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Old 10-11-2012, 09:28 PM   #90 (permalink)
Tristan Christiansen
Tristan Christiansen's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 491

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Where were these people getting all these answers? HOW were they getting these answers? Those letters--no, those things didn't look anything like the alphabet. Once again she would be unable to make an educated guess as to what he was talking about.

For a split second she thought that staring a little harder would make them magically transform into a language that she actually understood but that dream quickly died when all she got was a headache. Her eyes drifted over to Seri who seemed willing to voice what the 11 year old didn't feel like saying. She must have been just as frustrated.

She turned to the runes once more, deciding to give it another try. This time her brows furrowed. "How do you all know so much just by looking at those squibbly things?" It was a serious question and she wanted it answered. Were they all looking through some kind of invincible glasses that deciphered this stuff? If so then where was her pair?
He ignored the child.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
She forgot? No she didn't forget anything...she didn't know. How could she forget something that she didn't know? She didn't appreciate the whole shaking of the finger thing she was a dog and just ate a shoe. Why did she even come to this class? Oh right her parents would kill her if she skipped it...right.

She sucked it up and listened to the next question. She looked at the runes that he drew in the air. Surely she could remember one right? "Professor the rune fehu means wealth." Did she need to say more? Because there wasn't much more that you could really say about that could you?
"Ya... Fehu means, caddle, and velss. Zings zat belonk to you... money. Income. Success und happiness." He said nodding to the child.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes... Fehu means, cattle, and wealth. Things that belong to you... money. Income. Success and happiness." He said nodding to the child.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Well, He was half right.Nigel was okay with that and he did know on rune.

"There is Thurisaz. It mean the god Thor or giant."

Nigel liked Thor he was cool. Even though he liked Iron Man better.
"Ya... good. Surisaz. Means Sorn or Giant. It is also associated viss ze Norse god of sunder, Sor." He said and noded to the girl.

SPOILER!!: tristlation
"Yes... good. Thurisaz. Means Thorn or Giant. It is also associated with the Norse god of thunder, Thor." He said and noded to the girl.

Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
"Raido represents a wagon which in turn stands for travel. So it usually means you're going to move or go on a journey or...there's going to be a significant change ahead but the rune means that you are going to know which path to take." Hopefully that made sense. He had sort of forgot the exact words he had had prepared in his head when he'd glanced at Kurumi there.

"Ya! Raido means travel, vagon or chariot. Very good." He told the boy.

SPOILER!!: tristlation
"Yes! Raido means travel, wagon or chariot. Very good." He told the boy.

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah had not known which rune to talk about so she in the end talked about Wunjo. "Wunjo means great happiness and celebration, the deserved kind. It can also mean a conflict in the future where one would have victorious gain". Sarah LOVED being happy... and why note. Happiness makes the word go around! She was happy to be alive, breathing and in Hogwarts. She was happy to have such an AMAZING family and friends. She was happy that Kurumi was HER prefect. In fact there was so much things to be happy about!
Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post

Why, little Ms. Ravenclaw was suddenly not in the mood anymore. Why? Well, that was because Professor Christiansen didn't acknowledge her earlier question. She asked him if he remembered her and he ignored her and went to entertain the next person to hand out his idea. Was it so hard to say a yes, or a no?

As questions were asked after the other, she chose to just stay silent on her seat, still feeling a bit upset but as the class took pace, she just couldn't stop herself but raise her hand when they were asked to select a rune along with its associated meaning.

"Wunjo Professor.. it means joy, comfort, pleasure. It can also imply general success and recognition of worth." So see, she opted for a pleasant rune because even though she was upset, she still admired the man.
"Ya very good, bouss of you. It is a happy rune." He said nodding to the girls.

SPOILER!!: tristlation
"Yes very good, both of you. It is a happy rune." He said nodding to the girls.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Again, Vivi rolled her eyes for Louisa's benefit, although perhaps a bit at Louisa as well. Elijah was harmless, and occasionally quite funny. Plus, the professor had asked him an actual question, and since Vivi was a bit put out at the man for not realizing she'd answered his Elder Futhark question before he'd even asked it, she decided to do a question!steal and help a curly-haired-'Puff out.

Hand up! "Professor, I'm not sure what Elijah's opinion is, but I would say Hagalaz would represent the intruder quite well. That rune is the one of disruption and interference, although not insurmountable ones. Some might even interpret interference as an opportunity for growth. What do you think, Mr. Wilde?" Boom. Vivi does Runes. Take it and run, Elijah-Puff.
The professor nodded, completely oblivious that the smart little claw had given the pretty Hufflepuff boy the answer. "Ya... Good.. you are very smart. Hagalaz means destruction, uncontrolled veazer or trials."

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
The professor nodded, completely oblivious that the smart little claw had given the pretty Hufflepuff boy the answer. "Ya... Good.. you are very smart. Hagalaz means destruction, uncontrolled weather or trials."

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"Umm...Nautiz shows sadness...." She scanned a bit more on the page, "but it's about like being strong and determined and stuff..." She liked this rune.
"Nausiz" He said in his heavy accent, "It does have to do with strengs but it is more about need, endurance, survival and facing von's fears."

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Nauthiz," He said in his heavy accent, "It does have to do with strength but it is more about need, endurance, survival and facing one's fears."

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at the Professor and smiled. "Isa is that called the Isa because it's an eyesore?!" Laura wasn't sure if it was but it was worth a shot right, she can't be that wrong an anyway these weren't used now so it was all history right.
"No." He said unamused. It was sad really how some kids made it this far. He'd have to fail her. It was cruel to let her go forward.

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Cassia stared at the runes. At first sight they didn't mean anything to her. She couldn't decipher any of them. It was her first lesson but she had once listened to some friends studying and discussing them. So she expected herself to remember something. Anything! And she even read in the book a couple of minutes this morning. So why wasn't she remembering anything?


But when students started answering. A couple of things popped into her brain. She leaned forward focusing and then raised her hand slowly, " the ice rune..." She glanced at the Professor questioningly. She remembers that the one like an I had something to do with cold. That's how she connected it. And ice is actually close to the word ice. That's how she remembered it.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
The accent the man had was funny as always. But also confusing as always. Daichi wanted to laugh but figured that would be rude and he didn't want to loose points. But it seemed that the Professor was already targeting another student so he let out a quiet giggle that probably no one would hear.

He wrote down notes on his parchment from what he could understand before he began to doodle. He was in the middle of drawing a snitch when a movement caught his attention and he looked up again to find the Futhark alphabet in the air. He placed his quill down and tried to concentrate on the question.

It took some time but he finally got what the man wanted to know so he stared at the strange symbols before raising his hand. "Isa means Ice" he said and was the only thing he could remember. Runes was not his best subject... along with Transfiguration, charms, CoMC...
"Ya, Isa is the Ice Rune." He nodded "Good, good."

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Kat wasn't that talented in Runes. But, she did understand it. She's just not that good with those stuff. And... it's ancient. We don't use or do anything ancient. Not in this generation, no. She can't say she was forced to study this. But... ok.

"The rune, Jera, literally means 'year', Kat had said. "And it is the rune for harvest or for peace on the land or in the heart."
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Ok he understood the pick one rune... but tell him the what? Again wheels spinning in this Ravenclaw's head. The most he can probably do was just say something about one of them right? Oh boy here we go half guessing... and up goes the hand "Uhm Professor there is the Jera Rune, its the 4th symbol in the second Ætt, it has a general meaning of harvest, fertility and fruition, which essentially means successful endeavors or that there are hopes for peace and prosperity."
"Yes. Year, and harvest. Somesing zat gets realized from your vork prior." He said and nodded. "Very good."

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes. Year, and harvest. Something that gets realized from your work prior." He said and nodded. "Very good."

Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
Grinning widely at the Professor's head-nod, Dylan was about to contribute something else when the guy started going at some girl...The Slytherin heard...but didn't see. So, he had no idea who was getting it handed to them...

...And then they were asked to pick a rune...

Eyeing the air-drawing, Dylan attempted to pick something not yet described...Hmm..."Eihwaz, Professor...means Yew Tree." A powerful wand-wood that fascinated him...Not that this had any kind of relationship to that...or did it? The Slytherin would research later..."For it to mean something relate-able to death, the yew tree...the characteristics are quite pleasant."
"Vell, Ya. Eihvaz does mean Yeu tree, strengss, dependability, defence and motivation..." He nodded. "I'm not sure how somesink deass related can be pleasant sough." He said.

SPOILER!!: tristlation
"Well, Yes. Eihwaz does mean Yew tree, strength, dependability, defence and motivation..." He nodded. "I'm not sure how something death related can be pleasant though." He said.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Okay...Kurumi KNEW what that word meant! Meanink! She knew that one and had it actually written down in her Christiansen dictionary that she was not flipping through at the moment. AHA! Meaning! a rune and tell him the meaning. She could do that.

"Perdo, or Perthro, means mystery or chance and typically implies a gamble. It can also be called the Rune of Probability and the role of luck," she said as she lowered her hand.

Glancing over her shoulder when *sigh* Alexa was once again speaking without thinking, she leaned over slightly and simply tapped on her textbook. "Might help if you open it up," she whispered. There was no harm in doing it while in the middle of a lesson. Kurumi had in her first year.

Then again, Kurumi wasn't sure why she was offering advice to the first year. Every time she tried to it had been thrown right back in her face.

Which was why she quickly turned her attention back towards the front of the room and Professor Christiansen when she overheard Elijah asking to meet up with Vivi later to talk about runes. WAIT! That sounded aaaaaaaaawfully familiar! Venturing a glance at the Ravenclaw, Kurumi eyed Elijah for a brief moment before whispering to the blonde friend, "When he says talk runes...he doesn't really mean it..."

Nope. Elijah studied everything before you even showed up and then talked about different things instead. Or soaked you with a well placed Aguamenti spell.
"Ya, good. Persro is a mysterious rune..." He said smiling at the girl, "it also has a lot to do viss veemen."

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes, good. Perthro is a mysterious rune..." He said smiling at the girl, "it also has a lot to do with women."

Originally Posted by pinkphoenix View Post
Orr put up her hand and waited for the Professor to call on her before saying, "Well, I really like the shape and meaning of Algiz--it means protection and higher self."
Originally Posted by ashfig View Post
Cora glanced at the symbols. Some of them she recognized, others she didn't. Clearly she had seen these somewhere before, and she started thinking about where these could possibly be in her house.

One especially caught her eye. It looked almost like a tree to her, and Cora knew she had known what it meant. "That one's Algiz," she said aloud but quietly. She remembered thinking about how a tree protected it's surroundings. "It is a shield, or protection. Defense against evil." Cora could really use a shield.
"Ya, Algiz is ze rune for protection." He said. Sometimes runes were just that... simple.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes, Algiz is the rune for protection." He said. Sometimes runes were just that... simple.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Hmm....Looking at the list of runes, Ella tried to pick the one she knew the most about. Her eyes landed on the lightning bolt looking one and the third year smiled. Yup. She knew about Sowilo. Raising her hand, the small blonde sat up a little straighter waiting to share.

"Professor, Sowilo means the sun and it has to do with um..." Wait, it was all good stuff, yeah? She bit her lip, searching her brain for what Sowilo represented. "Oh! It represents success and health and stuff." Or something like that.
"Ya, Sovilo, it healss and success and it means sun." He added.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes, Sowilo, it health and success and it means sun." He added.

Originally Posted by HazelStone101 View Post
Jayden raised her hand slowly. "Professor, the Futhark letter Berkano has the same phoenitic value as the English letter 'b'. It has magical uses, too. Some of those magical uses are good for healing. It also has the energy of the Birch, supposedly." She added, biting her lower lip nervously. She could only hope she was right. She didn't want to have him yelling and shaking her finger at her again.

"Ya, Berkano is about healink and it is related to ze birch goddess, und as such it is anozer female related rune." He said.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes, Berkano is about healing and it is related to the birch goddess, and as such it is another female related rune." He said.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva frowned and leaned in her chair lower. She never felt so dumb as she did right now. She was never wrong.. well at least as much as she was in this class at this moment.

Looking at the Runes she put her hand up, but she spoke really quiet and unsure, "Professor Mannaz Rune is the run that means mankind or humankind awareness." She put her hand down and look at her parchment afraid that she was totally off again.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory was sure he got what the Professor was trying to say right. He wanted them to name a rune and state its meaning. He raised his hand. "There's Mannaz,'' the Puff said. "It means attitude you display towards others and vice versa.''
"Ya, Mannaz is ze male rune. Mankind, about yourself. Ya. Good." He said getting excited.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes, Mannaz is the male rune. Mankind, about yourself. Yes. Good." He said getting excited.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Her eye was still twitching and she casually pretended to rub her eyebrow to hide it, or fix the non-existent mascara with the tip of her fingers. Clearing her throat she raised her hand, "Laguz. It indicates water, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters." Her handkerchief went to her mouth quickly as she let out another powerful sneeze...

... and this gave her a BRILLIANT idea. Later. When the class was over because disturbing it more wasn't a wise move.
"Ya! Laguz is vater, healink, grouss." He told them.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Yes! Laguz is water, healing, growth." He told them.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Oakey watched as the Professor swished each of the letters into he air and asked what each one was and what it meant. His eyes laid upon the very last Rune, and Oakey spoke up. "Professor, the last Rune in the Elder Furthark, Othala. It is commonly associated with Peace, Freedom, Nobility, and translates literally to Homeland."
"Not really... Ossala is about property, too. Posessions and home." He said to the boy.

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Not really... Othala is about property, too. Posessions and home." He said to the boy.

Originally Posted by Leeness View Post


Oh. She. Was. Going. To. Pay. So. Freakin. Hard.

"How kind of you to say such kind things about me Louisaaa," Elijah responded through gritted teeth. "I, unlike Louisa, can truly appreciate Runes for what they are. She once said to me how Runes are only for realllly old and senile people. She is soooo ignorant to the true wonders of Runes. She probably thinks you are old and senile as well, Professor Christiansen, which is such a pity. I mean, LOOK Louisa! Not a grey hair on his... red... head," gingers were so weird, "I think you should apologise for being soooo rude."

Apparently shoving Louisa under the Express didn't exactly distract the Professor from Elijah's apparent wisdom for Runes. "Hm? Me? What do *I* think? Ummmm I think.... that... the onee Rune that reeeeeaaaallllly represents intrusion is... umm.... um...."

Sweating. SWEATING.

"YES!" he practically shouted as Vivi gave him a lifejacket, "Yes. I was JUST about to say that, Vivi. It's sooo funny how our minds are so alike. As well as interference being opportunity for growth, I also see it as just mere rudeness and inconvenience, no?" he beamed at Louisa, completely smug with himself.

"We should tooootttalllly talk Runes sometime after class, Vivi, when we're not in the wonderful Professor Christiansen's class," he gave her a small wink as thanks for her help in that, otherwise, extremely horrible situation.

Elijah shot Vickers a look that could be directly translated too: 'Best get Lady Voldemort here under control lest you want the class to find out about your extremely 'non-childish' timepiece'. One would have to be very fluent in body language, though, to gain the FULL message, but Elijah had faith in Vickers.
"Ya very good." He then turned to the rest of the class. "Zere are some runes zat haven't been talked about. Uruz, Ansuz, Kenaz, Gebo, Tiwaz Ehvaz, Ingvaz and Dagaz."

An owl flew into the window, with a note. He read it and started packing his briefcase. "Homevork, is to pick one of zese, tell me ze meaninz, and how you may use it in your every day life. Due von veek from right now. Class Dismissed."

SPOILER!!: Tristlation
"Ya very good." He then turned to the rest of the class. "There are some runes that haven't been talked about. Uruz, Ansuz, Kenaz, Gebo, Tiwaz Ehwaz, Ingwaz and Dagaz."

An owl flew into the window, with a note. He read it and started packing his briefcase. "Homework, is to pick one of these, tell me the meaning, and how you may use it in your every day life. Due one week from right now. Class Dismissed."
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