Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: responses Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Ah, so that had been the answer Bentley appeared to be looking for, the woman positively bouncing at the mention of garden pests. They certainly could be a problem if one wasn't carefull for watchful for signs of them and they ruined your plants right under your noses. At the question, Gideon thought for a moment on the subject before raising his hand to answer. "Slugs can be pests," he remarked, "they can eat away at certain plants and leave a residue that harms others."
Flesh-eating slugs were the worst! "Yes, very good." Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Oh...dear...
Kurumi suddenly had flashbacks to when they had had to deal with pixies in one of their lessons. Professor Bentley wasn't going to unleash a whole bunch of those again, was she? Which made her think of something else along those lines. "Gernumbli gardensi," Kurumi said nervously after raising her hand. "Also know as...gnomes..." "Very good," she confirmed, nodding. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermygirl Pests? OOoooOOO. Spike's eyes lit up. Of course, they weren't always pests. Only when they were attacking something that you were looking after. Slugs, for example, were perfectly fine if nowhere near your cabbages. A little slimy, perhaps, and an odd texture for stroking...but still fine. Unless you put them in a microwave. Unlike ants, slugs did not survive the microwave test. They just made a mess. Mhmm.
"Aphids and weevils, Professor," Spike answered, going for two he had no preference for keeping as pets. "The former attacks leaves, the latter roots." "Good good," she nodded, offering Spike a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Insects, parasites, and pests. So those weren't good for herbs. Addie made a mental note to remember that.
Some people were naming smaller things, but Addie decided that she would think big. After all she did help with her garden at home, especially when she was younger and not at school. Some people had mentioned some of the things that Addie despised as garden pests, but then she remembered another one. Addie raised her hand. "Professor, it isn't only small things that can be pests to gardens. At home squirrels and chipmunks often destroy my gardens," Addie said thinking large. "Uhh.. yep. Sure." Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra had just been about to raise her hand to answer the last question when a second question was asked. MERLIN! Bentley was on a speed roll today! She lowered her hand for only a split second, just long enough to consider an answer, and then raised it again. "Garden gnomes," she said, sparing a quick glance in Kurumi's direction, "...definitely." Although, there were a variety of pests the Muggles had trouble with, too, but she wasn't as familiar with them. She guessed they were all over the Herbology Greenhouses, too. Well... at least they could all agree on that one. Seren nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Annabelle remembered learning about insects, parasites and pests last lesson. She put that info into her notebook to remember for a later date.
Belle wondered what kind of parasite might harm a garden..."Professor i know earwigs can be harmful to any garden and i also see large animals such as Deer eating out of gardens." Belle shivered at the thought of Earwigs. They were nasty creatures. "Yes earwigs.... and... sure they do" ... which can be remedied with a fence and a large stick or broom. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Wow, did she really say that trolls can do the work that Herbologist could. Well than maybe Nigel could become a herbologist if he really wanted to. But he did not so time to answer her next question. "Professor, One is the Japanese beetle. It eats roses and all sorts of plants."
What kinda of parasite eats plants though. Nigel thought it was only bugs and other stuff he could see. "Yes, good good." Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva was not to happy that she was wrong, but she was allowed to be wrong once in awhile. Get over yourself Min, she thought to herself. Then looking around the room she tired to think of some pest that could bother plants. Well she knew of a pest that bothered her, and that girl could probably bother plants as well, but probably not what Professor Bentley wanted to hear.
Minerva tried to think, putting her hand up. "Well depending on it they are in a green house or in someones back yard, could deepened on the actually things bothering it. My grandparents have a garden with herbs, and their biggest issues are rabbits and chipmunks." Minerva knew that wasn't the case around here, but it was a pest for the muggle world. Mundane creatures... was this a Puff thing? "I suppose..." Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Pests, hmm? Gnomes were a great answer, as were slugs and aphids. Flesh-eating slugs were a particular abhorrence to Vivi's mother, who loved to garden and found gnomes to be mildly annoying but still rather funny.
"Do little brothers count, Professor? As pests and destroyers of gardens go, mine happens to excel at both. He used to make mud pies while the plants were still growing in the mud, although we've mostly broken him of that." Erm... probably not a great answer. "Flesh-eating slugs?" Now this she could understand. "I would count it... they need to be approached with brute force... not that I condone physical violence." Nope. She most certainly didn't. Much. "Very good." Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Once professor Bentley asked the question, Sophie immediately thought of a creature she had seen before, but she wasn't sure if it would be considered a 'pest'. "Professor, can dugbogs be considered pests?" She asked after raising her hand."I mean, they do destroy mandrakes..." And our feet. "...and well, mandrakes are plants. So... we can say they're pests, right?" Sophie did consider them pests, because her mother had complained about those a few times. Besides, they were kind of creepy too...
And if gnomes were considered pests, dugbogs were too, right? "Yes, very good." Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black Garden pests...garden pests. She knew this, she really did. But why couldn't she recall any right at this moment? She had read the Herbology textbook cover to cover, but nothing was coming to her mind like they normally did. Presley was used to being asked a question, and a million answers popping up in her head. She scanned every bit of knowledge she could find in her head as quickly as possible. As soon as her memory hit something she threw her hand into the air. "Ticks and Chiggers," she responded. They ate through the plants, and even latched onto people when people wandered into the garden. Creepy and gross. But a right answer. "Yes... good." Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker You know Cassia liked when people got excited and happy and expressed that. Especially Professors. She would have gladly bounced along with Professor Bentley but the woman was excited about something didn't interest Cassia. Plants..Insects...Eww...Though reacting in general is something that Cassia appreciates in Professors. You know some don't show any kind of....anything.
So they were talking about what harmed plants. Cassia would've been honest and said that she could be considered a factor to harm those things. But then she would've probably been thrown out of the greenhouse or the school. So honesty aside. "Gnomes....they harm the plants." Good for them! "But I guess they only want something to eat." Yup she was defending those little creatures. Might even raise them in their backyard at home. Her grandmother's plants would be convenient meals. Mhm.. ... magical creatures activist in the making? ... "They... are... pests!" Good for nothing really. Aside from perhaps a handy compass. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Jen thought about this for a sec...
"Aithids are garden pests. Lady bugs eat aithids." Yes. Exactly. Erm. Right... "I think you mean aphids?" Quote:
Originally Posted by HazelStone101 Jayden smiled, she LOVED Herbology. It was totally her THING. And plants? Her best friends in her spare time, which lately, she had NONE of. "Professor..." Jayden paused thoughtfully after raising her hand and being called upon. "Spider mites and centipedes would most certainly be types of garden pests, right?" She answered, tired smile on her face. She needed to get more sleep. UGH. "Well... yes.. to an extent." Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Oh... so the Professor was looking for something specific? He furrowed his brows, as herbs in general are quite resistant to insects, but he raised his hand and offered this answer "Professor what about bacteria? They cause diseases in plants even when plants are physically protected from insects." "Indeed, very good." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Sheesh. Bentley was REALLY excited about insects, parasites, and pests. Which was...quite odd actually, since all those things were quite bad in terms of trying to keep plants healthy. Hmmm. Interesting. "Professor, I know chipmunks and squirrels definitely like to find food in gardens...and they can certainly damage plants and flowers." Furry little plant murderers, they were. Another Puffer with the mundane creatures?... What was this? Muggle Studies? "I suppose..."
Well that went better than the last question. So.. they were improving. At least they'd be ore knowledgeable by the end of the lesson.
Tapping the blackboard with her wand, her previous note erased itself and new words formed on the surface in cursive writing. Quote:
Originally Posted by blackboard Pests slugs/ flesh eating slugs
aphids/ weevils/ harvest mites (chiggers)
deer/ squirrels/ chipmunks/ rabbits "You're all on the right track, but perhaps you need to consider the world you live in with more detail." Because after all, mundane insects were boring in comparison to what magical pests they had. "I'm going to add to this list... and if I were you I'd write it down. You'll need it for the homework assignment." Because they clearly needed to cover these in more detail.
With another tap of her wand, new words were added to the list. Quote:
Originally Posted by blackboard flobberworms
streelers "These are just some of the pests you might encounter in a magical garden... and knowing how to deal with them or prevent infestations is crucial if you're fond of anything you have in your garden." ... like a wand tree... or a flesh eating tree... or lovely creeping ivies... or poppies...
Right. Lesson.
Ahem. "Now, today we're going to be mixing an organic minsecticide. Does everybody have their gloves?" Raising her own red-gloved hands in the air as an indication they they should also have them on, or get them on... now. "Any questions before we move on?" OOC: The lesson will continue in approximately 12 hours.
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