causing trouble or missing out on whatever they would be learning in class today. Not something that he wanted to do especially on this his last day of arithmacy.

"Good day, Professor Hadley," he greeted with a friendly smile as he walked into the classroom, spotting the woman perched on the corner of her desk. The mysterious covered box beside her earned a slightly raised eyebrow but he didn't inquire as he walked past it to take a free seat. All would be revealed and the curiosity is half the fun after all. At least he didn't expect Hadley to be one of those professors whose surprises were the type to cause harm to one's students.
"Good day," she greeted to the other Gryffindor Prefect, who oddly enough she hadn't felt as connected with as Kurumi. But maybe it wasn't so curious after all, considering Kurumi had been in her class since her first year.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
The fact that they would be needed wands for this lesson made Alexa a little more enthused about this class than normal. Wands meant spells and spells meant they wouldn't be working on math or decoding stuff--not that the decoding would be too was actually kinda fun last time. Made her fee like a Claw for what might be the only time in her life.

"Hello Professor." She said to the seemingly distracted woman perched on her desk. Lex gave her a smile before taking her seat and waiting to see what course this lesson would take. The fact that they needed their wands was promise enough!

Oh Ella! The girl got a waaave and a grin.
Like this one. It was going to be sad when this one finally graduated; but Hadley didn't know why she was even thinking on those thoughts. "Hello, Alexa." And she got her name right this time too!

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
An Arithmancy class that required the use of their wands. Oakey had a huge smile on his face, a huge HUGE smile on this face, His gums were almost visible. He had a slight idea as to what they might be using wands for today in class but light reading on curse breaking through out the year was no where compared to learning it from Professor Hadley herself.

He inched his way to one of the front seats in his class and removed his wand from it's holster and sat down twirling it in his hand. "Good Morning Professor Hadley" Oakey said almost losing his wand in front of him as he lost concentration on his twirling.
"Morning, Oakey," she said, smiling at the fifth year as she caught sight of him twirling his wand a little too enthusiastically. "Careful there. You'll poke someone's eye out."

Originally Posted by Star Child View Post
I had wanted to jump up and down when I had heard that wonderful combination of magic and math, "Good morning," I managed to squeak out. I quadruple checked that my wand was in my pocket before taking my seat. I could scarcely image what we were going to use the wands for, but I knew that under no circumstances should I forget mine. I turned red at the thought.
"Morning," Hadley said, eying a young woman she hadn't seen before. Yay for new students joining in with Arithmancy!

Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
Ira walked into the class, excited more than the usual, seeing that her favorite class, Arithmancy needed wands. So yay! They were gonna actually try performing some curse breaking it seemed. Ira had already revised a bit about curse breaking, and so with a satisfied smile, made her way in.

Seeing Professor Hadley, Ira smiled wide and greeted her. "Good Morning Professor Hadley!" Flicking back a strand of hair that had fallen over face, Ira then proceeded to her usual seat. Then, putting her bag down, she sat down, waiting for the class to start..
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Aritmancy. Last lesson of the term. It should be fun.

"Hello Professor." Anya said brightly entering the classroom. Oooh. What was that present about? Were they getting presents?! Anya wanted a present!

She then took a seat near the middle of the classroom and patiently waited for the lesson to start. ...eyeing the present.
"Morning Ira. And Anya." Hadley greeted to the two young Gryffindors. Where did all the Gryffindors come from? They hear curse-breaking and thinking danger, which quite obviously must bring them all out.

Originally Posted by HazelStone101 View Post
Jayden couldn't believe that the end of the year finals were here already. Where had all of the time gone? "Hello Professor!" She greeted the woman before sinking into her middle-of-the-row seat. She was excited to finally get this over with. *sigh*
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Last Arithmancy class for the term. Jory was curious to know what they would be using their wand today for. He was a tad bit nervous as he feared he'd screw things up.

"Good day, Professor,'' he greeted his preoccupied Head of House. The boy headed off to take a seat and wait for the class to begin.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva walked into class. It had been a nice few days outside and things were coming to and end for the term. She was almost done with most of her final projects, it was just time to finish up homework and the final classes. She couldn't believe how fast the term had went. Looking around she saw a few already there. "Hello Professor, how are you?" She gave her head of house mom a nice smile and headed to find a seat.

Minerva found an empty seat and sat down. "Hey Jory" Minerva smiled at her fellow puff and then pulled her parchment and quill out to be ready for when class started.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
After the complete headache of last class, Alex really hoped this lesson was a bit easier on his brain, but he doubted it. You never knew what you'd be doing in this class. He smiled at his Head of House as he took his usual seat. "Hello Professor Hadley!" he said with a smile. He'd actually done his homework this time! GO ALEX!
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
The next class was going to be Arithmancy. Yeah Kat had a lot of problems with the homework but it was all good, she thinks. The blonde clinged tighter to her books, fearing they might just fall out of her grasp. When she arrived, the girl looked at the Aritmancy Professor and gave her a smile. "Good day, Professor Hadley," she greeted. "How are you?" Recently Kat has been more polite for an unknown reason. She's been greeting Professors everywhere. So unlike her.

After greeting, Kat scanned the room for an empty seat and made her way to one of the vacant ones around the middle of the room. When she reached the place, she placed her bag beside her and sat down. Like the others, she waited for the other students to arrive.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
The next class was Arithmancy, how much fun! The blonde skipped her way to the class. When she arrived she gave a big smile to the Professor and greeted "Good day Professor Hadley, how are you today?" After she finished the greeting she found an empty seat in the front and placed her bag down before siting. Like the students before her she waited for the others to arrive and for the class to start.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Wands meant no math. At least, that was the immediate conclusion Kendall had made as soon as she'd seent he notice that they needed to make sure they all had their wands for the last Arithmancy leson of the term, and that was the main reason she had shown up. She even wasn't worried about flooding, or lockouts, or anything. She was just excited to get to actually do something in the class that wasn't math, aside from the first lesson when she'd started wondering about baby dementors after the guessing game. That was still an unanswered question, honestly, but she had decided not to worry about that when there had been so much else going on at the castle. Plus, it was hard to worry about bad things when there was a giant present on the desk next to Professor Hadley.

"H'lo Professor Hadley!," she called out as she'd headed for her usual seat. Vickers wasn't there yet for her to try to align herself so she could copy over his shoulder if she needed, and neither was Beezus or the others she regularly talked to or tried to bother, but that didn't keep her from finding a seat and sitting down. Setting her wand out on her desk as she pulled a piece of parchment out of her bag with a half-drawn butterfly on it, she settled in to sketch more while she waited for the lesson to begin. She didn't think she had to twirl her wand around or anything to show she had it, after all. Besides, she always had it. She'd practically taken to sleeping with it in case anything else happened.
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura walked into the classroom. "Good morning Professor Hadley." Laura smiled, she was for once actually looking forwards to the lesson.
Originally Posted by FireboltSword View Post
She was so stressed that day as she needs to finish all her homework for that day. As she crams, she ran into the Arithmancy room and stopped running at once as she saw Professor Hadley sitting from afar, playing with her wand.

She slowly entered the room and greeted the woman, "Hello, Professor.", she said smilingly, as she slowly walked in and reached for a seat.
"Good day! Hello!" Hadley said, greeting the next round of students to enter the classroom and take their seats.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Wand in her pocket (hey, she didn't care how many wizards had lost butt cheeks doing that, she was a witch and therefore, exempt), Emmanuelle entered the Arithmancy classroom with a smile. After all, if she didn't smile, she'd cry and she was sick of that. Yep. Anyway, she chose herself a seat and sat. And stared at the box beside the professor. What was in there? Were they going to have to put their hands in it? If that was the case, hopefully Myrtle wouldn't come in and ruin things like the last time they did that exercise. Agh, that was horrible.

"Hello, professor," she greeted, still wondering about the box.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
The Arithmancy Finals..... goodness knows that has more than one meaning for this Ravenclaw now.

He spotted the Numbers Guru seated on her desk "Good Morning Professor Hadley..." he greeted her before shifting his gaze for a moment at the large box on the table. Hmm, now what could that be this time? Quietly he slid into his seat and checked on his wand-- secured within its holster of course, then gazed distractedly at the box again.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Again, a last lesson. This one was not so sad though, all the memories with professor Hadley had been kind of happy and even fun to Louisa. The Ravenclaw walked into the classroom with a big smile and headed for the professor who was the first and only to give her a detention. "Good morning professor." Then maneuvered herself around and headed to claim the desk available closest to Vickers.

She placed her backpack down on the floor and arranged her stuff on her desk before leaning closer and whispering, "You know, the only time I ever had detention was with professor Hadley and the previous Astronomy professor." She said brightly, nostalgically staring at the woman in front of the class.
And more seventh years. But only one of the three actually made Fina feel slightly nostalgia over. That one who was in the same class level as Kurumi in her heart. Must. Not. Cry. Fina told herself inwardly, as she met the gaze of the Slytherin and then the two Ravenclaws respectively.

"Right then. I guess we'll just get started then," Fina said, hopping down off the desk. "I brought a prop with me, but before we get to that, just some basic information to go over. Curse-breaking is unique as no cursed object or person may necessarily react the same. Before we proceed to break a curse, we have to know what?"

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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