Thread: Charms lesson 2
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Old 10-17-2012, 12:19 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Belle Bellaire-Moore
Fifth Year

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Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Lex watched the Professor close the door. It seemed a lot of Professors liked doing that. It just had this thing about it. Like it was daring you to be late but of course Alexa had no intention of being late for this woman's class ever so she paid no attention to what she thought the closed door might have been saying. No matter what, it wasn't referring to her.

No talking?

Weird...but okay...she could handle that...sort of...pssh, no big deal. She could stop talking at any point--she didn't have a problem. Right, so while she didn't talk she took a seat and began scribbling the notes onto her parchment.

Once her notes were taken her attention turned to the Professor again as she began to explain the lesson ahead. Banishing...? This could be quite useful to her so naturally she had a question. "Is this spell limited to certain things or can we make anything go away?" Like faaaaar away.
"I didn't notice you raise your hand Miss Cambridge..don't let it happen again. You can banish just about anything. But like with all spells there are some degree of limitations be it small or not."

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

He slipped quietly into his seat and drew his parchment when the class begun. Right the basic principle of Charms and its difference to Transfiguration. He noted down the Professor's explanation to Depulso then raised his hand to add this "Professor, with Depulso one needs to have a really good aim at the item being banished, because unlike the Accio spell that will only summon the item mentioned, Depulso will move anything that the wand is aimed at."
"Very good Mr.Vanderbuilt, it will do you all well to take notes of that." She eyed the rest of her class.

Originally Posted by Lollipop! View Post
Blue BEAMed at Ella and Sophie and gave them a little wave before going back to her little hopping ritual. SHE JUST COULDN'T STAND STILL, ALRIGHT? Not her fault really. Twas the ADHD. Sniff. This was getting boring. Can class start now, already? Pretty, pretty please? With sugar on top? Finally, when Professor Bellaire said they could sit, Blue flopped into her chair cause her legs were super sore now.

Ooooh depulsio.

That could come in really handy when cleaning the dorm. Her hand shot up.

"Aftah you banish an object, where does it go?"
"After..." Oi, she shook her head..." you banish an object it goes where you send it so naturally a lot of concentration is needed."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Sitting down in her seat once instructed to do so, Kurumi pulled out some parchment and her quill from her bag and began to write down the usual when her quill slipped and her eyes widened. The Banishing Charm? They were going to practice the Banishing Charm?!

Her stomach tied in knots and she glanced nervously around the room for Selina. Last lesson that that spell had been in practice had been when Professor Descoteaux had taught and had unleashed a horde of chocolate frogs that they had to banish into boxes....and Kurumi had broken Selina's nose. She had already done that this term in Astronomy thanks to a bottle rocket.

There weren't going to be any chocolate frogs this lesson, right? Kurumi would ask, but Professor Bellaire would have no idea what she was talking about.

Setting her quill down, Kurumi raised her hand to offer up a little factoid since she didn't really have any questions. "I've read that the Banishing Charm is more difficult than the Summoning Charm because you are sort of doing two things at once. With the Summoning Charm you are changing the nature of the item to move to you. With the Banishing Charm you are not only changing the nature of the object to make it move, but you are also guiding it to a desired location, such as in a box or closet." Which is why you needed to have careful aim like Vickers had just said.
"Nice to see you reading..class you may also take note of that as well." The older students were on fire today. Very good, it made a job a bit easier.

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Thank Merlin they could sit down. Kat's legs were aching while waiting for the other students to get in. The sound of that slamming door was a good sign to Kat. Class has started... which means YOU MAY SIT. Kat sat down on her chair and relaxed. She stretched her feet for a while. Wiiiiiiiiiiw. Then she started listening to Bellair.

Oooohh. The banishing charm? It wasn't that interesting, really. At least they had a little knowledge that it doesn't make anything vanish, just banish. Well... that's what people should get in mind.

Listening to the responses of other students, Kat had to add some... even the tiniest piece of information would help. "In addition to Kurumi's answer, the Banishing Charm is the countercharm to the Summoning Charm which is Accio." Nobody had said that, right?
"very good, that is correct." The girl received an approving nod.

Originally Posted by hjhm View Post
Banishing charm..... Depulso...

Everyone in this room has probably heard of it. Well.... she has and it's one of the most basic spells to learn. She does agree to some of the answers that people say. Lovely Vickers did point out about Depulso VS Accio. Smile. SOOOOOO......

Does anyone want to add anything else

Juliet snapped out of it, and raised her hand to answer as well. "Does it vanish into thin air?" yup, she didn't know how this banishing charm works on the process. "Where does it exactly banish to?" because if it banished into thin air then that would mean it would be gone forever, right? "And how do you bring it back?" curious Slytherin asked. With the use of Accio, yes? Some. Didn't accio have a certain rules as well?
Miss Kim hadn't been reading had she? "No the object doesn't just vanish into thin air, because we are not vanishing the object inwhich we'd need to somehow disintegrate the object, what we're going is banishing it." And just to be safe she turned to the board and began writing.

Vanish : to pass completely from existence
Banish: to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance
"You banish an object to a desired location and you bring it back using accio. But that depends on the object you have banished and where re the distance you have banished it to."

Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Theodore was like a grinning idiot. He loved this class. He smiled at the friends that had joined him. Blue, Ella and Sophie. But no time for chattering, it was lesson time. Depulso. He'd never actually heard of it before, but it sounded quite interesting. And useful, more importantly...

"Professor, can it banish people away?" He asked, lowering his raised hand as he finished. It was a serious question. Think of all the Ravenclaws he could vanquish with this spell?!
"You can but I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to banish them very far." And also, just because she expected better from him she continued.." I don't expect you to try banishing anyone Theo."
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
SPOILER!!: Professor!

Belle looked at the charms definition on the board and wrote it down in her notebook. Then she heard they will be learning Depulso. Hmmm the banishing charm? That sounded very cool to learn. Belle was going to like this lesson.

"Professor i have heard that vanished objects disappear into nonbeing, which is to say, everything. Would that be the same for banished objects?"
"Once again, we are not vanishing objects we are banishing them." She tapped the board loudly. Focus.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel began to wonder what can you use depulso for. It is for certain things or anything.

"Professor, can you banish anything with depulso?"

He also wondered where the thing went wen they got banished. But he heard Blue ask that question. It would be awesome if the items went to a parallel universe were all banished thing go. But that is only a dream.
"You can banish just about anything.."

Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
SPOILER!!: Sophie, Bellaire & Kurumi

The boy’s attention went from Oakey’s head to another familiar girl who moved quickly past the both of them. What in Merlin’s stinky armpits was that? That wasn’t very “Sophie” at all, walking past them without even acknowledging Oakey. “What’s her problem?” Mordred thought as he frowned and watched Sophie join Ella, Theo and Blue up front. “Of course. THIS is Charms class. She won’t miss it for the world.” Mordred then shifted his attention back to Oakey and pointed at his head again. There was some sort of web on his hair, and gestured him to remove it.

The boy smirked as Bellaire closed the door shut, and took his seat. He took out his wand from his arm and sat back as he eyed the writings on the board. So today they’re learning how to banish things. “Can I banish irritating people?” Smirk. Mordred crossed his arms and listened to Bellaire’s explanation. “Depulso. Got it.” And was there anything to add? As usual, Kurumi’s hand was up in the air and explained the charm further. Seriously, this kid should stand as the professors’ substitute teacher when they don’t feel like teaching.


Hand raised, “Aside from aim, I believe the Banishing Charm needs great concentration as well.” Well, that pretty much applies to any spell.
"Yes concentration and aim is very important when casting the banishing charm."

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor isn't this spell a bit nasty, I mean if it goes wrong it can affect you?" Laura was sure she had read that up somewhere but where she couldn't remembered all she wanted to know was that it was safe to use mainly.
"There should be nothing nasty about the banishing charm if you do it properly. And everyone here will do it properly."

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
The banishing charm, ehh? Sounded difficult. And fun. Challenges were fun...she smirked as she took down notes from everyone...Merlin, people were feeling smart today, hmm? Charms class was usually everyone's favorite, though, so she decided people were just knowledgable about it...

Someone asked if banished objects go into Elliot raised her hand, deciding to add a comment here. "Banished objects wouldn't go into nonbeing, would they, though, because it's the counter-charm to the summoning charm, which is pulling an object already in being TO you..this would just be banishing them to wherever you want...right?" she asked, looking at Bellaire with wide eyes. She thought she sounded right...

Banished objects were not the same things as vanished objects...right?!
"Very very good. Exactly there is no going into non-being with the BANISHING charm. You are sending an object away from you."

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah wrote down the notes on the banishing charm. She raised her hand to speak, yet soon all the others said basically what she wanted to say. Yet she had one question to ask. "If a person does not think of a place to put it properly, could the object disappear?". She then smiled at Nessie who was sitting next to her. Sarah felt quite honoured that Nessie had chosen to sit next to her.
"No, the charm simply will not work. It will be like telling a dog to sit when you have not taught him the command to do so. He will simply stare at you and if he's a good dog he'll pee on you for being silly."

Originally Posted by ashfig View Post
Cora began taking notes diligently. Not that she didn't already know what the banishing charm was, she just wanted to stay on top of everything.

And then some slytherin asked about banishing people away. PEOPLE. why would you even CONSIDER banishing people?! But Cora knew the answer, didn't she?

"Professor, I believe you can indeed banish people, correct?" And then furrowing her brow to send a look Slytherin's way, she continued. "But that would be entirely rude, not to mention cowardly if in a duel." There, Cora said it. She blinked with wide eyes, shocked that she had said such a thing, and made sure that her glance at the slytherin was not one of contempt, but merely caution. Cora was not exactly brave, but she wanted to discourage anything like banishing people. Hmph.

"But it's not like vanishing things. Don't you have to banish something to a specific place? Banishing would not get rid of something forever. Depending on where you send it." Cora said this in an inquiring tone, not one hundred percent sure, but sure enough to speak in class, which was big. Cora twirled a lock of her hair as she spoke.
"Good answer. That is correct. It's nice to see students reading and revising." Especially before coming to her class.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Oakey gave a quick smile and nod to Mordy who was mocked his loud whisper back to him. Then he watched as friend motioned his hand his head and saw the Slytherin eying his hair.

Taking his one hand Oakey smoothed down his hair. Maybe it was a bit messy, but that's the way shaggy hair normally is. When he pulled his hand away he looked to see a cluster of spiderweb resting in it. making a disgusted face he looked to the Professor quickly then stuffed his hand in his pocket, she didn't notice the web in his hair when he came in so he must be fine. How did he even manage to brush past a web? The halls were filled with them so he may have walked into one with knowing.

Then Sophie walked right past them. Oakey was going to give a quick hello to his fellow puff, but she just ignored him. WAS SHE STILL ON ABOUT THE WHOLE BOXING TELESCOPE THING? THAT WAS MONTHS AGO! Oakey sighed and looked back to Mordy who looked just as puzzled as he did."I dunno?" Oakey mouthed quietly back.

Oakey turned his attention back to the front of the class as Bellaire started speaking. Oakey had read about the Banishing spell, but had never tried it. How helpful it would be if he could do it to Laura, or Elijah.

Speaking of Banishing two annoying Housemates, Oakey figured it be best to answer the question."Professor, unlike the Summoning Charm, The banishing charm which is it's counter spell, allows you to banish people and other living things."
Sophia walked down the middle isle so she could be closer to everyone and because she figured she was mostly finished giving notes manually for the moment, but it was a good thing she did too because if she hadn't she wouldn't have noticed the spider webb in the boy's hair. Hmmm.

"Your answer is correct but get out and clean yourself and your hair up."

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Oh, well now wasn't this just ridiculous. House elves! That's what they were all being made to be like. What was the whole point in standing until they were told to sit anyway?! Nevertheless, Sierra sat down when she was told to--at the very exact time all how-many-ever-else-there-were students in the room.

She listened to the discussion around here, and in a matter of seconds, anything that she could think of had been said. She didn't even have a question to ask, because anything she might need to know had already been asked, as well. There was one tiny little detail she could come up with, though.

So she raised her hand. "There are exceptions to the incantation, Professor," she pointed out. "If we're banishing a boggart, we use an entirely different incantation. Is that because a boggart isn't exactly an object, but rather just something feeding off our fears?" Or would depulso work on a boggart, too? Hmm. She'd never seen it used in that way.
"A boggart isn't exactly an object is it? It's not a physical being so the depulso charm would not work on a boggart because there is technically nothing there to place the charm on to manipulate. Do you understand?"

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Vivi eased into her seat as soon as the professor gave permission. She had to give the woman style points... in spite of the concussion from her last class, Vivi liked the discipline and order that Bellaire demanded. It was very conducive to her learning.

She mused over her classmates questions before positing one of her own. Hand raised, of course. "What are the limits to a banishing spell? If one had enough focus, could you banish something miles away? Or further?"

"Like most spells the limitations would depend on the caster." She felt like she said this a lot but it was true. "But I think once you have a clear idea and image of where you are banishing the item to then the distance shouldn't matter as much." But it still was a factor in casting the charm.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva listened as the Professor talked about what they were doing today. The banishing charm. That was an interesting thing to learn. Then someone asked if it could banish people away. Wouldn't that be nice, but it probably didn't. She was almost positive of that one. Putting up her hand, "Professor, with the banishing charm don't you have to have a location in mind to send an object, you just don't want to shoot it in the air or anything." She thought that wouldn't be good, because you could hit someone or something.
"That is correct." As was said before.

She walked back to the front of the class and turned to look at them. "Today we will be banishing balls to baskets. I'll like you all to once again step out of your desks and come to the front."

She gave them time to do so and once they did she banished the desk and chairs to the back of the class. Demonstration number one. Now there was a large enough space in the class for everyone to be able to practice the charm.

"The wand motion is very simple. All you need to do is point your wand at the object you are I just did with the desks and chairs."

With another flick of her wand the container of brightly coloured balls appeared at the front of the class and so did many different baskets. The Charms professor got to work lining the wall with the basket and placing the ball container a few feet away from. "The aim is to banish the ball into a so."

She demonstrated causing a purple ball to fly into a basket.

"If you are clear on the instructions you may begin. If not feel free to ask questions."

...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
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