♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥  ••○•○•○ 52. BORE ○•○•○•• Bored, almost at the point of dozing off… Draco jerked awake, at the sound of angry Hermione.
A bit miffed, Hermione asked “Are you even listening to me? I'm telling all this for your benefit, and there you are... dozing off!”
Oops! Mentally slapping himself, wondering how to apologize to her, he instinctively held his ears with his hands, and said sorry, making a cute puppy face. Damn! He hadn’t ever done that even as a boy!
Hermione giggled, then asked, leaning on him, “Do I really bore you so much?”
“No… not you..” Draco answered, “Just your brains!” |