½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf 14.02.2069
The Apocalypse is here!
I imagine this is what Voldemort was like at the height of his power. Not that he could match my favourite super hero of all time. Potter-head.
My mission for today is to hide. I'm currently under my bed, but this won't do. I'll need to move to a more secure location. Unfortunately the Library is no longer my sanctuary... and I'm sure the brooms cupboard will be occupied. Ew. Where do I go? What do I do?! ... maybe I can scale the roof or something. Find myself a nice spire with a good view to cling to until the sun rises. And hope no 'couples' think to do the same Having said that, if someone were to find me. I'd likely get expelled. And that'd be the cherry on my nightmare cake, complete with spiders legs frosting.
Ok, there HAS to be somewhere for me to hide.
Maybe my trunk? Nobody would look for me there, right?
On a mission Finnick. Wish me luck.
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