Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 15,697
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sebastian Price First Year | The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde SPOILER!!: TADAAAAAAM Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen The adage 'No animals were harmed in the making of this....' certainly doesnt apply today does it?
Limply he takes the container of leeches in his gloved hand. Leeches may be generally disgusting, but they have proven to be useful medical aid. And it is a creature, it has as much a right to exist as anybody on the planet.
Its takes him a full minute just hovering that container over the pot, so much so that the steam rising from it has prompted the leeches to start moving out and over his gloved hand. First the Jobberknolls, now the Leeches? "A worthy cause guys, I promise...." he murmured regrettably as he plucked the leeches from his gloves and lay them down into the mixture. He wasnt watching them gorge themselves into self destruction. He just waited and peeked into his cauldron until he can fathom the bubbly edge of the mixture has indeed changed into heartbreaking crimson.
He took his wand and with a swift stabbing motion he cast "Verax!" Now he nears his cauldron...
...... it looked like he's just been boiling water. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory hated leeches so he didn't hesitate to pull on his gloves. Gingerly, he scooped them up and placed them into his potion. He watched, fascinated, as the creatures began to absorb some of it. And then it began to swell...and swell until they eventually broke down.
Now, the boy's potion was the dark red as Professor Lafay's. "Verax, Verax,'' he muttered as he took out his wand. He pointed it at the cauldron, "Verax!'' he said and made the jabbing movement. And then suddenly its colour changed and it became clear. "All done,'' he thought as he wrote down this last bit of instruction in his book. Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black Awar put on her gloved, feeling hesitant about picking up the leech, but she did anyways. She plopped them into the cauldron and waited for it to satisfy itself and then as it disintegrated, she pulled out her wand. "Verax!" She said as she moved her hand in a stabbing motion. The potion turned clear and I guess that was that. She sighed feeling victorious. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger As the fateful words sounded, that they had reached the final steps of the potion, Kendall found herself taking a deep breath. Luckily managing to avoid inhaling stray poppyseed and valerian dust that might be floating around, because that could be bad. She didn't want to fall asleep in class, or Professor Lafay might use her as a test subject. And, while she felt happy when she found out that the leeches actually were going to be sucking up the potion, and therefore the blood, it wasn't a very long-lived pride. Since instead of drinking blood, they were going to either end up drinking icky dissolved leeches who had drank the blood, or making somebody else drink it. That didn't seem like much of a better alternative, honestly, so she still hoped that somehow they weren't going to be expected to test it. A slim hope, but it was still there.
She'd reached for her container of leeches, though. She wasn't going to back down and show her fear, not when she knew Professor Lafay was likely to pounce on that if she had. Therefore, she didn't even bother putting her gloves on. She'd just not let the leeches latch on, and she picked each of the five needed up carefully and placed them into the potion without too much incident. There had been one moment when she thought a leech was going to twist around and attach to her finger, but she dropped it into the potion before it could. And she ignored them as they started sucking up the liquid and growing larger. Ignoring meant she might be able to pretend they weren't real, as long as eventually they poofed and turned the potion red. Although, she'd forgotten the other connection that could be made to the color, and, as she finally glanced down to check the potion, she remembered that sharply. The potion was basically blood-red. More of a dried-blood red, but it still looked like kind of thin blood. Still not anything she wanted to drink, but she'd reminded herself of the spell they'd been told about after a moment.
Taking her wand out again, she jabbed it at the cauldron's contents practically without looking. "Verax," she said, clearly and focusing on just making the spell work. She'd much rather not have to look at the potion again until it had, after all, and, after a moment, she peeked down at the cauldron. It wasn't quite as red as before, but not clear yet, so she jabbed her wand again. "Verax." She was going to be angry if her accent made her unable to finsih this potion, and that irritation seemed to help. The potion finally turned crystal clear, and she blinked. Why are we only learning about clear potions this term?, she wondered. It seemed awfully sneaky, but she kept the question to herself as she turned to finish off her notes. She'd figure out why eventually. SPOILER!!: Potions journal
Lingualaxus Truth serum
8 drops essence of wormwood
1 cup jobberknoll blood
4 billywig wings
3 belladonna leaves
2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
7 sprigs of valerian
5 leeches
1. Make sure cauldron is clean
2. Fill cauldron with water, up to the neck, then light a flame underneath
3. Add the eight drops of essence of wormwood, one at a time
4. Stir potion counter-clockwise
5. While potion is still moving/while still stirring, slowly add jobberknoll blood (blood will make circles in the liquid)
6. Collect the billywig wings and belladonna leaves in hands, then crush them loosely before adding to the cauldron
7. Place the two tablespoons of poppy seeds into mortar, then use pestle to crush them into dust
8. Use hands to break apart valerian sprigs, then add to mortar as well and crush, before adding the mixture into the cauldron
9. Place the leeches into the potion, where they will eat the liquid until they’re full and then dissolve into the potion (turning it dark red)
10. Using a straight jabbing motion, cast Verax on the liquid. Potion should turn clear.
Originally Posted by FireboltSword Aaahh! Finally, we're about to finish another potion. Befelda was relieved and a bit tired of writing down notes, which she was about to do now: SPOILER!!: Befelda's notes POTIONS: LESSON 2
Lingualaxus Truth Serum Ingredients: - Water
- 8 drops of Essence of Wormwood
- One cup of Jobberknoll blood
- 4 Billywig Wings
- 3 Belladonna leaves
- 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
- 7 Sprigs of Valerian
- 5 leeches
1. Clean the cauldron. Always the first step. ( Scourgify)
2. Fill the cauldron with water. Set the fire burner.
3. Add in the 8 drops of wormwood essence, one at a time.
4. Begin stirring the potion in a counter-clock motion.
5. As the motion is in motion, slowly add the Jobberknoll blood. Must be a low and slow stream into the moving potion. Red making circles in the water.
6. Take the Billywig Wings and the Belladonna leaves and crush loosely with hands, letting the brittle pieces fall in the cauldron.
7. Ready the mortar and pestle. Make sure it is clean ( Scourgify).
8. Put the poppy seeds into the mortar and crush it to dust.
9. Take the Valerian sprigs, break them and put into the mortar while grinding. Crush it together with the poppy dust.
10. Add the crushed dust into the cauldron.
11. Place the leeches inside the potion and it'll start sucking some of the liquid. Once it's full, it'll start disintegrating into the potion, will turn red, a dark deep red. Use gloves if you must to avoid contamination.
12. Cast on the potion in a straight jabbing motion and say ' Verax' loud and clear. It will become clear.
She took the gloves and wore it. She doesn't want to be contaminated and be sucked by the leeches. She grabbed the leeches and put them in the potion. Befelda noticed the liquid in the potion was slowly minimizing. It was already being sucked by the leeches. And little by little, the potion was turning to red, until it was in deep red. Hmm...I think it's time to cast the potion.She then took her wand, cast the potion in a straight jabbing motion and said, "Verax" loud and clear. Suddenly, the potion's becoming clear. Sigh. I hope this is done. Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife We are at the last step, Momma Snake said. Awwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaah. Really, the cauldron was letting out so much heat Kat would've started sweating. She was so thankful the potions was nearly finished.
Kat took her gloves out of her kit and wore it. She didn't want to touch those leeches bare handed. Ew. That's just gross, really. She took her leech and placed in inside her cauldron. Eeekkk. It looked slimy and gooey and the skin was so slippery.... like... EW! Then the ugly leech started sucking some of her potion. Ek, Kat doesn't wanna drink it anymore. Later on, the leech started disintegrating and the potion turned dark red. Cool. Grabbing her wand, Kat did that awesome jab. " Verax!"
The potion became clear. THEY WERE FINISHED, THANK YOU. SPOILER!!: Notes over herrrreee Katrina Marie Hudson
Fourth Year Slytherin Lingualaxus Truth Serum - makes the drinker tell the truth even if they do not want to, but this truth serum is a bit weaker than Veritaserum Ingredients- Water
- 8 drops of Essence of Wormwood
- One cup of Jobberknoll blood
- 4 Billywig Wings
- 3 Belladonna leaves
- 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
- 7 Sprigs of Valerian
- 5 leeches
1. Clean the cauldron using Scourgify.
2. Fill the cauldron with water using Aguamenti.
3. Turn on the burner.
3. Add 8 drops of Wormwood Essence when water starts boiling.
4. Stir the potion counter-clockwise.
5. While the potion is still moving, add the Jobberknoll blood slowly. It should be making circles in the potion.
6. Take the Billywig wings and the Belladonna leaves and crush them in your hands then let the pieces fall into the cauldron.
7. Clean the mortar and place the poppy seeds inside the mortar and crush to dust.
8. Break the Valerian sprigs using your hand and add to the crushed seeds snd crush some more then add to cauldron.
9. Wear your gloves and place the leech inside the potion. The leech will suck some of the liquid until it disintegrates, leaving the potion in the shade of dark red.
10. Cast Verax on the potion so that it will become clear.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie The only good thing about dealing with leeches was that it took her mind of the poor jobberknolls for the time being. Slipping her gloves on, Kurumi bit down hard on her lower lip and picked up one of the leeches by its tail end and sort of slid it off the tray and allowed it to dangle in the air for a moment. The Gryffindor let out a small squeak at the way the thing was squirming and trying to latch its mouth onto her gloved finger. Dropping it rather suddenly into the cauldron with a small splash, she wrinkled her nose as the leech grew in size as it drank up the potion and...okay, that was gross.
Covering her mouth with the other hand, Kurumi quickly dropped in the other four leeches and waited for them to dissolve into the boiling liquid. She didn't realize that she had been holding her breath until the potion turned a deep red and then she readied her wand for the last step. Practicing the wand move and incantation a few time separately, the seventh year took a deep breath and jabbed her wand towards the cauldron, " Verax." She ended up holding her breath again until the potion turned clear and then slouched in her seat. SPOILER!!: Kurumi's parchment Kurumi Hollingberry
Gryffindor // Seventh Year Lingualaxus :: a truth serum that loosens the tongue, has no taste, no smell, no color. Most important, the victi-drinker has no recollection of having revealed anything and felt afterwards as if they has a nice long nap truth serums sedate the drinker and lulls their brain into an subconscious false sense of security. This allows the brain to release any information is has and impedes that reactionary thing that makes you feel you need to cover up the truth. Ingredients- Water
- 8 drops of Essence of Wormwood
- One cup of Jobberknoll blood
- 4 Billywig Wings
- 3 Belladonna leaves
- 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
- 7 Sprigs of Valerian
- 5 leeches
Procedure- clean cauldron
- fill it with water
- light burner
- add 8 drops of Essence of Wormwood one drop at a time
- stirring your potion in a counter-clock motion.
- add your Jobberknoll blood (low and slow stream)
- crush 4 Billywig Wings and the 3 Belladonna leaves in your hands and let the pieces fall into the cauldron
- clean the mortar and use it to crush the poppy seeds to dust
- break the Valerian sprigs using your hands and add to the poppy seed dust
- add the contents of the mortar to cauldron
- add leeches to cauldron (wear gloves) → potion will turn a deep dark red
- move wand in straight jabbing motion and say 'Verax' → potion will turn clear
Originally Posted by MagicalWorld
Dylan listened as the professor explained to them what they had to do for the final last part of this task, his eyes went wide as she said she didn't want the leech attaching itself to him... and wait what?! contaiminate ITSELF?! what about him? was she only caring about the leeches? He watched as she placed the leech inside her potion, and he waited to see what happens, he saw the leech suck up the potion and then she said that it would disintegrate into the potion. He watched as she cast the spell Verax after it had turned a deep dark red, and it was done according to her so now he decided to have a go himself now
He put on his gloves cause there was no way that he wanted that leech to be attached to him, after he made sure that his gloves were on nice and tight and secure he picked up his leech and put it into the potion. He then watched it carefully as it started to take in the potion and he watched as it grew before suddenly before his own eyes it disinegrated and the potion changed color to a deep dark red, so that meant that he was doing it right.. correct? its seemed so! He then took out his wand and pointed it at the potion.. she said Verax right? yeah thats what she said, loud and clear too. He pointed his wand at the potion "Verax!" he said loud and clear and saw that his potion had now turned to a clear potion. So that meant that he was done now right? it looked like it! Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva sat there and felt some relief when Lafay said they were almost done. This had been the hardest potions lesson she had ever been through. She would take the hate potion results back any day compared to this. Then Lafay said the next step and the color that was coming back to Minerva's face rushed away again. She knew it was a leech and leeches sucked blood, which made her sick thinking about, but it was living. It was a living creature... She couldn't kill spiders let alone anything else and now they had to kill something by letting it poison it's self in the potion. She whispered "You have to be kidding me..."
She watched as the others went about their business like it was no big deal. She really felt like she might throw up now. Not only did she had to smell and see blood, but she was going to have to kill something. This was just not working out.. She wanted to run out of class, but figured she would end up in detention or something. She just sat back breathing hard trying not to get sick over all of it. She wasn't sure she could finish this potion and that did not help her feeling sick... Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker Leeches. That wasn't be appreciated. Cassia immediately decided that she wasn't going to drink this potion even if her life was on stake. No way! Not even the slightest chance. Couldn't potion masters find a replacement for this particular ingredient. Does anyone even drink it willingly,Cassia doubted that. Trying not to think further about how would someone drink something that has a leech in it, Cassia put on her gloves. She then reached for the jar that contained the little things and opened it.
She held her breath pulling out five leeches from the jar and tossing them into the cauldron. Closing the jar quickly she sat back waiting for the leeched to do whatever they were supposed to do. Cassia wasn't interested in watching that. She took the opportunity to watch how people around her were doing. Most of them if not all seemed to be not so content about interacting with leeches. No one would blame them. Probably only potion masters are ok with using them.
She almost forgot why was she sitting here swinging her lags back and forth while watching the others. But of course the huge cauldron before her jerked her back to reality. Yeah..right..brewing a potion here. Cassia took her wand and aimed it at the liquid, "Verax." She spoke. Then peering down at her potion she saw that it now turned clear just like water. A simile played on her lips implying that she was happy that she had brewed this potion successfully. Quote:
Originally Posted by CJP It'll start sucking the liquid, thought Olivia. She figured the Joberknoll blood had something to do with that. She put on her gloves and handled the leech properly. Dropping it in, it began absorbing the fluid. Olivia took notes and nodded her head at the potion's progress. Recording each step of the potion making onto her parchement. Once it was done, she twiddeled her wand before making the jabbing motin and said "Verax" loud and clear. "Um, professer" she raised her hand "is the potion supposed to be clear in color when it's finished?" Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Ethan suddenly snapped his eyes opened and glanced furtively around his area. Had he just drifted off? Hmm, he thought he might have.. but probably only for a few seconds as he noticed Lafay was now speaking about their last step. Oh good.. they were almost done and he could go take a nap or something.
He listened to the instructions, his face growing more somber as she continued. He had been under the impression that they were using dried leeches, not live ones. Had he really been that tired to not have noticed? Than peered over at the leeches at his table. Apparently he had.
The boy pulled on his gloves after quickly Scourgifying them. Not that he had a problem working with leeches - they weren't all that unlike the worms he used in his personal Herbology work - but he was still really tired and was afraid he would be careless in his exhaustion and inadvertently allow them to latch on to his skin. He dropped the first leech in and sneaked a glance over at Minnie. Oh.. she did not look good at all. Nope, she looked much worse. He glanced into his cauldron, noting that the leech was beginning to disintegrate, and he leaned closer to Minerva. "Minnie," he murmured. "You don't look so good.. are you sure you're alright?" He glanced over at her remaining ingredients, seeing that all her leeches were still present. Hmm, maybe that was the problem..
He dropped one of her leeches into her cauldron. "Here.. I'll do this part for you. Do you think you can cast the spell when it's finished?" Ethan didn't think he should really brew the potion for her.. but maybe just help her with this part and hopefully Lafay wouldn't mind. It would be better than having a student puke all over her floor, right? Ethan alternated dropping leeches into each of their cauldrons, giving them time to disintegrate, until they each had five. He pulled his wand out and jabbed it straight at the cauldron. Verax. SPOILER!!: Potions Journal Lingualaxus Truth Serum Ingredients- Water
- 8 drops of Essence of Wormwood
- One cup of Jobberknoll blood
- 4 Billywig Wings
- 3 Belladonna leaves
- 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
- 7 Sprigs of Valerian
- 5 leeches
1) Fill cauldron with water, set on flame
2) Add 8 drops wormwood essence, 1 drop at a time
3) Begin stirring counter-clockwise and slowly add Jobberknoll blood
4) Crush the 4 Billywig Wings and the 3 Belladonna leaves loosely in your hands, letting the brittled pieces fall in the cauldron
5) Grind the two tablespoons of poppy seeds into a dust with the mortar and pestle, then breaking up with your hand the seven sprigs of Valerian, put them in the mortar. Then crush it together with the poppy dust and add the contents to the potion.
6) Place the leech inside the potion and it'll start sucking some of the liquid. Once it's full, it'll start disintegrating into the potion and turn a dark deep red.
7)Cast on the potion in a straight jabbing motion and say Verax. It will turn clear
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva had never been in trouble during Lafay's class and she always did what she was told, but at the moment, she was unable to move. How on earth was she going to finish this potion. She just looked at the leeches....poor gross blood sucking leeches. She knew it was silly, they were gross and sucked blood, but they were still living.
Faintly she heard someone say something to her and she slowly turned.. "I..I don't know.. I just can't.." she looked back at the leeches. That's when she saw his hand go in front of her and dropped a leech into her cauldron, she gasped quietly and shut her eyes not wanting to see the thing die. She opened her eyes just slightly and saw him doing all her leeches. That was so sweet of him to come to her rescue she thought. She glanced at Lafay hoping she wouldn't freak out that Ethan was helping her. She owed him big for this one. When he seemed finished she cautiously opened her eyes fully and looked at him, not the potion (that could still have parts of leeches floating). With a weak voice she whispered, "I owe you big.. I..I can do the spell." Pulling out her wand she pointed at the cauldron and took a deep breath. Jabbing her wand at the potion she tried as clearly as she could "Verax" When the potion went clear she breathed easier and smiled weakly towards Ethan, "Your amazing, you know that.." Quote:
Originally Posted by ronpotter I'd better use my gloves, thought James to himself. Even though he had no clue what was happening as the potions mistress uses such fancy English. He put his gloves on and shook his hands in the air to make sure they were on properly. He then used the pincer grip to pick up the leech and put it in the potion and watched.He waited with bated breath it started sucking the potion
,it turned red dark red it was done finaly he had done it to the end and succeded.James took out his wand and said "Verax" loudly and clearly and looked back at his potion... it was clear. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower SPOILER!!: notes
Lingualaxus Truth Serum - it is weaker then Veritaserum yet still makes the drinker tell the truth even if they do not want to. Ingredients- Water
- 8 drops of Essence of Wormwood
- One cup of Jobberknoll blood
- 4 Billywig Wings
- 3 Belladonna leaves
- 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
- 7 Sprigs of Valerian
- 5 leeches
Directions[LIST=1][*]Clean your cauldron {scourgify}[*]Fill your cauldron with water {arguementi}[*]Start your burners {incendio}[*]Add in the 8 drops of wormwood essence, one at a time[*] Stir brew in anti-clockwise motion[*] while the motion is in motion, slowly add Jobberknoll blood (it should looks like a low and slow stream into potion. You will see the red making circles in the liquid) [*] Taking the four Billyeig wings and 3 Belladonna leaves, crush them loosely in your hands (over potion?) allowing the brittle bits to fall into potion[*]clean the mortar and use it to crush the poppy seeds to dust[*]break the Valerian sprigs using your hands and add to the poppy seed dust[*]add the contents of the mortar to cauldron[*]wearing gloves, place the leech inside the cauldron so the leech begins sucking the brew. Once its full it will disintergrate into potion and will turn a dark deep red[*] move wand in straight jabbing motion and say verax. If all it okay it will turn clear.
Sarah put her gloves on and picked up a leech which squirmed in her hand and put it over the potion, which it began to lap up. Once it had its share it began to disintergrate. Sarah then picked up the next leech and did the same, as with the next three leeches, by now the potion had a deep red colour.
Sarah then took replaced her wand in her hand and gave a straight jabbing motion. " Verax" she said and prayed that the potion had worked although she had added the wormwood essence too fast. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow The last step already? Ella looked up, a bit surprised. Potions always seemed to fly by but that was probably because the time was the last thing Ella was thinking about. Her mind was always focused on not messing up.
Grabbing her gloves, Ella placed them on and eyed the leeches nervously. The whole blood sucking thing freaked Ella out a bit but at least her skin wasn't exposed, that made her feel a bit better. Following Lafay's directions, the third year placed the leech into her potion and watched as it started to drink. YUCK. It was definitely starting to disintegrate. And it was really really red. So that must mean...
Picking up her wand, the blonde pointed it at the potion and made the straight jabbing motion. "VERAX!"
Watching the potion, the badger sighed with relief when it turned clear. Meep. This was good, yeah? Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor slipped on her gloves and then reached into the jar. She took out a leech and placed it in the potion. Tay watched, a little interested as the leech sucked some of the liquid. Taylor grimaced a little as the leech disintegrated into it. The potion changed to a deep and dark red in front of her eyes. She took out her wand and did a straight jabbing motion, "Verax." Tay couldnt muster a smile when the potion turned clear though. Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh Oh. Merlin. Leeches.
This had to be almost as bad as the blood, it probably was worse in fact. Seeing as these creatures sucked blood. Eww. Why did potions have to be so gross at times?
With a small sigh, Renesmee put on her gloves and eyed the creatures. She took a deep breathe and then as carefully as she could she placed the leech inside her cauldron. She almost wanted to vomit as the leech began drinking away. It even got worse when it began to disintegrate.
Trying not to look, Nessie decided to focus on her spell instead. Almost done she was. "Verax" she said clearly, quickly and loudly with a jab movement. Then like magic the whole potion turned clear.
Much better. Ness beamed and then finished off her notes. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo While she waited on the Professor to continue with the instructions, she grabbed her quill. Might as well take notes. She might've needed them again. SPOILER!!: Parchment Alexa Cambridge
1st Year
Gryffindor Lingualaxus Truth Serum:
- makes the drinker tell the truth even if they do not want to, but this truth serum is a bit weaker than Veritaserum. Very, very useful. Ingredients:
-->8 drops of Essence of Wormwood
-->One cup of Jobberknoll blood
-->4 Billywig Wings
-->3 Belladonna leaves
-->2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
-->7 Sprigs of Valerian
--> 6 5 leeches Procedure:
1. Clean the cauldron using Scourgify.
2. Fill the cauldron with water using Aguamenti. Always use Finite afterwards!!!
3. Turn on the burner.
3. Add 8 drops of Wormwood Essence when water starts boiling.
4. Stir the potion counter-clockwise.
5. While the potion is still moving, add the Jobberknoll blood slowly. It should be making circles in the potion.
6. Take the Billywig wings and the Belladonna leaves and crush them in your hands then let the pieces fall into the cauldron.
7. Clean the mortar and place the poppy seeds inside the mortar and crush to dust.
8. Break the Valerian sprigs using your hand and add to the crushed seeds snd crush some more then add to cauldron.
9. Wear your gloves and place the leech inside the potion. The leech will suck some of the liquid until it disintegrates, leaving the potion in the shade of dark red.
10. Cast Verax on the potion so that it will become clear.
Okaaay. Leech time.
She turned to the six leeches on her table. "'s the hard part." She said eyeing each of them. "One of you's gonna get to live...but the rest of you...well at least you get to be part of a cool potion!" See? Always a bright side if you looked just right. "Now, let's get this over with." Then quite randomly she grabbed five of them, one at a time of course, and plopped them into the solution. "Congrats Jimmy! You're the lucky leech!" BEAM. Wasn't he going to be so happy. Yuuuup.
Looking over into the cauldron she saw them begin to suck up the liquid then turn red. Now came the fun part. Her favourite motion was one that involved jabbing so she had a feeling this one would come easy. Jab. "Verax." A puff of smoke appeared at the tip of her wand but nothing else happened.
Ahem. JAB. "Verax!"
She grinned widely when the potion turned clear. Oh yeah. Like a boss! Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Belle put her gloves on for an extra precaution. She knew how slimy creatures felt on her skin and she did not like the feeling. Belle found the leech and put it into the potion. It did start sucking the liquid as few seconds after it was in the potion. It was turning a deep dark red!
Then Belle took out her wand and did a straight jabbing motion and said, "Verax!" loud and clear. Then the potion was clear. Phew she did all the steps right! Belle was smiling and a weight was lifted! She was glad she was done with the potion. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Vivi had no affinity for insects, spiders, or slugs, and she certainly didn't feel bad about boiling leeches alive. Aside from the whole thing where it reminded her about where the blood in this cauldron had come from.... other than that.
She eyed the little wriggling pile in front of her before shrugging and dumping them unceremoniously into the cauldron. Although still wearing her gloves from the last step, it wasn't strictly necessary considering she just dumped them out of the little container straight into the boiling liquid. As Lafay had said, they seemed to grow fatter before disappearing into the potion, which darkened into a horrifying crimson. Like a vat of blood. There was that gagging again.
It would help if it wasn't that color, Vivi decided, and she pointed her wand at the cauldron and jabbed. "Verax," she spoke clearly, and the potion immediately began to fade from crimson to salmon to pink and then the color was gone and she was left with clear liquid. Strange how all the potions so far had been clear. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Ugh! Now it was time to involve the leech. She listened as the professor said if they did not know how to handle a leech to use their gloves. Who has had leech practice? Regardless if they knew how to handle them or not she had no desire whatsoever to touch the bloody thing with her bare hands. Even with gloves it still had a major ick factor. She placed her gloves on her hands and tried to trick her brain about the whole leech thing.
She picked up the leech and placed it into the potion. Sure enough it started sucking up the liquid and it didn't take long for it to get full because right before her eyes it started to disintergrate. She watched it as it turned a deep dark red. She took out her wand a did a straight jabbing motion. "Verax." she rang out loud and clear. Whew! She was done. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Last step? Cool, and usually Sierra was happy to hear those words. It meant class would be over soon, and they'd be dismissed. Potions was a little different, though. Sierra liked spending time with her mom. The woman was her best friend, and Sierra found brewing sort of relaxing. She thought about this as she slipped her gloved on her hands. She was pretty sure she knew how to handle a leech, but she didn't want to make a wild guess either.
She picked up the leech and placed it inside the potion. She watched it as it went to work, sucking some of the liquid. Everything happened just as it should, and soon, Sierra's potion was a deep, dark red. She flicked her wand out her holster, jabbed it toward the potion, and said, "Verax!" A few moments later, the potion was clear. ooc: Sorry guys I realize I didn't specify that you all should repeat the process with the leech for the other leeches, I meant it to...
" Very well... your potions should be clear. Indistinguishable from water. Take a vial and fill it with a portion of it, then pour the rest into a bottle, cork it and bring it to me." She said and then held her stomach. " Homework. Find someone to give your potion to, and ask them a question. They should answer with the truth. Then tell me where it happened. Class Dismissed!" More ooc: Rp somewhere giving someone the potion. You should ask permission to do so. Then PM me with links to where you RPed.
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